Liberal government, not guns the problem in inner cities...

Here is an updated list of the top 10 most violent cities in the U.S....
Every large city has a problem with violence..Does not matter which party is in charge.

Then why is it when you look at the most top ten violent cities in the country...they are all run by democrats...and when you look at the most violent states...though some are red they all have the most violent cities in their borders run by democrats...for example...Tennessee is a red state, but it considered the most violent state in the's six largest cities...are run by democrats...

Maybe you could delve a little deeper and stop trying to scratch the surface for political points and actually investigate the reason without prejudice?
Well...considering that all of the mayors, except one or two over time...have all been democrats...that isn't exactly something to overlook is it...?

And just for is the 2012 list for the most violent cities in America...yeah...again...I've checked out 25 down to 10 mayors...again...

Most Dangerous Cities In America - Business Insider
Of the top 25 most violent cities...Cleveland, Ohio comes in at 6 for the year 2012 and since 1843 they have had both democrat and Republican mayors...on and off but a total of 13 democrat mayors and 12 republican mayors with an independent here and there...
Especially abortion control

No, it is called the primary purpose of organized government...protecting it's citizens from violence...stopping the murder of a baby fits that purpose exactly...and then, once the baby is born, the mother is completely free to do her own thing...

Like throw the kid in the dumpster?
Of the top 25 most violent cities in the U.S. in 2012...all except one, Cleveland, has been majority controlled by the democrats...

An interesting note...there is another list out by the gun grabbers that tries to show that Red states are more violent than gun controlled blue states...from the above list Louisiana is a red state with a high crime rate...but two big cities in Louisiana made the most violent list...Baton Rouge, and New Orleans...what do they have in mayors in charge for decades...

Baton Rouge democrat control since at least 1940...

New Orleans democrat control since at least 1936...
Look at the political affiliation of all the mass murderers in modern history. All lefties and/or crazies and the left protects both bases. The most notorious campus shooting in modern history in Va. Tech Blacksburg happened because lefties thought it would be uncomfortable to discipline an Asian student even though they were terrified of him. The Va. gun law required an instant check for mental illness but liberals thought privacy trumped the law and psychiatric history would not be included in the name check so the monster was able to purchase a firearm even though he was under court order to undergo psychiatric counseling rather than be arrested for stalking coeds. The US Army Major who murdered a dozen of his own men was suspected of being a jihad agent but liberal members of the Army prevented an investigation before he murdered his own Troops. The red haired freakazoid who opened fire in a movie theater was a left winger nut case as was the Tuscon shooter who was protected by the local democrat sheriff until he shot a congressperson and then the sheriff tried to blame Rush Limbaugh.
And this is exactly what the liberals do...

Yes, this is one of the things democrats do when they control a city or a state...they undermine the police at every opportunity and put the local communities and police in a state of hostility...because chaos and poverty work for the democrat party...they are the parties two favorite tools...

Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown

Sunday on CBS's "Face The Nation," Gov. Jay Nixon (D-MO) said the local police "attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting" by releasing a video of Michael Brown allegedly engaging in a "strong-arm" convenience store robbery.
"I think it had an incendiary effect," Nixon said. "I mean, when you release picture and you clearly are attempting to besmirch a victim of a shooting, shot down in his own street, a young man and at the same time you’re releasing information to try to make it, to tarnish him, then properly, there was a lot of folks that were concerned about that, and I do think it flamed it back up and has caused us to have to deal with some of that."

What the police did by releasing the bring a little truth to the situation...remember, the media was painting the teenager as a "gentle giant," and that meme, the gentle kind teenager gunned down by a mad dog racist cop...helped fan the fires of the riot and the looting...

So by releasing the let people know there is more to the you need to settle down until the investigation is over...

And then the democrat Governor throws the police under the they always do...chaos and poverty...the best friends of the democrats...

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