Liberal hypocrisies list...


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
I was talking with a liberal friend (yes I admit it I have some) and he was complaining about how the West had through imperialism and conquest, had raped the 3rd world of resources like copper, ivory, diamonds, etc.

So I said, yes that's a bad history - but how come liberals whine about that - but actually advocate FOR the absolute pillaging of the 3rd world's most important and valuable resource? He said, well, what was that, dumbfounded...

I said the people, how come it is unacceptable to liberals for the West to take the 3rd world's resources for use in their countries - but not to take its people? He looked at me and sound, "shit, you got a big point there..."

I think a while ago I started a thread on liberal hypocrisies, and I think with Trump The Man in office now destroying the BS, lies and other crap they have foisted on us for 8 years, it is time for another thread of such. Please feel free to add any you deem suitable, as there are so, so, many...
Dear rhodescholar:
When people complain about slave owners not freeing their slaves
I explain many of them did not own them but mortgaged them through the
banks as part of the property.

So if you would not "give your home away to help homeless people"
because you are still paying for it and can't afford to give it away for free,
that is SIMILAR (not the same since houses aren't people)
where the owners had to pay off the banks and depended on the
slave labor to work the fields.

Today I ask these same people:
Are you able to afford cell phones and other goods
that are 100% American made with minimum wage labor and no abuse of workers?

If you are still buying goods made with cheap labor from abused sweatshop
workers, that is a close equivalent today of how people used to rely
on child labor or slave labor to "afford" what was produced that way.

We still use slave labor, and the economy would have to be changed
radically to start paying all people sustainable working wages.

What I recommend is converting sweatshops and prisons into
campuses that are managed as work-study and training programs.
So the workers can access education, housing and health services on site
even while working at student wages, and nobody is abused.
If people owe restitution for crimes, this can be regulated as part of
the course or work credits. If accredited schools and church/charity
organizations manage these programs voluntarily, we can prevent abuse
while poor workers receive education and training to become self-sufficient.
Then they graduate to higher jobs or management while new workers
come in, similar to academic classes in schools where the point is to move up.

Here is one organization that builds day cares
and schools in poor regions to combat slave trafficking:

Where I live in Houston, the residents authored legislative
plans to convert public housing into a sustainable campus
community, which I propose to replicate across the border:
I'll submit my observation of leftard hypocrisy with a simple question.

"How many abortion clinics do you suppose the leftard protesters pass by and over, when they drive to places to proclaim "black lives matter" or to save trees?
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I'll submit my observation of leftard hypocrisy with a simple question.

"How many abortion clinics do you suppose the leftard protesters passed by and over, when they drive to places to proclaim "black lives matter" or to save trees?

Dear Chuz Life
I think the ULTIMATE hypocrisy is Obama and Pelosi pushing "right to health care" mandates
that penalize free choice of PAYING for health care, as if that is causing harm to have free choice of
that, but REFUSING regulations or penalties on the "free choice of abortion".

How is the free choice of ways to pay for health care
than the free choice of abortion.

Why is one a compelling interest of govt to regulate and penalize
but not the other?

Total mess. Total negates the arguments for defending "freedom of choice"
from govt infringement.

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