Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Sure they are taking handouts. They couldn't do it on their own with their philosophy and the people spoke. So now they are taking handouts because they are failures in their business.

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. "Classical liberal" is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's a hack term used to separate the concept in order to try to plug in a new definition. And it wasn't done by Liberals. That's why I referred you to post 201. Maybe you should, you know, go read it.

I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.

Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

We did this yesterday. Post 201. And you agreed. :deal:
I agreed that there's a difference between traditional liberals and the current disgusting leftist shits that call themselves *liberals* today.

But it doesn't matter....whether they are real liberals or not, they CALL themselves liberals, and they have hijacked the party.

"They" who?

None of what I posted was about a "party". It was about Liberals.
However, dyke reporter Alix Bryan who is employed by CBS 6 out of Richmond Va decided to report the memories pizza gofundme for fraud "just in case".


The result is that her employer is faced with shitstorm of complaints, remain to see what they're going to do about it.
The divisiveness comes from the insistence of being allowed to discriminate.

They weren't discriminating. Show us an example of how Memories Pizza discriminated against anyone. Remember, hypothetical statements don't count.

Your comment that the anti discrimination side didn't win any more people is particularly out of touch with reality since huge masses of people were made aware of the issue and that included the corporate and conservative community that turned on and rejected the fake Christian community.

Yes, more and more people were made aware of this issue, and watched the hatred and vitriol being launched from only one side. Yours. So, how does that win anymore people to your cause?

In fact, the people portraying the Christian community took the big hit. They got called out by the big money community.

From where I see it, the overall gay community has been embarrassed by the behavior of their own members. Liberals, well, they are oblivious to the evils they perpetrate. People portraying LGBT causes have other gays, lesbians and transgender a bad name. As for the money, the $806,000 being raised for this pizzeria tells me the larger community called out people like you for the hatred and vitriol you and your ilk directed at someone for standing up for their beliefs. The "big money community" disagrees with you.

Open and hostile rejection of the old Christian Coalition remains.

Not anymore. The message is out, and people have been made aware of your distinct distaste towards Christians. You have lit the fire, and now you don't have the water to put it out.

Exposure of the fakes brought to you by conservative corporate America.

Eh, not so much. The biggest donation I have seen so far in the past two days was $5,000. There are over 27,000 individual donors donating to these people. It would be so easy for the Koch Brothers to just step in and donate a million bucks, but they haven't, have they?

I wonder how much the gays have raised for the coach that got fired for making a post asking for volunteers to help her burn the pizza place down?
Oh, and they just broke the $700,000 mark.

I predict it will go over $1,000,000
We are all standing in awe of your psychic abilities...

... and eating your gut out.

Look, envy hurts, but it's actually good for your brain.

Nothing infuriates liberals more than conservatives doing what they want to do with their own money.

:dunno: :gives:
Let this massive amount of money raised for Memories Pizza speak to the leftists here on this board. Americans may be disenfranchised with politics, or even with religion itself, but they won't stand by and let someone be bullied and threatened for adhering to their beliefs. The one inherent quality in any good person is compassion. If you let your political hatred override your compassion, then I feel incredibly sorry for you.

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