Liberal Colleges and Universities are a safe space for Jew-hatred

Chicago College Council Backs BDS for Israel, Not China
May 12, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Some students at the University of Chicago set out to prove that divestment resolutions aren't about human rights, but hating Jews. They proved their point quite easily with a China divestment resolution.

Last week, some students at University of Chicago, where I attend, proposed a resolution to our College Council to divest from Chinese weapons manufacturers, in protest of China’s severe human rights abuses and its long-standing occupation of Tibet.

Members of the council were quick to condemn the resolution, and for good reason. The members noted it was political, and disrespectful to Chinese students. Other members noted that Chinese students should be given time to respond to the presenters with a counter-presentation. One representative even suggested that the College Council issue an apology to Chinese students for even considering the resolution. The resolution was tabled indefinitely.

Curiously, when a few weeks earlier the same College Council passed a nearly identical resolution condemning Israel, no one suggested an apology. These same representatives argued why it was their moral imperative to condemn Israel. They were determined to push this through at all costs, and despite requests, they didn’t even offer the other side an opportunity to present.


Now this is taking place at the same time that sombreros are considered racist and Trump chalkings are denounced as hate crimes. But celebrating the murder of Jews is always okay.


Moments like these make it clear that this is not about human rights. It's about using colleges as a forum for tribal hatreds, in this case legitimizing the expression of anti-Semitism.

Chicago College Council Backs BDS for Israel, Not China


You're expecting progressives to hold themselves to the same standards for all situations. Unlike having something set in stone progressive moral relativism informs them that they do not have to conform to some standard norm. In other words they can make up their own rules to conform to a specific situation as they along.


Professionals and student activists proclaim their Jew hatred loud and proud on social media.
April 12, 2017

Ari Lieberman

(look at the glare in her eye's you can tell she's rabid...)


Unfortunately, these very leftist groups – including the Southern Poverty Law Center and the fringe Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect – which did their best to derail Trump with hoaxes and false narratives pertaining to anti-Semitism have remained disgracefully silent in the face of real Jew hatred on college campuses across the United States.

Most of the anti-Semitism that Jewish students and students who support Israel must endure on a daily basis originates from campus groups like the Muslim Students Association (MSA), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and the Arab Students Union (ASU). These groups, are to varying degrees, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and routinely espouse rabid Jew hatred and vile anti-Semitic canards. According to the campus watchdog group Amcha, the probability of anti-Semitic activity is eight times more likely to occur on campuses where these pernicious groups maintain an active presence.


Canary Mission has recently completed an exhaustive report covering the Greater Cleveland area. The report zeroes in on 21 college students and professionals, whose social media accounts are liberally laced anti-Semitic invective as well as anti-black and anti-gay commentary. The report covers students from six Cleveland universities and colleges and includes members affiliated with Students for Justice in Palestine, the Muslim Students Association and Arab Student Union.


Mohammad’s and Hamdan’s social media posts are typical of the remaining 19 people profiled by Canary Mission. The common thread that binds them are their affiliations with various anti-Semitic Muslim supremacist groups like the SJP, MSA and ASU. It is incumbent on college officials to take action against these campus hate groups and expel them forthwith. Framing the issue as one of free speech, as some university officials have attempted to do is disingenuous at best and exposes the duplicitous attitude that many universities have adopted when addressing racism on campus. It appears that some groups require less protection than others.

'May Allah Curse The Jews': Watchdog Exposes Anti-Semitism Festering In Cleveland
April 16, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Again we're ceaselessly told that the vast roster of anti-Israel hate groups are not anti-Semitic. (If you doubt that, just check out the token Jews they stick up front as shields for their bigotry.) They just happen to believe that Israel's failure to successfully negotiate an end to the conflict begun by Islamic colonialism because the Islamic terrorists refuse to compromise with Israel is the greatest human rights issue of our time.

And yet they act in exactly the kinds of ways that anti-Semites would.


Targeting Jews makes it obvious that the anti-Israel movement is anti-Semitic. It isn't picking out the Jewish State because it has a graver human rights situation than the rest of the world, but because it's full of Jews. But then again the anti-Israel hate cult has a long history of targeting Jewish celebrations and commemorations including Holocaust memorials.

But what would one expect from the ideology behind the Yom Kippur War, a surprise attack timed for the holiest period in the Jewish calendar.

Anti-Israel Campus Activists Target Jews Over Passover
The Washington Post's peculiar "exposé" on campus Jew-hatred.
May 1, 2017

Ari Lieberman

Since his inauguration, elements within the leftist mainstream media have tried to advance the mendacious and pernicious narrative that Trump and his so-called populist policies are the driving force behind xenophobic hate crimes. Despite their best efforts to derail, defame and tarnish the administration, the scheme nosedived badly.

First, they focused their attention on the “surge” of “Islamophobic hate crimes.” But many of these so-called hate crimes, which involved young, hijab-wearing “victims,” turned out to be nothing more than victim-orchestrated hoaxes that expended valuable police time. Retractions and corrections, to the extent that they were actually issued, were generally buried in little blurbs on page six. The MSM had no use for such stories which ran counter to the Trump-hating, group-think narrative.

The MSM then shifted gears and suddenly took a keen interest in a subject they had largely ignored during the preceding eight years – anti-Semitism. During Obama’s tenure, there were over 7,000 recorded acts of Jew-hatred in the United States and many of these anti-Semitic incidents occurred at institutions of higher learning.


The Washington Post’s glaring omissions, likely intentional, represent classic yellow journalism and fake news and its worst. They should be ashamed.

Whitewashing Leftist Anti-Semitism
A letter to the faculty at Dartmouth College.
May 5, 2017

Alan Gustman

As you know, Dartmouth has appointed N. Bruce Duthu as its new Dean of the Faculty. What you may not know is that Professor Duthu is an active advocate of the BDS movement, a movement that proposes boycotting, divesting and sanctioning Israeli academic institutions. As the Treasurer of the Council of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA), Professor Duthu coauthored a statement in support of the boycott of Israeli academic institutions as follows: "The NAISA Council encourages NAISA members to boycott Israeli academic institutions because they are imbricated with the Israeli state and we wish to place pressure on that state to change its policies." The document our presumptive Dean coauthored can be found at Native American and Indigenous Studies Association - Graduate Programs, Journals, Research, Annual Meeting 2014 (scroll down to "NAISA Council Declaration of Support for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions").


To be sure, the progress of anti-Semitism on campus is not just a Dartmouth problem - although appointing an active BDS advocate to Dean of the Faculty represents a unique failure to deal with anti-Semitism on campus. BDS is making inroads into many college campuses. It is time for faculty, students, administrators and Boards to clearly and vocally oppose this anti-Semitic movement, rather than sitting quietly and allowing this cancer to spread.

Dartmouth Appoints Anti-Semitic Terrorist Enabler As Its New Dean

It's where they indoctrinate your children to the progressive libtart mind set...
Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer
A safe space for Jew-hatred.
April 15, 2016
Kenneth Levin

Reports of anti-Semitic acts on American campuses suggest that the nation’s universities and colleges are likely today the chief institutional repository of anti-Semitism in the United States.

As one recent study notes: “A survey of U.S. Jewish college students by Trinity College and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law revealed that 54% of surveyed students reported experiencing or witnessing instances of anti-Semitism on campus during the first six months of the 2013-2014 academic year. Another survey by Brandeis University in the spring of 2015 found that three-quarters of North American Jewish college student respondents had been exposed to anti-Semitic rhetoric...”

The same study also notes that, in addition to encountering anti-Semitic rhetoric, Jewish students have been the targets of “physical assault, harassment, destruction of property, discrimination and suppression of speech.” The Brandeis University survey found that “one-third of students... reported having been harassed because they were Jewish.”

The study citing these data was conducted by the AMCHA Initiative, and AMCHA Initiative’s own findings appear in the organization’s “Report on Anti-Semitic Activity in 2015 at U.S. Colleges and Universities With the Largest Jewish Undergraduate Populations.” The AMCHA Initiative report looks more particularly at the strong correlation between the presence of anti-Israel groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on campuses, as well as anti-Israel activity such as that of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and campus anti-Semitism.

The correlation is hardly surprising, since much of SJP’s activities on campus - including the agenda of SJP guest speakers at events underwritten by colleges and universities - consists of demonizing Israel, denying Jewish history and Jews’ right to national self-determination, and advocating for anti-Israel entities such as HAMAS, which explicitly calls not only for the annihilation of Israel but for the murder of all Jews. The BDS movement likewise seeks to delegitimize and undermine Israel’s existence and grossly distorts the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and leading BDS supporters have acknowledged that the movement’s ultimate goal is the dissolution of the Jewish state.


The current low state of American academics, again particularly in much of the social sciences and humanities, and the ethical failings of campus administrators, the conditions that have rendered campuses a safe space for anti-Semitism, have evolved over decades, and the pattern will not be reversed and the rot dissipated in short order. But it is the obligation of parents and others not to be daunted by the challenge but rather to take whatever measures they can to reverse the noxious patterns that have turned so much of academia into an ivory sewer.

Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer
Thankfully here in WI we have an idea how to deal with this crap...

Wisconsin Republicans push college free speech bill that would punish hecklers
Silencing opponents.
May 12, 2017

Sara Dogan

Editor’s note: The University of Chicago joins nine campuses on the list of “Top Ten College Administrations Most Friendly to Terrorists and Hostile to the First Amendment.” The University of Chicago provides financial and institutional support to terrorist-linked campus organizations such as the Hamas-funded hate-group Students for Justice in Palestine while actively suppressing speech exposing the truth about Israel’s terrorist adversaries and their allies in the United States.

Last night, the Freedom Center placed posters exposing the links between the terrorist group Hamas and SJP on the University of Chicago campus. When the Freedom Center placed similar posters on the campus last fall, a university spokeswoman called them “defamatory and inconsistent with our values and policies.” This latest round of posters serves to inform students about SJP’s true motives and allegiances and challenges the Chicago administration to uphold their stated commitment to free expression.

University of Chicago: Campus administration

The University of Chicago has long prided itself on producing independent thinkers and encouraging a certain iconoclasm among its students and faculty. In the fall of 2016, the university’s dean of students, John Ellison, engendered a national controversy by making an explicit statement in support of free speech in a letter to incoming students: “Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.”


For their blatant hypocrisy in allowing and defending speech supporting Hamas while vilifying speech critical of that anti-Israel terror group, the University of Chicago administration makes our list of Administrations Most Friendly to Terrorists and Hostile to the First Amendment.

University of Chicago Supporting Terrorists

Check out my locked thread on this subject -- HERE...
Jews deserve to be safe and treated with respect.

I don't condone the mistreatment or the hatred of these people on our colleges....
Terrorist-allied group charges that Freedom Center posters are “racist, Islamophobic, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian.”
May 31, 2017

Sara Dogan

Twice in the past year, the David Horowitz Freedom Center has placed posters on the campus of San Francisco State University, as well as at a dozen additional schools, exposing the links between the anti-Israel terror group Hamas and the Hamas-funded hate group, Students for Justice in Palestine. These poster campaigns took place last October and this May. Now the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, a group known for supporting Palestinian terrorism and calling for the end of American aid to Israel, is charging that the Freedom Center’s posters are “racist, Islamophobic, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian” and create a “hostile environment” for Muslim and Arab students on the campus.

The Freedom Center’s posters are not aimed at Muslims but at terrorists. The posters placed on campus in October identified BDS activists who are supporting the Hamas-inspired and funded boycott movement. They also charged that the campus group Students for Justice in Palestine supports Hamas terrorists “whose stated goal is the elimination of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.” The Hamas charter states this goal explicitly and SJP receives funding and organizational support from a Hamas-funded front group, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). SJP also supports the Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

A second poster placed on campus in both Fall and Spring depicts a gun-toting Hamas terrorist holding the strings of a puppet labeled “American Muslims for Palestine” which in turn controls a marionette labeled “Students for Justice in Palestine.” Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is described as “The chief sponsor of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish activities on campus.” Hamas is identified as “A terror organization pledged to wipe out Israel” (a goal explicitly stated in the Hamas charter) while AMP is the “Hamas-created chief organizer and funder of SJP.” All these statements are documented in the Freedom Center pamphlet: SJP: A Campus Front for Hamas Terrorists.


The Freedom Center Provokes a Reaction From the Pro-Hamas Campus Left
How a young university student in California became a leading mouthpiece of campus anti-Semitism.
August 7, 2017

John Perazzo

Anti-Semites are a dime a dozen on American university campuses nowadays. But Saleem Shehadeh, who graduated from the University of California at Davis in 2015, is a special case unto himself. During his undergraduate years, Shehadeh was heavily involved in the Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Hamas-inspired initiative that aims to use public protest and economic pressure to advance the Hamas agenda of permanently destroying Israel as a Jewish state. Specifically, BDS aims to create the false impression that Israel is a habitual human-rights violator guilty of subjecting its Palestinian neighbors to brutal campaigns of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” and “genocide.” Comparing Israeli public officials and soldiers to “Nazis” – and likening Gaza to a large “concentration camp” – BDS contends that Israel is an illegitimate state that should be replaced by an Arab-majority alternative.

In support of BDS's views and objectives, Shehadeh served as the organizing chair of divestment on the UC Davis campus. He was also a member of the local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a highly influential pro-Hamas organization whose propaganda routinely echoes much of what is said by jihadists who seek to permanently end Israel's existence. Indeed, SJP's principal founder, Professor Hatem Bazian, has quoted approvingly from a famous Islamic hadith which calls for the violent slaughter of Jews and which appears in Hamas's founding charter. Moreover, Bazian described Hamas's victory in the 2006 Gaza elections as “a monumental event.”

During his college years, Saleem Shehadeh was a senator with the Associated Students of UC Davis (ASUCD), the university's student government. In April 2014, he was the lead author of an ASUCD resolution that called upon the university to divest whatever financial holdings it possessed in “corporations that aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and illegal settlements in Palestinian territories.” One of the targeted companies was Caterpillar, which, according to Shehadeh, “provides the Israeli army with bulldozers used to demolish Palestinian property.” Notably, Shehadeh made no mention of the fact that those demolitions were aimed exclusively at the homes and weapons-making facilities of Hamas terrorists and other jihadists. But hey, why quibble over a small detail like that?


Just what the world needs: more identity consciousness, more groupthink, more tribalism, more perpetual grievance mongering. These are the core values of young people like Saleem Shehadeh. Wearing their own historical ignorance and their own Jew-hatred as badges of honor, they are already beginning to emerge as the leading anti-Semites of tomorrow.

Terrorist Tool
Students advocate violence as the "only option" against Zionists and other "fascists."
September 8, 2017

Matthew Vadum

The radical Students for Justice in Palestine organized a “Smash Fascism” rally this week at the University of Illinois to attack Zionism and the fiercely democratic State of Israel as a supposedly white-supremacist, fascist country.

What these left-wingers meant by “fascism” is subject to debate. Fascism has long been in the eye of the beholder. The term has been used so promiscuously in recent decades that it has been drained of meaning.

George Orwell’s observation in the essay, “Politics and the English Language,” that “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies 'something not desirable,'” is as true today as the day he wrote it.

When the Left speaks of fascism they don’t refer to actual fascism as an ideology and political system -- they mean whatever they oppose. What is fascist changes, sometimes daily.


SJP supporters miss the rich irony that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the other Islamist states they adore are the true inheritors of the Third Reich. Like Hitler’s Nazi regime, these countries want to eradicate Jews from the face of the earth. Israel, by way of contrast, only uses deadly force to defend itself. No ethnic, religious, or social group is targeted for extinction. Muslims who live in Israel are treated well, not subjected to second-class citizen status and forced to pay tribute as dhimmis in Muslim countries are forced to pay jizya.

But they can’t very well come right out and admit the ugly truth about their ideological camp.

Then they would be outing themselves as the real fascists.

A Smash Zionists Rally at the U of Illinois
It's where they indoctrinate your children to the progressive libtart mind set...
Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer
A safe space for Jew-hatred.
April 15, 2016
Kenneth Levin

Reports of anti-Semitic acts on American campuses suggest that the nation’s universities and colleges are likely today the chief institutional repository of anti-Semitism in the United States.

As one recent study notes: “A survey of U.S. Jewish college students by Trinity College and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law revealed that 54% of surveyed students reported experiencing or witnessing instances of anti-Semitism on campus during the first six months of the 2013-2014 academic year. Another survey by Brandeis University in the spring of 2015 found that three-quarters of North American Jewish college student respondents had been exposed to anti-Semitic rhetoric...”

The same study also notes that, in addition to encountering anti-Semitic rhetoric, Jewish students have been the targets of “physical assault, harassment, destruction of property, discrimination and suppression of speech.” The Brandeis University survey found that “one-third of students... reported having been harassed because they were Jewish.”

The study citing these data was conducted by the AMCHA Initiative, and AMCHA Initiative’s own findings appear in the organization’s “Report on Anti-Semitic Activity in 2015 at U.S. Colleges and Universities With the Largest Jewish Undergraduate Populations.” The AMCHA Initiative report looks more particularly at the strong correlation between the presence of anti-Israel groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on campuses, as well as anti-Israel activity such as that of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and campus anti-Semitism.

The correlation is hardly surprising, since much of SJP’s activities on campus - including the agenda of SJP guest speakers at events underwritten by colleges and universities - consists of demonizing Israel, denying Jewish history and Jews’ right to national self-determination, and advocating for anti-Israel entities such as HAMAS, which explicitly calls not only for the annihilation of Israel but for the murder of all Jews. The BDS movement likewise seeks to delegitimize and undermine Israel’s existence and grossly distorts the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and leading BDS supporters have acknowledged that the movement’s ultimate goal is the dissolution of the Jewish state....

The current low state of American academics, again particularly in much of the social sciences and humanities, and the ethical failings of campus administrators, the conditions that have rendered campuses a safe space for anti-Semitism, have evolved over decades, and the pattern will not be reversed and the rot dissipated in short order. But it is the obligation of parents and others not to be daunted by the challenge but rather to take whatever measures they can to reverse the noxious patterns that have turned so much of academia into an ivory sewer.

Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer

“Judicial Watch’s petition is just the latest in an ongoing battle that Zachor Legal Institute has filed to access funding or donations records from Texas A&M.”​

Forum List
