Liberal Business owners - a true story of what I get to deal with right now

and btw, you deserve to be fired for 1) trash talking people that hired you in good faith and 2) giving bad advice to your clients to further your political agenda.

If this story is even true.

You should let them read your posts here, especially your polling predictions, and let them evaluate your mental capabilities. :lol:

I wonder if poor BP is still gainfully employed. :lmao:
You know what, you got the services, you should pay for them. Period.

First of all, what "services" have I ever received? I defy you to name one. I'm dying laughing right now because I already know the first one you are going to list and you're only going to humiliate yourself... :lol:

Second, because a restaurant provides you the service of a meal, does that mean they have the right to not only force you to eat there twice a week but to charge you $41,685 per meal? Because that's what unconstitutional government - filled with incompetent libtard buffoons does.

This is what you don't get. You guys NEVER cut programs when you get into power, you just whine about them.

If you libtards didn't trade freedom for freebies, there would be no Dumbocrat created programs to cut.

Conservatives warned you about Social Security in the 1930's and did everything they could to prevent it. You libtards pushed it through and now it's an epic failure and an embarrassment to this nation.

Conservatives warned you about Medicare & Medicaid in the 1960's and did everything they could to prevent it. You libtards pushed it through and now it's an epic failure and an embarrassment to this nation.

Conservatives warned you about the Community Re-Investment Act in the 1970's and again in the 1990's and did everything they could to prevent it. You libtards pushed it through and now it's an epic failure and an embarrassment to this nation.

Conservatives warned you about Obamacare in 2008 and did everything they could to prevent it. You libtards pushed it through and now it's an epic failure and an embarrassment to this nation.

Name one program the GOP has successfully cut since Reagan.

None (which proves just how great Ronald Reagan was) for two reasons. First is libtard parasites (like you) who block legislation to reform or defund these socialist programs. Second is that you just proved what many of us have been saying all along - the Republican Party is just a bunch of big government, Kennedy-era liberals, and the Democrat Party is just a bunch of radical communists, marxists, and socialists like you.

Go ahead. We'll wait.

You can afford to wait since you're an unemployed parasite who lives off of the fruits of my labor.

So if you are going to insist on spending the money, you should pay the bills. ANd not whine like a little bitch about it.

"Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion." -Friedrich von Hayek
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Some people tend to put the best interest of their country ahead of their personal wealth. Warren Buffet supported Obama. He'll find ways to build his businesses, and probably figure out ways to leverage the improved health of his workers.

If someone I paid to manage my business came to me and said we can't grow because we're moving toward universal health care, I'd think about hiring someone who told me how I can grow. I'd prefer hiring a systems thinker, who thought of the here and now, and gave me an optimal strategy. I wouldn't want some pea brain partisan hack telling me how I voted limited my growth potential. Too bad managers aren't required to take course work in operations research.

I've worked for, and managed groups for, companies who did quite a bit of work for federal, state, and city governments. When we grew to the point where small business set asides were at risk, we didn't whine about not growing. The task was to figure out how to grow. Maybe you're not cut out to be a manager.


If Buffet truly put the country before himself, he would be voluntarily paying the amount of taxes he claims he should be paying.

Instead he is paying the minimum amount.. and perhaps even less.

Democrats used to believe in JFK's "Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for the country.". Now it's "Screw the Country, it owes me".
Since we are making up stories....

I work for a conservative business owner

I told him that our employees do not have health insurance and will go bankrupt if they have a major illness. He said screw them, they are not my problem let the taxpayer pick up their healthcare costs

I explained that I agreed with him and that businesses should not be the ones providing healthcare and that it should be a government function. He jumped up and screamed THATS SOCIALISM

I explained that his attitude is just the problem that Obamacare faced, that no matter what solution was proposed, conservatives tried to block it

He replied....LET THEM DIE

what an old lie which I have heard times 20 on different forums :lol:

In a meanwhile all our ancillary stuff got their hours cut to less than 30 hours )starting Jan 1)and when they got upset somebody from aside asked them - whom did they vote for and suggested to thank him :lol:
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Some people tend to put the best interest of their country ahead of their personal wealth. Warren Buffet supported Obama. He'll find ways to build his businesses, and probably figure out ways to leverage the improved health of his workers.

If someone I paid to manage my business came to me and said we can't grow because we're moving toward universal health care, I'd think about hiring someone who told me how I can grow. I'd prefer hiring a systems thinker, who thought of the here and now, and gave me an optimal strategy. I wouldn't want some pea brain partisan hack telling me how I voted limited my growth potential. Too bad managers aren't required to take course work in operations research.

I've worked for, and managed groups for, companies who did quite a bit of work for federal, state, and city governments. When we grew to the point where small business set asides were at risk, we didn't whine about not growing. The task was to figure out how to grow. Maybe you're not cut out to be a manager.


If Buffet truly put the country before himself, he would be voluntarily paying the amount of taxes he claims he should be paying.

Instead he is paying the minimum amount.. and perhaps even less.

Democrats used to believe in JFK's "Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for the country.". Now it's "Screw the Country, it owes me".

Isn't it funny how libtards HATE and DEMONIZE the wealthy - until such time as the wealthy spew socialism bullshit? Buffet is pinching every penny, paying the lowest taxes he can through deductions, and still growing his wealth. But as long as he spews socialism nonsense, the libtards will give him a pass and applaud him (really shows the limited mental capacity of our fellow citizens on the left, doesn't it?).

Libtards are so stupid, they can't comprehend a fundamental truth about the billionaire socialists like George Soros and Warren Buffet - they are simply trying to pull the ladder up behind them to ensure their permanent place among the wealthy elite.
Libtards are so stupid, they can't comprehend a fundamental truth about the billionaire socialists like George Soros and Warren Buffet - they are simply trying to pull the ladder up behind them to ensure their permanent place among the wealthy elite.

Well, in case of Buffett it is pure cronyism - on the other thread there is actually a reference which might flood some life why Buffet is so "leftist" - because he is getting a huge preferential treatment by this administration, as are other crony capitalists supporting this administration
I do not believe Buffett is ideologically left, like Soros is. The latter is putting the crown of puppeteer on himself, but it does not fit anymore
Asking to pay more in taxes to pay for programs to help the UE is "pulling the ladder up behind them"? Brainwashed to the point of idiocy....
Asking to pay more in taxes to pay for programs to help the UE is "pulling the ladder up behind them"? Brainwashed to the point of idiocy....

And why do they need to "ask to pay more in taxes"?!? They can do that any time they want. They don't have to take deductions. And, they can even pay a higher percentage than required. They can write a check to the IRS for any amount they want, any time they want.

This is a prime example of just how profoundly fuck'n stupid you are... :lmao:
Asking to pay more in taxes to pay for programs to help the UE is "pulling the ladder up behind them"? Brainwashed to the point of idiocy....

And why do they need to "ask to pay more in taxes"?!? They can do that any time they want. They don't have to take deductions. And, they can even pay a higher percentage than required. They can write a check to the IRS for any amount they want, any time they want.

This is a prime example of just how profoundly fuck'n stupid you are... :lmao:

You don't really get the concept of taxation - or even, citizenship itself, do you?
Asking to pay more in taxes to pay for programs to help the UE is "pulling the ladder up behind them"? Brainwashed to the point of idiocy....

And why do they need to "ask to pay more in taxes"?!? They can do that any time they want. They don't have to take deductions. And, they can even pay a higher percentage than required. They can write a check to the IRS for any amount they want, any time they want.

This is a prime example of just how profoundly fuck'n stupid you are... :lmao:

You don't really get the concept of taxation - or even, citizenship itself, do you?

says someone who clearly doesn't know anything about taxation and wants to declare everyone who enters our country illegally citizens.
Asking to pay more in taxes to pay for programs to help the UE is "pulling the ladder up behind them"? Brainwashed to the point of idiocy....

And why do they need to "ask to pay more in taxes"?!? They can do that any time they want. They don't have to take deductions. And, they can even pay a higher percentage than required. They can write a check to the IRS for any amount they want, any time they want.

This is a prime example of just how profoundly fuck'n stupid you are... :lmao:

You don't really get - or even, citizenship itself, do you?

Actually, I completely get "the concept of taxation". Unfortunately, it is you who does not. You wrongfully believe "the concept of taxation" is to provide parasites like you with your needs and wants.

In reality, taxes are supposed to be for the Constitutional responsibilities of the federal government (defense, salaries for their employees, federal courts, etc.). But you have proven time and time again to be completely ignorant of facts, your own government, or history - so I wouldn't expect you to know this.
[ame=]Amos 'n Andy - Hospitalization - YouTube[/ame]
And why do they need to "ask to pay more in taxes"?!? They can do that any time they want. They don't have to take deductions. And, they can even pay a higher percentage than required. They can write a check to the IRS for any amount they want, any time they want.

This is a prime example of just how profoundly fuck'n stupid you are... :lmao:

You don't really get the concept of taxation - or even, citizenship itself, do you?

says someone who clearly doesn't know anything about taxation and wants to declare everyone who enters our country illegally citizens.

says someone who is a liar
And why do they need to "ask to pay more in taxes"?!? They can do that any time they want. They don't have to take deductions. And, they can even pay a higher percentage than required. They can write a check to the IRS for any amount they want, any time they want.

This is a prime example of just how profoundly fuck'n stupid you are... :lmao:

You don't really get - or even, citizenship itself, do you?

Actually, I completely get "the concept of taxation". Unfortunately, it is you who does not. You wrongfully believe "the concept of taxation" is to provide parasites like you with your needs and wants.

My wife and I made six figures together. I can assure you we pay plenty of taxes, some of which goes to subsidize the cost of food so ungrateful children such as yourself can stuff your pieholes ignorant of the true cost of food.

In reality, taxes are supposed to be for the Constitutional responsibilities of the federal government (defense, salaries for their employees, federal courts, etc.). But you have proven time and time again to be completely ignorant of facts, your own government, or history - so I wouldn't expect you to know this.

You're not the one who gets to decide what the Constitutional responsibilities of the federal government are. Sorry, you're just not that important.
The company I work for is no longer hiring full time...So because of the unaffordable care act over 3000 US locations will hire full time.

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