Liberal Hippocrites and wealth


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Isn't it hippocritical for all these liberals who make more than the median income for the US to talk about how bad the wealth are and how they should pay more in taxes. Yet they don't donate all extra money that they have over the median income to the government. Why don't they ever lead by example. Why is it always a do as I say not as I do with them? If they started doing that I honestly would take them more seriously. I think a lot more people would too. But its not really what they believe. They want all the power and wealth they just have to get it a different way than the people they hate so much.
You know, I had an idea.

Why not form the National Wealth Redistribution Fund. But it's voluntary.

So good liberals like George Clooney and Sean Penn could donate, say, ever dollar over $100,000 that they earn. That would be MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars from all these libs. That fund would then be distributed to poor people, sick people, etc, etc.

It would be FREEDOM!!! People could be free to choose whether their money is going into their own self interests , or the interests of others less fortunate. The American way, right?

But no. Thats not what left wing ideology is all about. It's about forcing you and I to forfeit our money also. It's about eliminating an upper class all together. But I bet once means were taken to do that, good libs like Penn and Clooney would bitch about theirs being taken.

So, what liberal in Hollywood, or Al Gore maybe, is gonna start the National Wealth Redistribution Fund?
Isn't it hippocritical for all these liberals who make more than the median income for the US to talk about how bad the wealth are and how they should pay more in taxes. Yet they don't donate all extra money that they have over the median income to the government. Why don't they ever lead by example. Why is it always a do as I say not as I do with them? If they started doing that I honestly would take them more seriously. I think a lot more people would too. But its not really what they believe. They want all the power and wealth they just have to get it a different way than the people they hate so much.

Did you REALLY just try to use the word "hippocritical"? You DO realize their is a Spell Check feature here, right?
You know, I had an idea.

Why not form the National Wealth Redistribution Fund. But it's voluntary.

So good liberals like George Clooney and Sean Penn could donate, say, ever dollar over $100,000 that they earn. That would be MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars from all these libs. That fund would then be distributed to poor people, sick people, etc, etc.

It would be FREEDOM!!! People could be free to choose whether their money is going into their own self interests , or the interests of others less fortunate. The American way, right?

But no. Thats not what left wing ideology is all about. It's about forcing you and I to forfeit our money also. It's about eliminating an upper class all together. But I bet once means were taken to do that, good libs like Penn and Clooney would bitch about theirs being taken.

So, what liberal in Hollywood, or Al Gore maybe, is gonna start the National Wealth Redistribution Fund?

IF there were enough charities and enough charitable donations in our country, our government wouldn't feel the need to get involved, right? So, who's fault is that?
The govt of course.

The Govt decided that we the taxpayer were going to be responsible for all the poor and downtrodden We were going to be the big charity givers. No one asked us what we thought about it. We had no say in the matter.

There are some wealthy folks who still thrive on charitable works but not as many as there used to be.

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