Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

This restaurant never denied service to gays.

Are you really that stupid?

Did I say they did?

You really are that stupid.

No, You're stupid to give these people money.

What a loon ^^^^^
No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

This restaurant never denied service to gays.

Are you really that stupid?

Did I say they did?

You realize what thread you posted on right?

Did I say they did?

You are posting on a thread about THEM dumbass
No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

Now you can support all the homophobes and not know that is what you are doing! Victory!

I have no problem with the personal beliefs of people who obey the law.

So you would have no problem spending money at a place that you knew the owner hated blacks and homosexuals as long as they obey the law? Interesting take.
No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

Now you can support all the homophobes and not know that is what you are doing! Victory!

I have no problem with the personal beliefs of people who obey the law.

So you would have no problem spending money at a place that you knew the owner hated blacks and homosexuals as long as they obey the law? Interesting take.

That's the American way. You have the right to your own beliefs and your own opinions.

You don't have the right to your own set of laws.
The issue is pretty much decided and this may be a way for the losing side to get some good feelings after their defeat.

You won a hollow victory. What you did was deepen the divide between Americans. You didn't win any more people over to your side, you ensured that nobody else will.

Oh, and most of America doesn't care full bullies. Just so you know.
It wasn't my victory. The divisiveness comes from the insistence of being allowed to discriminate. Your comment that the anti discrimination side didn't win any more people is particularly out of touch with reality since huge masses of people were made aware of the issue and that included the corporate and conservative community that turned on and rejected the fake Christian community. In fact, the people portraying the Christian community took the big hit. They got called out by the big money community. Open and hostile rejection of the old Christian Coalition remains. Exposure of the fakes brought to you by conservative corporate America.

The Crazy New Right has adopted some of the character flaws of Puritanism, castigating those who were different in thought or action.

Of course what the Libtards have been doing here the last couple of weeks has been castigating those that believe in freedom of religion.

One of the basic tenets of classical Liberalism is to be free to act upon your heartfelt moral convictions, which is exactly what the law was proposing in Indiana.

The (so called) Liberals nowadays hate that idea when it conflicts with their hate filled extreme far Left agenda to cater to the despicable special interest groups of the Democrat Party.
Donations have broken the $800,000 mark.

Looks like America is voting with their wallet.

Meanwhile the Moon Bats are stuck with marching in a Gay Pride parade.

No need to boycott Indiana restaurants any more . The new law makes it illegal for them to deny service to gays.

Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Law.

Now you can support all the homophobes and not know that is what you are doing! Victory!

I have no problem with the personal beliefs of people who obey the law.

So you would have no problem spending money at a place that you knew the owner hated blacks and homosexuals as long as they obey the law? Interesting take.

That's the American way. You have the right to your own beliefs and your own opinions.

You don't have the right to your own set of laws.

WTF? I never said anyone such thing, this is the second post today where you are out and out lying about what I said. If you can't win by being honest, you distort what others say?
The divisiveness comes from the insistence of being allowed to discriminate.

They weren't discriminating. Show us an example of how Memories Pizza discriminated against anyone. Remember, hypothetical statements don't count.

Your comment that the anti discrimination side didn't win any more people is particularly out of touch with reality since huge masses of people were made aware of the issue and that included the corporate and conservative community that turned on and rejected the fake Christian community.

Yes, more and more people were made aware of this issue, and watched the hatred and vitriol being launched from only one side. Yours. So, how does that win anymore people to your cause?

In fact, the people portraying the Christian community took the big hit. They got called out by the big money community.

From where I see it, the overall gay community has been embarrassed by the behavior of their own members. Liberals, well, they are oblivious to the evils they perpetrate. People portraying LGBT causes have other gays, lesbians and transgender a bad name. As for the money, the $806,000 being raised for this pizzeria tells me the larger community called out people like you for the hatred and vitriol you and your ilk directed at someone for standing up for their beliefs. The "big money community" disagrees with you.

Open and hostile rejection of the old Christian Coalition remains.

Not anymore. The message is out, and people have been made aware of your distinct distaste towards Christians. You have lit the fire, and now you don't have the water to put it out.

Exposure of the fakes brought to you by conservative corporate America.

Eh, not so much. The biggest donation I have seen so far in the past two days was $5,000. There are over 27,000 individual donors donating to these people. It would be so easy for the Koch Brothers to just step in and donate a million bucks, but they haven't, have they?
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Yes, more and more people were made aware of this issue, and watched the hatred and vitriol being launched from only one side. Yours. So, how does that win anymore people to your cause?
And that, through all the bullshit screaming about some lady in some restaurant, is the key question.

The PC Police are not trying to improve anything, they just want to intimidate, punish, control. Scream people down.

They're a hate group.

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Liberals don't have a party, but they very often vote for Democrats since the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons, like you for instance.

I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.

You're a registered Republican? Even I didn't think the Republican Party had fallen that far.

The Democrat party couldn't fall any lower, so it's no surprise you're a proud member.

Absolutely it could, if you joined it, it would hit bottom.
Any of you who think this was a loss for liberals is completely mistaken.

It demonstrated that publicly being a bigot will make you a social pariah AND it facilitated a bunch of closeted conservatives getting scammed out of their bigotbucks. You know that the next shoe to drop is the inevitable scandal regarding how the money is collected and/or spent, right?

In the end, we win on the legislative front AND the far-right is demoralized. Only a fool deluded by failed hippy tactics of the 1960's would call that a failed strategy.

As for making these clowns "figureheads" of the anti-gay agenda, I say good! Better we pick their figureheads than to allow them to pick their own.

The attack on religious freedom shows exactly where bigotry is.

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