Liberal Democrat's view about current Democratic Party leadership


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
If you are a serious student of politics (regardless of your political affiliation), you may wish to read an article that I have just finished.

The author is a professor at Rutgers University. He is a liberal Democrat.


Here are just a few of his opinions. (I am just presenting them for your consideration. I am keeping my opinion to myself.)

1. "By finding foreign demons [i.e., the Russians] who can be blamed for Trump's ascendency, the Democratic leadership have shifted the blame for their defeat away from their own policies without questioning any of their core assumptions."

2. The agenda of Mainstream Democrats "has nothing to say about challenging the influence of concentrated capital on policy, reducing the inflated defence [sic] budget or withdrawing from overextended foreign commitments."

3. "Democrat leaders have persuaded themselves (and much of their base) that all the republic needs is a restoration of the status quo ante Trump. They remain oblivious to popular impatience with familiar formulas."


The article is entitled "What We Don't Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking" by Jackson Lears in the January 4, 2018, print edition of the British liberal magazine London Review of Books. (I am guessing that it is available online. I am a computer-illiterate senior citizen, so I cannot link to it.)
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A computer illiterate senior citizen? The you must be a conservative since we are all uneducated rubes.
If you are a serious student of politics (regardless of your political affiliation), you may wish to read an article that I have just finished.

The author is a professor at Rutgers University. He is a liberal Democrat.


Here are just a few of his opinions. (I am just presenting them for your consideration. I am keeping my opinion to myself.)

1. "By finding foreign demons [i.e., the Russians] who can be blamed for Trump's ascendency, the Democratic leadership have shifted the blame for their defeat away from their own policies without questioning any of their core assumptions."

2. The agenda of Mainstream Democrats "has nothing to say about challenging the influence of concentrated capital on policy, reducing the inflated defence [sic] budget or withdrawing from overextended foreign commitments."

3. "Democrat leaders have persuaded themselves (and much of their base) that all the republic needs is a restoration of the status quo ante Trump. They remain oblivious to popular impatience with familiar formulas."


The article is entitled "What We Don't Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking" by Jackson Lears in the January 4, 2018, print edition of the British liberal magazine London Review of Books. (I am guessing that it is available online. I am a computer-illiterate senior citizen, so I cannot link to it.)
The same strategy didn't ruin the GOP's chances at winning..
It's the hard Left's behaviors that turn people off, at least as much as their issues.

Agreed. If only the hard left and right would discontinue, along with the two criminal political parties.
The basic truth is this: The D's support Main St. and the R's support Wall Street.

However, this truth will be tested as Malls across America and retail stores give way to on line shopping, which may be one of the largest sea changes of this century.

When retail stores of all kinds begin to close their doors, our economy will be challenged by high unemployment, and the value of retail space will fall, leading to a loss of revenue to local and state governments, thus taxes to run local government will become insufficient to maintain the infrastructure and social services, police and fire protections will be underfunded.

It's time for an honest and open discussion on the economy, and how it will meet the needs of the vast majority of citizens, especially when the bulk of the GDP goes to the hands of fewer and fewer people (& as Romney pointed out, Corporations are People too).
The basic truth is this: The D's support Main St. and the R's support Wall Street.

However, this truth will be tested as Malls across America and retail stores give way to on line shopping, which may be one of the largest sea changes of this century.

When retail stores of all kinds begin to close their doors, our economy will be challenged by high unemployment, and the value of retail space will fall, leading to a loss of revenue to local and state governments, thus taxes to run local government will become insufficient to maintain the infrastructure and social services, police and fire protections will be underfunded.

It's time for an honest and open discussion on the economy, and how it will meet the needs of the vast majority of citizens, especially when the bulk of the GDP goes to the hands of fewer and fewer people (& as Romney pointed out, Corporations are People too).
YOUR basic truth is wrong.

Both the R and D parties support Wall Street...and both are owned by Wall Street.
The basic truth is this: The D's support Main St. and the R's support Wall Street.

However, this truth will be tested as Malls across America and retail stores give way to on line shopping, which may be one of the largest sea changes of this century.

When retail stores of all kinds begin to close their doors, our economy will be challenged by high unemployment, and the value of retail space will fall, leading to a loss of revenue to local and state governments, thus taxes to run local government will become insufficient to maintain the infrastructure and social services, police and fire protections will be underfunded.

It's time for an honest and open discussion on the economy, and how it will meet the needs of the vast majority of citizens, especially when the bulk of the GDP goes to the hands of fewer and fewer people (& as Romney pointed out, Corporations are People too).
YOUR basic truth is wrong.

Both the R and D parties support Wall Street...and both are owned by Wall Street.

I'm not wrong, maybe the Congress, but not on the local party level. The fact that members of congress are beholden to Wall Street can be put directly on the fact that money is the root of your claim. And that money, approved as "freedom of speech" was the product of 5 conservative (i.e. Republican) members of the Supreme Court.
The basic truth is this: The D's support Main St. and the R's support Wall Street.

However, this truth will be tested as Malls across America and retail stores give way to on line shopping, which may be one of the largest sea changes of this century.

When retail stores of all kinds begin to close their doors, our economy will be challenged by high unemployment, and the value of retail space will fall, leading to a loss of revenue to local and state governments, thus taxes to run local government will become insufficient to maintain the infrastructure and social services, police and fire protections will be underfunded.

It's time for an honest and open discussion on the economy, and how it will meet the needs of the vast majority of citizens, especially when the bulk of the GDP goes to the hands of fewer and fewer people (& as Romney pointed out, Corporations are People too).
YOUR basic truth is wrong.

Both the R and D parties support Wall Street...and both are owned by Wall Street.

I'm not wrong, maybe the Congress, but not on the local party level. The fact that members of congress are beholden to Wall Street can be put directly on the fact that money is the root of your claim. And that money, approved as "freedom of speech" was the product of 5 conservative (i.e. Republican) members of the Supreme Court.
Okay, but local party officials have no power and their beliefs are meaningless.

Both major parties need termination. They are criminal gangs only interested in enriching and empowering themselves.
If you are a serious student of politics (regardless of your political affiliation), you may wish to read an article that I have just finished.

The author is a professor at Rutgers University. He is a liberal Democrat.


Here are just a few of his opinions. (I am just presenting them for your consideration. I am keeping my opinion to myself.)

1. "By finding foreign demons [i.e., the Russians] who can be blamed for Trump's ascendency, the Democratic leadership have shifted the blame for their defeat away from their own policies without questioning any of their core assumptions."

2. The agenda of Mainstream Democrats "has nothing to say about challenging the influence of concentrated capital on policy, reducing the inflated defence [sic] budget or withdrawing from overextended foreign commitments."

3. "Democrat leaders have persuaded themselves (and much of their base) that all the republic needs is a restoration of the status quo ante Trump. They remain oblivious to popular impatience with familiar formulas."


The article is entitled "What We Don't Talk about When We Talk about Russian Hacking" by Jackson Lears in the January 4, 2018, print edition of the British liberal magazine London Review of Books. (I am guessing that it is available online. I am a computer-illiterate senior citizen, so I cannot link to it.)
What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Russian Hacking

The above is a link to the article.

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