Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

I agreed that there's a difference between traditional liberals and the current disgusting leftist shits that call themselves *liberals* today.

But it doesn't matter....whether they are real liberals or not, they CALL themselves liberals, and they have hijacked the party.
Liberals don't have a party, but they very often vote for Democrats since the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons, like you for instance.

I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.
And it is, dumbass.
I give up. You're too stupid to follow an argument.
Liberals don't have a party, but they very often vote for Democrats since the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons, like you for instance.

I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.
And it is, dumbass.
I give up. You're too stupid to follow an argument.
PaintMyHouse plays dumb deliberately.
Aggravating? No. Confusing? Sure. That's nothing new though. Right wingers behavior is often bizarre and confusing.

How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?
Liberals don't have a party, but they very often vote for Democrats since the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons, like you for instance.

I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.
And it is, dumbass.
I give up. You're too stupid to follow an argument.
You don't have an argument, you just can't help making any blanket statement into something all about yourself you dumb fucking child.
What's the money count at now? Have they reached half a million yet?

Won't be long before they are bigot millionaires

What's up fucking faggot, you just need the post count??

It is apparent you have been quite butt hurt by this thread, yet you continue to come back and post mealy mouth faggot shit that has absolutely nothing to do wit the subjecf.

So tired of your constant faggot shit, you have been ignored just like paint and most of the other faggots who are clueless .

Come down, it seems you got your goat so you should be content.
I'm an atheist. So how am I "theocratic?"
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.
And it is, dumbass.
I give up. You're too stupid to follow an argument.
You don't have an argument, you just can't help making any blanket statement into something all about yourself you dumb fucking child.

You're the one who made the blanket statement, you Nazi Jew Hating asshole.
Was I responding you, dumbass? No.

You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.
And it is, dumbass.
I give up. You're too stupid to follow an argument.
You don't have an argument, you just can't help making any blanket statement into something all about yourself you dumb fucking child.

You're the one who made the blanket statement, you Nazi Jew Hating asshole.
Yes I did, so next time just leave it alone instead of trying to make it all about you, you fucking infant.
You said "the GOP is made up of racist theocratic morons," moron.
And it is, dumbass.
I give up. You're too stupid to follow an argument.
You don't have an argument, you just can't help making any blanket statement into something all about yourself you dumb fucking child.

You're the one who made the blanket statement, you Nazi Jew Hating asshole.
Yes I did, so next time just leave it alone instead of trying to make it all about you, you fucking infant.

It's impossible to describe how impossibly stupid you are.
The reason the Republican Party is no longer the Grand Old Party is because it has been supplanted by members of the Crazy Right Wing, like you. Real Republicans and real conservatives ought to call out the idiot fringe of which you are a loud member.

There is nothing patriotic in a loud minorities efforts to divide a nation, you and the other members of the fringe have every right to hold insane opinions, but to constantly attack the majority is beyond the pale - you and others like you have more in common with murderous Islam than with the Founders of this nation.

The Democrats have become the party of extreme Left Wing ideologue and we saw a great example of that in the attack on freedom of religion in Indiana. The Left has always hated religion because they feel all loyalties should be concentrated on the government.

They constantly attack anyone believing in Constitutional freedoms or personal responsibility and the really hate the idea of fiscal responsibility and limited government and taxation.

They have put the minority in this country on a welfare plantation in order to secure them as a voting block. They don't give a shit about minorities because if they did they wouldn't have elected a President that increased minority unemployment and put millions on the welfare roles rather than stimulate capitalism that would have created real jobs for them. .

The Founders of this country would roll over int their graves if they ever saw what the Liberals have done to undermine individual freedom and the rights that they fought so hard to secure for this nation.

[a simple review of those who thanked Flash and agreed with him is sufficient evidence that he too is a partisan hack and a loud member of the idiot fringe.]

Flash echoes others' biases, and his lack of critical thinking are two merit badges necessary to gain entry into the idiot fringe. Obviously he has made it.

That said, I wonder if Flash considered the reaction of the Founders whenever they confronted a Tory who was undermining the Founders efforts to toss off the yoke of the British Empire. Did the Founders praise the Tory and give him gifts of pound's

The Crazy New Right has adopted some of the character flaws of Puritanism, castigating those who were different in thought or action.

See: The Crucible by Arthur Miller Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists
How is it confusing, a small business was threatened by violence and was being bullied because the owners opinion was different than others and all they did was speak an opinion. They didn't break a law, they didn't harm anyone, they had a different opinion than others. What is confusing is why people would be so upset that they would threaten violence for a different opinion.

What is confusing is why are so many are so upset because of someone else's opinion and why is it so important to them for everyone to agree and accept their opinion. It makes no sense. If their was a group that was supporting ideals that I'm offended by, I would stop frequenting them. I wouldn't threaten violence.

To be that upset over a difference of opinion, shows me someone is insecure in their position and themselves.

I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?

I didn't donate to them, but I understand why they are getting donations. The left wing nutters threatened violence and tried to bully them into agreeing with them. They left wing nazis tried to make them not have a differing opinion. This backlash whether you agree or understand is a backlash about liberal nut jobs forcing their opinions on others. That is a pretty simple reason.
The reason the Republican Party is no longer the Grand Old Party is because it has been supplanted by members of the Crazy Right Wing, like you. Real Republicans and real conservatives ought to call out the idiot fringe of which you are a loud member.

There is nothing patriotic in a loud minorities efforts to divide a nation, you and the other members of the fringe have every right to hold insane opinions, but to constantly attack the majority is beyond the pale - you and others like you have more in common with murderous Islam than with the Founders of this nation.

The Democrats have become the party of extreme Left Wing ideologue and we saw a great example of that in the attack on freedom of religion in Indiana. The Left has always hated religion because they feel all loyalties should be concentrated on the government.

They constantly attack anyone believing in Constitutional freedoms or personal responsibility and the really hate the idea of fiscal responsibility and limited government and taxation.

They have put the minority in this country on a welfare plantation in order to secure them as a voting block. They don't give a shit about minorities because if they did they wouldn't have elected a President that increased minority unemployment and put millions on the welfare roles rather than stimulate capitalism that would have created real jobs for them. .

The Founders of this country would roll over int their graves if they ever saw what the Liberals have done to undermine individual freedom and the rights that they fought so hard to secure for this nation.

[a simple review of those who thanked Flash and agreed with him is sufficient evidence that he too is a partisan hack and a loud member of the idiot fringe.]

Flash echoes others' biases, and his lack of critical thinking are two merit badges necessary to gain entry into the idiot fringe. Obviously he has made it.

That said, I wonder if Flash considered the reaction of the Founders whenever they confronted a Tory who was undermining the Founders efforts to toss off the yoke of the British Empire. Did the Founders praise the Tory and give him gifts of pound's

The Crazy New Right has adopted some of the character flaws of Puritanism, castigating those who were different in thought or action.

See: The Crucible by Arthur Miller Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists

Didn't the lefty nutters try to force the pizza place to conform to their ideas? They threatened violence and used bullying tactics to shut down the pizza place's opinions.

I don't see much different between the nutters on the left and the nutters on the right.
Imo the founders would be astonished at public accommodation laws. Of course they either participate enthusiastically, or ignored, the rape and murder of millions slaves. And we now have amendments to the constitution they never imagined.

I can't say I favor using the power of the state to force private contracting for non-professional services, but the pizza guy is hardly a victory for the bigots, because in the future other restaurants will be circumspect in saying they'd discriminate, because even the bigots will figure out paying people to not bake is a losing proposition. LOL
I never advocated violence, but I suggest you ask anti abortion protesters, or a lot of the right wingers here why they think violence is a good thing.

I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?

I didn't donate to them, but I understand why they are getting donations. The left wing nutters threatened violence and tried to bully them into agreeing with them. They left wing nazis tried to make them not have a differing opinion. This backlash whether you agree or understand is a backlash about liberal nut jobs forcing their opinions on others. That is a pretty simple reason.

So it's that easy to get right wingers to throw away their money? I'll make a point to remember that.
The reason the Republican Party is no longer the Grand Old Party is because it has been supplanted by members of the Crazy Right Wing, like you. Real Republicans and real conservatives ought to call out the idiot fringe of which you are a loud member.

There is nothing patriotic in a loud minorities efforts to divide a nation, you and the other members of the fringe have every right to hold insane opinions, but to constantly attack the majority is beyond the pale - you and others like you have more in common with murderous Islam than with the Founders of this nation.

The Democrats have become the party of extreme Left Wing ideologue and we saw a great example of that in the attack on freedom of religion in Indiana. The Left has always hated religion because they feel all loyalties should be concentrated on the government.

They constantly attack anyone believing in Constitutional freedoms or personal responsibility and the really hate the idea of fiscal responsibility and limited government and taxation.

They have put the minority in this country on a welfare plantation in order to secure them as a voting block. They don't give a shit about minorities because if they did they wouldn't have elected a President that increased minority unemployment and put millions on the welfare roles rather than stimulate capitalism that would have created real jobs for them. .

The Founders of this country would roll over int their graves if they ever saw what the Liberals have done to undermine individual freedom and the rights that they fought so hard to secure for this nation.

[a simple review of those who thanked Flash and agreed with him is sufficient evidence that he too is a partisan hack and a loud member of the idiot fringe.]

Flash echoes others' biases, and his lack of critical thinking are two merit badges necessary to gain entry into the idiot fringe. Obviously he has made it.

That said, I wonder if Flash considered the reaction of the Founders whenever they confronted a Tory who was undermining the Founders efforts to toss off the yoke of the British Empire. Did the Founders praise the Tory and give him gifts of pound's

The Crazy New Right has adopted some of the character flaws of Puritanism, castigating those who were different in thought or action.

See: The Crucible by Arthur Miller Reviews Discussion Bookclubs Lists

Didn't the lefty nutters try to force the pizza place to conform to their ideas? They threatened violence and used bullying tactics to shut down the pizza place's opinions.

I don't see much different between the nutters on the left and the nutters on the right.
Welcome to Coercion, a very important tool used by societies throughout all of human history.
I don't advocate violence either.

You said you were confused, I just told you the reasoning, I never said or suggested you were violent.

Those that bullied the pizza parlor threatened violence. That is all, and others, instead of reacting in violence, donated to the pizza parlor owner.

So a bunch of bigots donating money to make a specific bigot rich is your idea of combatting violence? Like I said, that's confusing.

Your reading comprehension is really bad. Bigots threatened violence and tried to bully a pizza parlor owner for having a different opinion. I do realize liberals are not as liberal in giving money but to conservatives, giving is very much a part of them.

It's your money. Give what you want to who you want. I just haven't figured out your reason in this case. Do you think it will accomplish anything?

I didn't donate to them, but I understand why they are getting donations. The left wing nutters threatened violence and tried to bully them into agreeing with them. They left wing nazis tried to make them not have a differing opinion. This backlash whether you agree or understand is a backlash about liberal nut jobs forcing their opinions on others. That is a pretty simple reason.

So it's that easy to get right wingers to throw away their money? I'll make a point to remember that.
As long as it funds a fight against something they hate and fear, like faggots.
Sure they are taking handouts. They couldn't do it on their own with their philosophy and the people spoke. So now they are taking handouts because they are failures in their business.

Don't you wish they could stand on their own feet and make a living the decent way.
And not accept a handout.

They were standing on their feet until liberal threatened to shut them off.
They didn't asked for donation nor set the gofundme page.

Handout or reparation?
No one is angry! They are getting ousted by free enterprise. Hypocrites and fools such as yourself cannot grasp that too well.
Live by hate, die by hate.

They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

If the owner had any integrity most of this money would be publicly given to a charity in need.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.

It does my heart good to see you so angry about some Christians you and the queer Mafia tried to destroy getting a little help. The fact that it makes you look so petulant and infantile is just icing on the cake.
Donations have crossed $750,000

This must be a big embarrassment to these hateful Moon Bats that thinks everybody should hate Christians and freedom of religion like they do.

Of course these turkeys never understood the tremendous support that Chick Fil A got from the American people either so they are generally clueless about things like this. I guess that comes from only listening to Libtard idiots like Al Sharpton and Rachael Maddow.
Let's see how well the business goes forward after they get off the teat of welfare from others.
They cannot survive in free enterprise market with their philosophy of hatred.

They are still sucking off the teat of charity and handouts if they take it. Right!
Despise them. They are loafers. They couldn't make it on their own.

Why would the owner need to demonstrate integrity? Did he set up the fund? Did he ask the reporter to come to his business? The owner didn't instigate any of the events leading up to the money in this fund.
What kind of fucking cop out is that? Is this man a god damn "Christian" or a run of the mill get rich quick recipient?
Your need to insult the fags among us has clouded your fucking judgment
I can't think of anything about being a Christian that requires him to give the money away.

It does my heart good to see you so angry about some Christians you and the queer Mafia tried to destroy getting a little help. The fact that it makes you look so petulant and infantile is just icing on the cake.

Over half a million dollars and no signs of letting up. The libs are stewing in their own juices as yet another ill fated campaign blows up in their faces

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