Liberal Democrats dont really believe in Evolution/ Darwinism...

I don't think you understand how evolution works. Evolution is about successive generations. It's not about one already evolved species filling in a niche within the span of a few years.

Go back to high school Quantum Windbag.

I understand a lot better than you do how it works. When the meteor wiped the dinosaurs off the face of the Earth it did not take millions of years for life to come back, if it had there would have been a massive gap in the fossil record.

No, in that theory it only took "a few years". oh Quantum Windbag... The original post I responded to is baffling retarded, and I don't know how you can be under the impression that you understand how evolution works a lot better than I do.

Generations for mice are measured in months, not decades. Your problem is that you are thinking in anthropomorphic terms.
Do you really think government-run schools are the only avenue to education?

The OP thinks it's wrong to educate poor children whose parents can't pay for it. Do you agree?

Will it make America a better place if we only educate those who can pay for it?

No, no, you misunderstand. They want everyone to get vouchers or go to charter schools...

so that everyone will be equally ignorant about how evolution works

98% of the people in the US do not know how evolution works, are you gong to blame that on charter schools?
The OP thinks it's wrong to educate poor children whose parents can't pay for it. Do you agree?

Will it make America a better place if we only educate those who can pay for it?

No, no, you misunderstand. They want everyone to get vouchers or go to charter schools...

so that everyone will be equally ignorant about how evolution works

98% of the people in the US do not know how evolution works, are you gong to blame that on charter schools?

Source? :eusa_eh:
No, no, you misunderstand. They want everyone to get vouchers or go to charter schools...

so that everyone will be equally ignorant about how evolution works

98% of the people in the US do not know how evolution works, are you gong to blame that on charter schools?

Source? :eusa_eh:

Personal experience, and the simple fact that, unless you take advanced biology in college, no one explains the mechanisms of evolution. The most you get is survival of the fittest or natural selection, which doesn't explain anything. They also think it takes millions of years, when it can happen in a single generation. I have actually had to take a few hours to sit down and explain to some people who attempt to defend evolution that it is random. They actually believe that the natural selection process, whatever they think that is, makes it not random.

Feel free to take a survey and see how many people really understand it if you think I am wrong.
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98% of the people in the US do not know how evolution works, are you gong to blame that on charter schools?

Source? :eusa_eh:

Personal experience, and the simple fact that, unless you take advanced biology in college, no one explains the mechanisms of evolution. The most you get is survival of the fittest or natural selection, which doesn't explain anything. They also think it takes millions of years, when it can happen in a single generation. I have actually had to take a few hours to sit down and explain to some people who attempt to defend evolution that it is random. They actually believe that the natural selection process, whatever they think that is, makes it not random.

Feel free to take a survey and see how many people really understand it if you think I am wrong.

The trouble with anecdotal statistics is not only in the small sample size, but also in how the observations are filtered through the skewed parameters set by the observer.
If you ask someone "did you know that land mega-fauna existed in the several million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs?" that isn't data collection. It is push-polling.

Danian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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...when it comes to humans. According to liberals, every other living organism can adapt to their environment and evolve to survive... but humans, particularly poor humans {specifically poor minority humans}, need federal government intervention in order to survive.

Your rationality is defective.
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...when it comes to humans. According to liberals, every other living organism can adapt to their environment and evolve to survive... but humans, particularly poor humans {specifically poor minority humans}, need federal government intervention in order to survive.

Your your rationality is defective.

In all fairness, it's not the first time that someone has conflated human order with natural selection:

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival. And should he fail in this struggle, should he become weak in asserting his existence, then Providence will not rush to his aid. Instead, it will sentence him to death. And rightly so. Other men will come. The space will not remain empty. What the one man loses, another will take. And life continues in accordance with its own eternal rhythm without consideration for the weakling."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)
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...when it comes to humans. According to liberals, every other living organism can adapt to their environment and evolve to survive... but humans, particularly poor humans {specifically poor minority humans}, need federal government intervention in order to survive.

I know, right? We should be shoving those minorities into gas ovens, right? It's good for the gene pool. The Master Race is being polluted!

Goddam liberals!

Oh...wait. Is it time yet to be saying this out loud?
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Personal experience, and the simple fact that, unless you take advanced biology in college, no one explains the mechanisms of evolution. The most you get is survival of the fittest or natural selection, which doesn't explain anything. They also think it takes millions of years, when it can happen in a single generation. I have actually had to take a few hours to sit down and explain to some people who attempt to defend evolution that it is random. They actually believe that the natural selection process, whatever they think that is, makes it not random.

Feel free to take a survey and see how many people really understand it if you think I am wrong.

The trouble with anecdotal statistics is not only in the small sample size, but also in how the observations are filtered through the skewed parameters set by the observer.
If you ask someone "did you know that land mega-fauna existed in the several million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs?" that isn't data collection. It is push-polling.

Danian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And? Like I said, feel free to counter than with whatever you want. It is not like I am claiming to be an authority, or pretending that I have an impeccable source that you cannot refute while refusing to provide it. I state that 98% of the poeple in the United States, regardless of their religious beliefs, or their position on evolution, do not understand how it works.

By the way, just because there were no mammals larger than a cat in Denmark does not mean that there were no larger animals anywhere.


Evolution takes place over millions and billions of years, not a generation.

Someone tell me this was a joke thread.


of course it was, with a dose of reality sprinkled in.
If evolution really existed we could be pointed to apes with tweeter accounts to follow.
If evolution really existed we could be pointed to apes with tweeter accounts to follow.

I would still like to know how hairy apes strong as hell "evolved" into pink skin, weak creatures. thats not evolution. thats backwards.
...when it comes to humans. According to liberals, every other living organism can adapt to their environment and evolve to survive... but humans, particularly poor humans {specifically poor minority humans}, need federal government intervention in order to survive.

Extremely dumb. Darwin flat rejected Social Darwinism. And Bismark, certainly not a Liberal, stated that the working man needs protection from the swings of the industrial economy.
...when it comes to humans. According to liberals, every other living organism can adapt to their environment and evolve to survive... but humans, particularly poor humans {specifically poor minority humans}, need federal government intervention in order to survive.

Extremely dumb. Darwin flat rejected Social Darwinism. And Bismark, certainly not a Liberal, stated that the working man needs protection from the swings of the industrial economy.

and that has to be the dumbest post yet. "darwin rejected social Darwinism" ???.
Evolution happens at whatever pace it needs. If a species dies out because it cannot adapt fast enough another species will take advantage of that gap and step in. That might take a few years, but it will not take millions of years.

I don't think you understand how evolution works. Evolution is about successive generations. It's not about one already evolved species filling in a niche within the span of a few years.

Go back to high school Quantum Windbag.

I understand a lot better than you do how it works. When the meteor wiped the dinosaurs off the face of the Earth it did not take millions of years for life to come back, if it had there would have been a massive gap in the fossil record.

There is a massive gap in the fossil record, you dumb ass! There was a gap of millions of years before the plant and animal community approached the previous diversity. Not only that, it was a new plant and animal community.
...when it comes to humans. According to liberals, every other living organism can adapt to their environment and evolve to survive... but humans, particularly poor humans {specifically poor minority humans}, need federal government intervention in order to survive.

Extremely dumb. Darwin flat rejected Social Darwinism. And Bismark, certainly not a Liberal, stated that the working man needs protection from the swings of the industrial economy.

and that has to be the dumbest post yet. "darwin rejected social Darwinism" ???.

So now we have another ignoramous posting his ignorance for all to see.

Research Darwin, Charles |

Darwin's own theory of human morality breaks away from the idea that one should take the larger order of nature as the model for human moral behavior, but Darwin does not argue that human morality is simply separate from the order of nature. He argues instead that human moral sentiments derive from the evolved and adapted structure of human psychology. The human capacity for moral behavior results from two aspects of our evolved psychology: our character as social animals, and our uniquely human ability to think abstractly. Our social nature enables us to feel sympathy for other humans, to feel pain at their suffering and pleasure at their happiness. Our ability to think abstractly makes it possible for us to rise above the present moment, to link the present with the past and future, and thus to take account of the long-term consequences of our behavior.

In typical Victorian fashion, Darwin hoped that humanity would progress steadily toward a higher state of moral consciousness, and he envisioned human moral progress as circles of sympathy expanding out from kin and tribe, to nations and cultures, to all human beings, and eventually to all life on earth. At the highest level of human development, Darwin hoped that humans would become ecological curators for the earth.

In Descent of Man, Darwin considered the issue of eugenics. He acknowledged that care of the weak has dysgenic effects, but he nonetheless rejected social Darwinism or ruthless social competition because, he felt, that sort of behavior would damage the more "noble" qualities of social sympathy on which all human moral behavior depends.

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