Liberal feminist


Nov 18, 2019
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
YIKES! Thanks for the warning..............
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal

Welcome, Teacher!

I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
Welcome to the mudpits. You will get very dirty here either side you represent. Now I have a some questions for you?
Are you married and if so to a man?
Do you have any children? Dont need to know the amount, just want to know if you didnt abort any.
Do you live in a house or rent?
As a teacher were you part of a union and did it bother you that your dues were taken out so some union thug didnt have to work, because you were paying their salary?
Did you drive a car?
Do you eat red meat?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then you arent a liberal, but a very confused woman who is really conservative but to scared to tell the truth. I know how you feel, many of my friends were liberals, until they realized that they were duped into their liberalism.

I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
Welcome to the mudpits. You will get very dirty here either side you represent. Now I have a some questions for you?
Are you married and if so to a man?
Do you have any children? Dont need to know the amount, just want to know if you didnt abort any.
Do you live in a house or rent?
As a teacher were you part of a union and did it bother you that your dues were taken out so some union thug didnt have to work, because you were paying their salary?
Did you drive a car?
Do you eat red meat?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then you arent a liberal, but a very confused woman who is really conservative but to scared to tell the truth. I know how you feel, many of my friends were liberals, until they realized that they were duped into their liberalism.

Funny! Thanks for your interesting post.

To seem or not to seem, that is the question...



As far as prejudice awareness, I am very prejudiced against mimes and I am quite aware of it. I see anybody struggling to escape a nonexistent box and I just want to kick them.
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
Oh gawd; another refugee from the classroom. Try and remember what it was like to teach actual children.

I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
Oh gawd; another refugee from the classroom. Try and remember what it was like to teach actual children.


Greta T needs a teacher.

She's missed so much school. She said so.
Maryland..........well, you know.......

I lived there once, for a while.
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
Welcome, Newbie, and I mean that. If you're still here.
Rough crowd on USMB. You'll get the other point of view alright, though. Just don't be surprised by the attacks if you actually reply.
I'm a teacher, too, and tend left. If you stick around we'll probably see each other around.

Make yourself very much to home! Don't let the rudeness here drive you away.
Welcome to the Jungle...images (45).jpeg

What is a feminist in the age of 57 genders?

I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal
Welcome, Newbie, and I mean that. If you're still here.
Rough crowd on USMB. You'll get the other point of view alright, though. Just don't be surprised by the attacks if you actually reply.
I'm a teacher, too, and tend left. If you stick around we'll probably see each other around.

Make yourself very much to home! Don't let the rudeness here drive you away.
For the love of god leave our children alone!
Maryland..........well, you know.......

I lived there once, for a while.
I lived 16 years there and when Martin O got into office and enacted the rain tax, that was when I moved to Virginia to save taxes.. You know Virginia and the "common wealth" tax. I saved 500 dollars the first year. Then when Terry McAweful got in and raised taxes, then I knew we were screwed in both areas. I left VA in 6 years and moved to Floor E Da, where I get to keep at least 12,000 dollars a year in state taxes...Only idiots stay in SALT states.
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal

Welcome to the best little insane asylum on the interwebz. Looks like you'll fit right in. :thup:
I am a liberal feminist from New York City who now lives in Maryland. I am an author of a book for teachers and I keynote on classroom management. I also developed a curriculums in New York City on prejudice awareness and I give workshops to teachers and teenagers. I come to these forums to hear different viewpoints because most of the people I work with tend to be more liberal

Not one high school kid in Baltimore was proficient in anything. Not any one school, but every student.

Wasn't there at least one kid who didn't eat paint chips as a kid??

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