Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

Who were they bothering, asshole?

Good point. They weren't bothering anyone. Gays could go anywhere. It was just a stupid business move. THe "asshole," wasn't necessary.

It wasn't a business move. It was just a teenage girl speaking her mind because she was asked to. She is too young to understand that liberal reporters are treacherous snakes who have no interest in the facts. They are just looking for some "gotcha" statement they can use to advance the liberal agenda and their careers.

And, yah, you deserved the "asshole."

When a poster passes out "asshole" the way you do, it demonstrates you lack class.

You think you have class? Really? When you called a viscous attack by a lib reporter and a naive teenager a "bad business decision" on her part, that's what you call "class?" That's what I call an asshole. The reporter was an asshole, and you tried to blame the whole shitty episode on the teenage girl.

I pass out the "asshole" epithet a lot in here because this is a target rich environment.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What happened at the restaurant shows the bigotry and hate of the leftist bullies.

A woman comes into a restaurant and asks a question that she knew was going to be volatile, the person gives an opinion, breaks no laws, hurts no one, denies service to no one and the leftists start threatening violence because of an opinion, no wrong doing, just an opinion, exercising the First Amendment. Now people have a right to disagree but the lefty loons threaten violence, they want to burn the place down.

It has nothing to do with public accommodations laws because none were broken, it has everything to do with hate filled bigots threatening violence because the guy doesn't share the same opinion, the guy exercised his free speech.

The so called left wing pacifists support the threats and justify the threats and get upset because the owner is given money because of the actions of hate filled loony leftists.

I tire of the the leftist nutters who claim to be pacifists, that claim the TeaParty is all about violence, then they pull this and Clayton and other nutty leftys rush to the hateful, violent bullies sides to support them.

Sorry, you are a bigot, you are dishonest and a hypocrite.
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

I thought the free market was supposed to put bigots out of business which is why we don't need discrimination laws. That no longer the case?
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What happened at the restaurant shows the bigotry and hate of the leftist bullies.

A woman comes into a restaurant and asks a question that she knew was going to be volatile, the person gives an opinion, breaks no laws, hurts no one, denies service to no one and the leftists start threatening violence because of an opinion, no wrong doing, just an opinion, exercising the First Amendment. Now people have a right to disagree but the lefty loons threaten violence, they want to burn the place down.

It has nothing to do with public accommodations laws because none were broken, it has everything to do with hate filled bigots threatening violence because the guy doesn't share the same opinion, the guy exercised his free speech.

The so called left wing pacifists support the threats and justify the threats and get upset because the owner is given money because of the actions of hate filled loony leftists.

I tire of the the leftist nutters who claim to be pacifists, that claim the TeaParty is all about violence, then they pull this and Clayton and other nutty leftys rush to the hateful, violent bullies sides to support them.

Sorry, you are a bigot, you are dishonest and a hypocrite.
You are a liar. I never once threatened violence.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What happened at the restaurant shows the bigotry and hate of the leftist bullies.

A woman comes into a restaurant and asks a question that she knew was going to be volatile, the person gives an opinion, breaks no laws, hurts no one, denies service to no one and the leftists start threatening violence because of an opinion, no wrong doing, just an opinion, exercising the First Amendment. Now people have a right to disagree but the lefty loons threaten violence, they want to burn the place down.

It has nothing to do with public accommodations laws because none were broken, it has everything to do with hate filled bigots threatening violence because the guy doesn't share the same opinion, the guy exercised his free speech.

The so called left wing pacifists support the threats and justify the threats and get upset because the owner is given money because of the actions of hate filled loony leftists.

I tire of the the leftist nutters who claim to be pacifists, that claim the TeaParty is all about violence, then they pull this and Clayton and other nutty leftys rush to the hateful, violent bullies sides to support them.

Sorry, you are a bigot, you are dishonest and a hypocrite.
You are a liar. I never once threatened violence.

I didn't say you did. You liar!
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What happened at the restaurant shows the bigotry and hate of the leftist bullies.

A woman comes into a restaurant and asks a question that she knew was going to be volatile, the person gives an opinion, breaks no laws, hurts no one, denies service to no one and the leftists start threatening violence because of an opinion, no wrong doing, just an opinion, exercising the First Amendment. Now people have a right to disagree but the lefty loons threaten violence, they want to burn the place down.

It has nothing to do with public accommodations laws because none were broken, it has everything to do with hate filled bigots threatening violence because the guy doesn't share the same opinion, the guy exercised his free speech.

The so called left wing pacifists support the threats and justify the threats and get upset because the owner is given money because of the actions of hate filled loony leftists.

I tire of the the leftist nutters who claim to be pacifists, that claim the TeaParty is all about violence, then they pull this and Clayton and other nutty leftys rush to the hateful, violent bullies sides to support them.

Sorry, you are a bigot, you are dishonest and a hypocrite.
You are a liar. I never once threatened violence.

I didn't say you did. You liar!
You said luny liberals did. I'm a luny liberal
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What happened at the restaurant shows the bigotry and hate of the leftist bullies.

A woman comes into a restaurant and asks a question that she knew was going to be volatile, the person gives an opinion, breaks no laws, hurts no one, denies service to no one and the leftists start threatening violence because of an opinion, no wrong doing, just an opinion, exercising the First Amendment. Now people have a right to disagree but the lefty loons threaten violence, they want to burn the place down.

It has nothing to do with public accommodations laws because none were broken, it has everything to do with hate filled bigots threatening violence because the guy doesn't share the same opinion, the guy exercised his free speech.

The so called left wing pacifists support the threats and justify the threats and get upset because the owner is given money because of the actions of hate filled loony leftists.

I tire of the the leftist nutters who claim to be pacifists, that claim the TeaParty is all about violence, then they pull this and Clayton and other nutty leftys rush to the hateful, violent bullies sides to support them.

Sorry, you are a bigot, you are dishonest and a hypocrite.
You are a liar. I never once threatened violence.

I didn't say you did. You liar!
You said luny liberals did. I'm a luny liberal

I specificity singled out those that advocated violence, since you didn't, then I'm not including you. Get a grip. The world doesn't revolve around you or your opinion.

Funny you trying to play the poor whittle victim.
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I thought the free market was supposed to put bigots out of business which is why we don't need discrimination laws.

They would have, if they were in fact discriminating. You are completely oblivious to the fact, and the upteenth liberal in this thread to operate under the assumption they were "discriminating."

By all means, show me any instance where they were discriminating before this incident.

They got attacked for answering a question. They were set up by an opportunistic news anchor looking to exploit the anger and hatred boiling over from the RFRA.

But ironically, the free market protected them from bullies, now they may morph into the best restaurant in Walkerton, Indiana.
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What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,'
And that is exactly what has happened in this case: 'Private market forces" have handed that Pizza place (which has never discriminated against anybody and never planned to in the future) more than $800,000 so far, to compensate them for rabid liberal hysterics discriminating against them, abusing them, threatening them, lying about them etc.... as a result of one employee voicing one opinion, one time.

Kudoes to those "private market forces"! Justice is being done, as it should be.
This guy is refusing to provide pizza to gay weddings as if anyone in his little town of 2,000 is going walk into his store and order 50 pizzas for a gay wedding. Now we have a host idiots sending him over $700,000 to compensate him , more than he would make in 10 years.

That just eats you up inside, doesn't it? This is what happens when people don't think before they act, they wind up destroying the livelihoods of innocent people. Luckily, for these people, thousands of people taught these gay liberal bullies a lesson they soon won't forget. Don't be jealous!

So now a person who has never put their foot in a church and subscribes to no recognized religion can claim his first amendment rights would violated if he had to serve gays.

That's not true. Have you even read the law?

That might be a good defense if the state had a gay rights law barring discrimination in public accommodates but they don't.

That was the entire problem to begin with. The state had no anti-discrimination laws for gays before this law was even passed, yet people like you remained silent. You know what that makes you? A hypocrite.

The legislature's latest bit of stupidity is to pass a law that says the sate neither approves or disapproves any type of discrimination.

This shows how liberals like you will never be satisfied until one completely submits to your will. But I got news, Flopper, nearly 30,000 people acted as the silver cross to your vampire.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What happened at the restaurant shows the bigotry and hate of the leftist bullies.

A woman comes into a restaurant and asks a question that she knew was going to be volatile, the person gives an opinion, breaks no laws, hurts no one, denies service to no one and the leftists start threatening violence because of an opinion, no wrong doing, just an opinion, exercising the First Amendment. Now people have a right to disagree but the lefty loons threaten violence, they want to burn the place down.

It has nothing to do with public accommodations laws because none were broken, it has everything to do with hate filled bigots threatening violence because the guy doesn't share the same opinion, the guy exercised his free speech.

The so called left wing pacifists support the threats and justify the threats and get upset because the owner is given money because of the actions of hate filled loony leftists.

I tire of the the leftist nutters who claim to be pacifists, that claim the TeaParty is all about violence, then they pull this and Clayton and other nutty leftys rush to the hateful, violent bullies sides to support them.

Sorry, you are a bigot, you are dishonest and a hypocrite.
You are a liar. I never once threatened violence.

Your queer allies did.
Let's just call it what it is. A Bigtime bitchslap.
Youse may get your results, the reaction to a temper tantrum, might be a day's set back.
Let's get down to brass balls here.
The reconciliation of the middle class Christian cake/piazza baker is going to revolt against attempted liberal simplification of sexual depravity.
$180,000 now.
Yes my child, you are the third person to post that.

Is that more, or fewer times then you posted on Memories Yelp page yesterday?
I didn't, but I thanked them for the laughs and told them to enjoy the cash, once it's safe to leave the house again that is.

I would happily stay in the house for a few days for $200,000+!

Let's see...figure ~$110K after taxes...that'll be good for a new Ram Tradesman pickup with Hemi power, a Givi Monokey top box for my Burgman, and the remaining ~$80,000 in my retirement investments.
Let's just call it what it is. A Bigtime bitchslap.
Youse may get your results, the reaction to a temper tantrum, might be a day's set back.
Let's get down to brass balls here.
The reconciliation of the middle class Christian cake/piazza baker is going to revolt against attempted liberal simplification of sexual depravity.

You're an idiot.

Gay rights WON in Indiana. The law was rewritten and now gives gays more protections in Indiana than before the original law was ever passed.

There's your slap, bitch.
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.
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Let's just call it what it is. A Bigtime bitchslap.
Youse may get your results, the reaction to a temper tantrum, might be a day's set back.
Let's get down to brass balls here.
The reconciliation of the middle class Christian cake/piazza baker is going to revolt against attempted liberal simplification of sexual depravity.

You're an idiot.

Gay rights WON in Indiana. The law was rewritten and now gives gays more protections in Indiana than before the original law was ever passed.

There's your slap, bitch.

Actually they lost because the queers showed their true colors. A bill in North Dakota to make discrimination against gays illegal failed to pass this week because events in Indiana showed people what that meant. People are fed up with queers and their fascist agenda.
So a pizza parlor came out and declared they would not service Gay weddings. Like who serves pizza at a wedding? Anyway, if they are going to limit their customers, why should I subsidize their dumb move? What difference does a person's sexual preference have to do with them? Not a thing! They don't have a horse in that race if they are straight. Leave people alone! The people who are sending them money are saps.

If you're going to make a judgment on someone else, it's going to come back on you two fold! Small minds...small people.

More confusion by Moon Bats.

The pizza place did not go out of business because they lost income by not catering to gay weddings. There was never any revenue source from that activity that they lost.

They went out of business because of harassment from the filthy ass homosexual community and their Libtard buddies. They were harassed because they stated a religious conviction. Here in the US you suppose to have freedom of religion but the Liberals don't understand that.

The out pouring of money by Americans to those people had nothing to do with subsidizing a bad business model. It was to fight the bullying of the homosexuals.

You Liberals didn't understand this when there was tremendous support for Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby and you don't understand it now. You never will get it.

If there are any small minds in this it is the filthy ass homosexual community that thinks they can bully the American people.

Number one. I am a conservative. Certainly we have religious freedom and the pizza parlor had a right to decide who their customers were according to the Bible. What I am saying, it was a poor business plan. It invites a backlash which did happen and finally made them close their store.

Certainly the outpouring of support was nice, but even that sum of money won't make them rich for long. A successful business was a more stable income.

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