Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

Any of you who think this was a loss for liberals is completely mistaken.

It demonstrated that publicly being a bigot will make you a social pariah AND it facilitated a bunch of closeted conservatives getting scammed out of their bigotbucks. You know that the next shoe to drop is the inevitable scandal regarding how the money is collected and/or spent, right?

In the end, we win on the legislative front AND the far-right is demoralized. Only a fool deluded by failed hippy tactics of the 1960's would call that a failed strategy.

As for making these clowns "figureheads" of the anti-gay agenda, I say good! Better we pick their figureheads than to allow them to pick their own.

How soon the fools forget how they were fooled by Bundy.
No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.
What do you think that means?

It means that the pizza shop owner can stay closed for a few more days.
I think it means a large group of people have organized a way to show support for their cause and a business that got caught in the crossfire of the controversy. America is a great country. I am not sure it has much political significance. The issue is pretty much decided and this may be a way for the losing side to get some good feelings after their defeat.
Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. "Classical liberal" is bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. It's a hack term used to separate the concept in order to try to plug in a new definition. And it wasn't done by Liberals. That's why I referred you to post 201. Maybe you should, you know, go read it.

I don't think so. I think you are the one that is confused.

The people that call themselves Liberals nowadays have no moral or intellectual compass to guide them. They are all over the charts on just about anything. They fight the concept of liberty when it conflicts with their socialists agenda. They believe in slavery to the state and really hate the idea of personal freedom. For instance, they strongly oppose the right to keep and bear arms and we are seeing how they viciously attack the concept of freedom of religion in Indiana now.

Because these so called "Liberals" are so confused and convoluted in their ideas we mostly refer to them as "Moon Bats". Sometimes Libtards because of their retarded way of rationalization.

Thanks for that clear explanation that in no way was constructed entirely of speculation and generalization fallacies.
And thanks for sterling inability to read references given lest it give pause to the sound of your own voice.
Stay stupid then.

Well one could argue that your (collective) unwillingness to face the issue head on is the reason the liberal party has been supplanted by progressive, leftist moonbats.

Just sayin.

We did this yesterday. Post 201. And you agreed. :deal:
I agreed that there's a difference between traditional liberals and the current disgusting leftist shits that call themselves *liberals* today.

But it doesn't matter....whether they are real liberals or not, they CALL themselves liberals, and they have hijacked the party.

Another BIG LIE, and another example of the Crazy New Right pointing fingers at others and accusing them of what they in fact have done.

Proof? Sure, honest readers compare Cruz or Paul with TR, Eisenhower, Nixon, or GHW Bush.
The issue is pretty much decided and this may be a way for the losing side to get some good feelings after their defeat.

You won a hollow victory. What you did was deepen the divide between Americans. You didn't win any more people over to your side, you ensured that nobody else will.

Oh, and most of America doesn't care full bullies. Just so you know.
We did this yesterday. Post 201. And you agreed. :deal:
I agreed that there's a difference between traditional liberals and the current disgusting leftist shits that call themselves *liberals* today.

But it doesn't matter....whether they are real liberals or not, they CALL themselves liberals, and they have hijacked the party.
Liberals don't have a party, but they very often vote for Democrats since the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons, like you for instance.

I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.

You're a registered Republican? Even I didn't think the Republican Party had fallen that far.
No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

This restaurant never denied service to gays.

Are you really that stupid?
No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

Now you can support all the homophobes and not know that is what you are doing! Victory!
I agreed that there's a difference between traditional liberals and the current disgusting leftist shits that call themselves *liberals* today.

But it doesn't matter....whether they are real liberals or not, they CALL themselves liberals, and they have hijacked the party.
Liberals don't have a party, but they very often vote for Democrats since the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons, like you for instance.

I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.

You're a registered Republican? Even I didn't think the Republican Party had fallen that far.

The Democrat party couldn't fall any lower, so it's no surprise you're a proud member.

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