Liberal Hypocrisy

I did; a direct quote of the President elect that surfaced in the last few months.
Ummm..yeah… parroting President-Elect Nimrod out of context is what passes for "debate" in the world of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings I suppose.
Well, the discussion was about women. We all know how Trump feels about them. Sorry if you thought it was out of Context.
No genius, the "discussion" was about "liberal" hypocrisy...and all you did in your typical Sesame Street fashion was help prove the OP's point while thinking you were contesting it; quoting Trump TALKING trash about sexually harassing women while at the same time being a Clinton supporter, the male species of which actually ENGAGED (serially) in sexually harassing women.

As soon as you locate reading comprehension and the ability to retard your idiot reflex, feel free to lecture someone else.
Well at least you made an attempt at a decent flame, I'll give you credit for that but in the future try to insert some subtlety and wit, might be worth actually laughing at if you can somehow manage to pull it off.
I did; a direct quote of the President elect that surfaced in the last few months.
Ummm..yeah… parroting President-Elect Nimrod out of context is what passes for "debate" in the world of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings I suppose.
Well, the discussion was about women. We all know how Trump feels about them. Sorry if you thought it was out of Context.
No genius, the "discussion" was about "liberal" hypocrisy...and all you did in your typical Sesame Street fashion was help prove the OP's point while thinking you were contesting it; quoting Trump TALKING trash about sexually harassing women while at the same time being a Clinton supporter, the male species of which actually ENGAGED (serially) in sexually harassing women.

As soon as you locate reading comprehension and the ability to retard your idiot reflex, feel free to lecture someone else.
Well at least you made an attempt at a decent flame, I'll give you credit for that but in the future try to insert some subtlety and wit, might be worth actually laughing at if you can somehow manage to pull it off.

I see you didn’t read the OP, just the title. Who helped you with the big words?
I did; a direct quote of the President elect that surfaced in the last few months.
Ummm..yeah… parroting President-Elect Nimrod out of context is what passes for "debate" in the world of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings I suppose.
Well, the discussion was about women. We all know how Trump feels about them. Sorry if you thought it was out of Context.
No genius, the "discussion" was about "liberal" hypocrisy...and all you did in your typical Sesame Street fashion was help prove the OP's point while thinking you were contesting it; quoting Trump TALKING trash about sexually harassing women while at the same time being a Clinton supporter, the male species of which actually ENGAGED (serially) in sexually harassing women.

As soon as you locate reading comprehension and the ability to retard your idiot reflex, feel free to lecture someone else.
Well at least you made an attempt at a decent flame, I'll give you credit for that but in the future try to insert some subtlety and wit, might be worth actually laughing at if you can somehow manage to pull it off.

I see you didn’t read the OP, just the title. Who helped you with the big words?
LOL, apparently not the same person that helped you, since it's clear you didn't understand what it was saying.....If I were you I'd demand a refund from that defective English tutor.

You don't understand why that would be attractive that establishment politicians on both sides rejected him? Well, I think it's clearly because he is NOT a part of their establishment. He is a total "rogue republican." Lol. He has a "fuck you" attitude, and that might be just what those assholes in Congress need.
Yeah, that's why the first thing he did after winning the election was to start surrounding himself with creatures of the Republican Establishment (Priebus, Gingrich, Giuliani, Sessions, need I go on? )....if that's anti-establishment, then anti-establishment needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and water boarded until it agrees to no long be anti-establishment.

The probable outcome of this whole scenario is a continuation of the norm, whereby the Republicans will talk a good game when it comes to fiscal conservatism, shrinking the regulatory regime and reducing the size & scope of the federal government AND THEN they'll do their very best to imitate the authoritarian, big government progressives on the left.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat......

Still better than Hillary Clinton, no?
I suppose but that's like saying that hemlock is "better" than cyanide because it kills you more slowly........

Can we come up with some better choices? You know just to break the monotony of the vicious cycle we've managed to insert ourselves into.

Apparently not. Lol. Anyhow, because of SCOTUS nominations, I could not vote for the candidate of my choice. I cast my vote hoping to help keep Clinton out of the White House. Next time when there aren't SCOTUS positions up for grabs, I will vote for a 3rd party candidate. Don't forget that these appointees serve for their entire LIVES pretty much. That's serious business.
Well I can only hope that it won't be yet another disappointed but I think the probability is high that it will be.

At best you're far more likely to see a John Roberts appointed by the Donald rather than another Antonin Scalia.
They said it was wrong for Texas to want to secede

Who is they? I was praying TX would bail. This would move the country closer to the center where would could work on problems without as many poorly educated extremists who sit catatonic in front of FOX with spirals in their eyes.

yet libs offered up two old white people.

Libs claim they love this country and yet always talk about how they want to fundamentally change it. So many said they'd become ex-patriots if they didn't like the outcome of the election. Seriously, they do this shit every election which means they don't love this country or the people. It's a selfish attitude. They are only happy when liberals are in office trying to change it. Even though the promises are usually empty, they still think they are being righteous by telling people that they will quickly abandon America if they don't get their way.

No you didn't. Are you fucking kidding me? When a Democrat wins all we hear about is how you want your country back. This started from day one of Obama, and it blossomed into the most powerful and comprehensive rejection of a president we've ever seen. You never - and I mean NEVER - accept a loss. Your denial of Obama was so deep that you went to war on his citizenship for 8 fucking years. Even worse: Mitch McConnell promised make Obama a 1 term president. There has never been so many politically motivated filibusters and investigations. When you lose at the polls, you try to steal power through obstruction and the courts. Your party has become the old Left, which is why I left after voting for HW Bush.

And Trump? He was claiming the election was rigged BEFORE it happened. He said he wouldn't support the results if he lost yet Hillary conceded immediately despite winning the popular vote by over a million votes and having the right to ask for recounts in WI, PA, NC. Love of country? Your utter contempt for Obama, coupled with all the racist signs and avatars, is one of the most anti-American things I have ever seen.

Obama supposedly saved our economy and created jobs. Now they are demanding that Trump fix the economy and get minorities working. Why has so much praise been heaped on Obama for success in these areas and now they want Trump to address this?

Tavis Smiley and Cornell West have been outspoken against the failure of Obama to help struggling African American communities. Minority advocacy groups haven't gone anywhere.

Please source your claims. It's hard to know what you mean by "Liberals". For instance, I don't share the many of views you've ascribed to liberals.
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