Liberal Hero State China up to Their Old Tricks. Vote Democratic if This is What You Want for America

Liberal Hero State China
The DNC is ChiComs American arm
Lame Stream Beijing Media here in the USA


where do you guys come up with this shit? Comedy gold!
Why is it that conservative republicans are leading the way about criticism of china?
Because daddy Trump needs someone to blame, and MAGAts are too caught up in the cult to see it.
As I said, only conservatives see the situation clearly

libs are too blinded by hate toward trump to notice that china is killing us
I heard you the first time. You’re still wrong
Not at all

libs spew hate toward trump 24/7/365
Great job Pelosi. I am tired of this anti-American garbage from liberals. They fostered it, they support it, it's their goddamn fault it festers and grows in our society.
I am simply amazed that so many liberals are carrying water for the Chicoms, especially the Lame Stream Beijing Media here in the USA, CNN in particular.

IF they love Communist China so much they should go live there.
The whole "chicom" thing is stupid in the first place. It's more right-wing lunacy that we don't need. Just add it a long list of idiotic dumb-speak. What are they going to come up with next week that you all can type over and over and over without saying anything?
When anchors at CNN for one example, push the Chicom government line that it is racist to call this the Chinese Virus, or Wuhan Virus, that is sucking up to China over our own governent.

See Jim, this is your right wing faux media putting a partisan spin on the CNN article that lead you to falsely believe that CNN was supporting China's stance and lies about the virus and who spread it blah blah blah,

but it was an article REPORTING WHAT THE CHINESE GOVT'S propaganda newspaper was reporting to their people and the world. It was NOT about CNN supporting was reporting what the Chinese gvt, was doing....

YOU were taken by the fake news and the regurgitation of it so many times in your multitude of right wing media on the Net.... it was meant to deceive you and meant to outrage you and meant for you to spread around.... it's called dirty politics... I suppose? imo.

BTW, I dont lie. I look at the facts and try to make sense of them and if I am wrong I am happy to be corrected.
Okay, you are right.... I've seen you enough to know that you actually believe, what you believe, and would not in anyway intentionally lie. Sorry for the inappropriate jab!!!!
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Liberal Hero State China
The DNC is ChiComs American arm
Lame Stream Beijing Media here in the USA


where do you guys come up with this shit? Comedy gold!
Why is it that conservative republicans are leading the way about criticism of china?
Because daddy Trump needs someone to blame, and MAGAts are too caught up in the cult to see it.
Busy little cockroach you've been
19 days-325 posts-avg. 18 a day, 108 every 6 days

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

Heavenly Father, thank you for thwarting the plans of our enemies
They have set their traps for us...laughing as they lie in wait,
unaware they have set their own traps to be ensnared in

In the Mighty name of Jesus, Thank You Father
Liberal Hero State China
The DNC is ChiComs American arm
Lame Stream Beijing Media here in the USA


where do you guys come up with this shit? Comedy gold!
Why is it that conservative republicans are leading the way about criticism of china?
Because daddy Trump needs someone to blame, and MAGAts are too caught up in the cult to see it.
Busy little cockroach you've been
19 days-325 posts-avg. 18 a day, 108 every 6 days

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

Heavenly Father, thank you for thwarting the plans of our enemies
They have set their traps for us...laughing as they lie in wait,
unaware they have set their own traps to be ensnared in

In the Mighty name of Jesus, Thank You Father

I hear thunder - dont go outside .... Mighty will fry your ass for lunch
Liberal Hero State China
The DNC is ChiComs American arm
Lame Stream Beijing Media here in the USA


where do you guys come up with this shit? Comedy gold!
Why is it that conservative republicans are leading the way about criticism of china?
Because daddy Trump needs someone to blame, and MAGAts are too caught up in the cult to see it.
Busy little cockroach you've been
19 days-325 posts-avg. 18 a day, 108 every 6 days

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

Heavenly Father, thank you for thwarting the plans of our enemies
They have set their traps for us...laughing as they lie in wait,
unaware they have set their own traps to be ensnared in

In the Mighty name of Jesus, Thank You Father

I hear thunder - dont go outside .... Mighty will fry your ass for lunch
Thats the sound of helicopter motors bringing the stay-at-home money

better run and get yours before its all gone
Busy little cockroach you've been
19 days-325 posts-avg. 18 a day, 108 every 6 days
Stalking my posting history? Creeper alert!

Go play with your crucifix, Jesus freak

Idiot alert!


Directions on shampoo bottles actually do make sense
Busy little cockroach you've been
19 days-325 posts-avg. 18 a day, 108 every 6 days
Stalking my posting history? Creeper alert!

Go play with your crucifix, Jesus freak

Idiot alert!

View attachment 326843

Directions on shampoo bottles actually do make sense
What the fuck is your point, Jesus-fag? Are you upset that you can’t get laid because the church is closed? Just buy one of those fake buttholes and pretend it’s a 8 yr old boy.
Trump is a moron who has been kissing China’s ass while he lets you stooges spread the unsubstantiated rumors. He has praised their handling of the virus dozens of time. Below are two lists for you dumbasses.

Busy little cockroach you've been
19 days-325 posts-avg. 18 a day, 108 every 6 days
Stalking my posting history? Creeper alert!

Go play with your crucifix, Jesus freak

Idiot alert!

View attachment 326843

Directions on shampoo bottles actually do make sense
What the fuck is your point,....
What is your can't wash your hair
You don't comprehend the directions on the bottle of shampoo
Gee, that's too bad
....Jesus-fag? Are you upset that you can’t get laid because the church is closed?
Just buy one of those fake buttholes and pretend it’s a 8 yr old boy.
The Lord rebuke you wicked demon spirits

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