Liberal Hypocrisy


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

Most of these things are obvious to those of us who are paying attention!
The hypocrisy of the left is infinite.

This is so only because the left controls so much of our culture and society. Sadly too many Americans have been indoctrinated by the left's many mind control entities....aka academia K-Ph.D., media, Hollywood, D and R pols, statists, and the 1%. People capable of thinking independently, know the left are a bunch of nutty hypocrites.

It takes courage to disagree with the Left's Group Think. The weak minded prefer Group Think.
Liberal women don't care about "women." They only care about certain types of "women." I just have two words, Sarah Palin. The way they treated that woman who was trying to "break that glass ceiling" says more than their empty words could ever say.
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Says the poster who calls himself "Candy Corn" the worst candy ever made! Tastes like the garbage kind of like the smell you emit. :D
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede if some of Obama radical changes took place, but okay for California to secede simply because their candidate didn't win. Two different sets of rules. How typical.

Repubs had a diverse group of candidates going into the primaries and got called racists/bigots, yet libs offered up two old white people. The left was especially vicious to the Republican Hispanic, the black and the woman.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Liberals were supportive of schools when children were suspended for talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns, biting a Pop Tart into an L shape, pointing their finger like a gun, cutting a piece of paper into an L shape and bringing a tiny action figure with a gun to school. Libs have been silent regarding the students who acted out the murder of Trump using real shooting sounds. They were defensive of Clock Boy, who did not invent a damn thing, but simply bought a clock to school that resembled a briefcase bomb.

Libs were painting the Tea Party members as racists and claiming there would be violence. When there was no violence or racism, some libs vowed to infiltrate and start trouble. Suddenly, there would be one or two people holding racist signs. Sometimes, it didn't look like the photos or video were even at rallies, but the lib media made it sound like these few individuals spoke for the group. When Occupy Wall Street rioters started destroying the areas they were in by shitting everywhere, destroying property, trashing the streets, harassing children and anyone who passed by and literally stuffed shit into mail slots and crapped on police cars, the left was silent. When there were reports of assaults and rapes, the left was silent. There was a murder, the left was silent. Yet, they still bash the tea parties as being violent and racist gatherings.

The left also points at legal gun owners and accuses them of being the problem with America. They ignore the real problem, which is thugs in Chicago and other cities who aren't legal gun owners and have no respect for life. Gun control in Chicago hasn't stopped them from having an incredibly high murder rate. The left is only interested in shootings committed by whites and they exploit the victims to push gun control. The real problem remains ignored by the left.

Liberals say they support minorities, but insult them at every turn. Much like the way some men, especially male chauvinists, used to treat women, the left acts like minorities are second class citizens. Take some of the arguments they put forth for being against voter ID and replace minorities with women. And the argument is that it would make it too hard for women to vote. After all, women don't have driver's licenses and they don't need IDs since their husbands take care of them. Most women wouldn't even know how to get to the DMV and they don't have their own money. The way the left treats minorities now is so similar to how women were once treated, like they are helpless, hapless, brainless creatures who need someone to take care of them and shouldn't be given any responsibility. Women generally didn't like that attitude, at least those with a sense of independence. Women who chose to stand by their man and remain subservient were sharply criticized by the feminists. Even today, women who choose to be stay at home moms are considered weak. Yet, the left treats minorities the same way women hated to be treated, only now they call it benevolence. If it was oppressive to expect women to be taken care of, why isn't is oppressive to expect minorities to need government to take care of them? All we hear is entitlement, victimhood and reparations. What we don't hear is encouragement to break free. Considering they would be breaking free of the liberal plantation, I suppose that answers that question.

I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Nice avi, BTW. :) Your new president, President Trump! Lol!
I guess “when you’re a star, they let you do that”.

Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Says the poster who calls himself "Candy Corn" the worst candy ever made! Tastes like the garbage kind of like the smell you emit. :D

Weak come back…even for you.
Only if they're "bimbos and trailer park trash." Lol.

Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Says the poster who calls himself "Candy Corn" the worst candy ever made! Tastes like the garbage kind of like the smell you emit. :D

Weak come back…even for you.

It's true though. Candy Corn is gross, like you. :D
Or other reality TV stars…as our President has proven. LOL

Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Says the poster who calls himself "Candy Corn" the worst candy ever made! Tastes like the garbage kind of like the smell you emit. :D

Weak come back…even for you.

It's true though. Candy Corn is gross, like you. :D

Thats why it sells approximately 20M pounds of it every year. 20 million pounds. Approximately equal to the weight of the fat between your ears (and your hips).
Well, like Hillary says, "bimbos and trailer park trash." :beer:

Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Says the poster who calls himself "Candy Corn" the worst candy ever made! Tastes like the garbage kind of like the smell you emit. :D

Weak come back…even for you.

It's true though. Candy Corn is gross, like you. :D

Thats why it sells approximately 20M pounds of it every year. 20 million pounds. Approximately equal to the weight of the fat between your ears (and your hips).

You should probably not be talking about fat, an ugly liberal person who weighs more than 300 pounds! :ack-1: Stop eating all the Candy Corn, pig. :badgrin:
Hmmm... what started out as a thread has suddenly turned into a .....:cool:
Seems like you take that personally. I wonder why.

Actually…no I don’t. :banana:

Says the poster who calls himself "Candy Corn" the worst candy ever made! Tastes like the garbage kind of like the smell you emit. :D

Weak come back…even for you.

It's true though. Candy Corn is gross, like you. :D

Thats why it sells approximately 20M pounds of it every year. 20 million pounds. Approximately equal to the weight of the fat between your ears (and your hips).

You should probably not be talking about fat, an ugly liberal person who weighs more than 300 pounds! :ack-1: Stop eating all the Candy Corn, pig. :badgrin:

Sounds like a threat.
The only thing you have ever been a serious threat to is your bed springs….I pity them.

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