Liberal Hypocrisy

Top 7 Hillary Clinton Attacks On Women - I Hate Hillary

5. She threatened Juanita Broddrick, a Bill Clinton rape victim, into silence at a fundraiser. Hillary allegedly sought out Broaddrick at the political fundraiser after Bill had raped her; she grabbed her hand and “thanked her” for “everything” she had done for Bill. Feeling frightened, Broaddrick says she tried to turn around and leave, but Hillary allegedly squeezed her hand tighter and wouldn’t let her go. Juanita specifically told the Daily Wire that there was NO WAY this was not a threat.

“So many people have said since then that, ‘Maybe she just knew that you had been with him, maybe he hadn’t told her the complete description of what he’d done to you,’” she said. “I still feel like she knew.”

6. Hillary was directly quoted as saying, “I mean, I would crucify her,” with regards to Gennifer Flowers. Not much explanation is needed there. She said this to describe if she would cross-examine Gennifer, according to the Washington Post.

7. Hillary was quoted as saying, “We have to destroy her,” when describing a woman state trooper who was pressing for an affair with her husband.

Hillary is a mess who shows no support for women. It is all a case of saying whatever it takes to get the votes she needs.
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"

Well, you should have taken note that the establishment republicans do not like and did not back Trump either. One of the MOST attractive things about the man in my eyes.

I'm just glad that Hill Hag is nowhere near the White House. No appointing leftist judges to the SCOTUS for her! Ha ha!!! That was one of my biggest concerns with this election. If not for SCOTUS nominations, I would have voted 3rd party.
Anyways, I started off by saying that the liberals are hypocritical as hell when it comes to women, and thanks to the libs in this thread for proving my point! :2up:
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"

Well, you should have taken note that the establishment republicans do not like and did not back Trump either. One of the MOST attractive things about the man in my eyes.
Yeah apparently the douche bags in the Republicrat Establishment didn't appreciate the douche bag Trump honing in on their turf, why that would impress anybody is beyond me.

I'm just glad that Hill Hag is nowhere near the White House. No appointing leftist judges to the SCOTUS for her! Ha ha!!! That was one of my biggest concerns with this election. If not for SCOTUS nominations, I would have voted 3rd party.
What makes you think Trump won't end up appointing even worse Justices than the Queen of Corruption would have? Don't tell me you fucking trust him to keep his word or actually think he's a conservative that supports strict constructionism.

Hell he's only been President-Elect for 2 weeks and he's already backtracking on campaign promises he made to the conservative base.... methinks all the Trumpkins are going to end up being as disappointed as all the Obamabots were.
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"

Well, you should have taken note that the establishment republicans do not like and did not back Trump either. One of the MOST attractive things about the man in my eyes.
Yeah apparently the douche bags in the Republicrat Establishment didn't appreciate the douche bag Trump honing in on their turf, why that would impress anybody is beyond me.

I'm just glad that Hill Hag is nowhere near the White House. No appointing leftist judges to the SCOTUS for her! Ha ha!!! That was one of my biggest concerns with this election. If not for SCOTUS nominations, I would have voted 3rd party.
What makes you think Trump won't end up appointing even worse Justices than the Queen of Corruption would have? Don't tell me you fucking trust him to keep his word or actually think he's a conservative that supports strict constructionism.

Hell he's only been President-Elect for 2 weeks and he's already backtracking on campaign promises he made to the conservative base.... methinks all the Trumpkins are going to end up being as disappointed as all the Obamabots were.

I'd rather see what he can do than trust a corrupt career politician, like Hillary. Who did you vote for?
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"

Well, you should have taken note that the establishment republicans do not like and did not back Trump either. One of the MOST attractive things about the man in my eyes.
Yeah apparently the douche bags in the Republicrat Establishment didn't appreciate the douche bag Trump honing in on their turf, why that would impress anybody is beyond me.

I'm just glad that Hill Hag is nowhere near the White House. No appointing leftist judges to the SCOTUS for her! Ha ha!!! That was one of my biggest concerns with this election. If not for SCOTUS nominations, I would have voted 3rd party.
What makes you think Trump won't end up appointing even worse Justices than the Queen of Corruption would have? Don't tell me you fucking trust him to keep his word or actually think he's a conservative that supports strict constructionism.

Hell he's only been President-Elect for 2 weeks and he's already backtracking on campaign promises he made to the conservative base.... methinks all the Trumpkins are going to end up being as disappointed as all the Obamabots were.

You don't understand why that would be attractive that establishment politicians on both sides rejected him? Well, I think it's clearly because he is NOT a part of their establishment. He is a total "rogue republican." Lol. He has a "fuck you" attitude, and that might be just what those assholes in Congress need.
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"

Well, you should have taken note that the establishment republicans do not like and did not back Trump either. One of the MOST attractive things about the man in my eyes.
Yeah apparently the douche bags in the Republicrat Establishment didn't appreciate the douche bag Trump honing in on their turf, why that would impress anybody is beyond me.

I'm just glad that Hill Hag is nowhere near the White House. No appointing leftist judges to the SCOTUS for her! Ha ha!!! That was one of my biggest concerns with this election. If not for SCOTUS nominations, I would have voted 3rd party.
What makes you think Trump won't end up appointing even worse Justices than the Queen of Corruption would have? Don't tell me you fucking trust him to keep his word or actually think he's a conservative that supports strict constructionism.

Hell he's only been President-Elect for 2 weeks and he's already backtracking on campaign promises he made to the conservative base.... methinks all the Trumpkins are going to end up being as disappointed as all the Obamabots were.

I'd rather see what he can do than trust a corrupt career politician, like Hillary.
Well... hope for the best and expect the worst.

Who did you vote for?
The only one my conscience and principles would allow me to vote for,,,, none of the above.
I encourage all of the liberals of America to move to California and make it your own liberal paradise where you can enjoy the benefits of your policies unfettered.

Good Read, OP.
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Hmmm... what started out as a thread has suddenly turned into a .....:cool:

Hey, I was talking politics then she went personal. I debate in the manner of which I’m debated.

LOL,. "debate" ..... is that what you were doing? I thought you were clearing your fucking throat ... OOPS.

Next time you're in the mood for debate, why not do something radical, like I dunno, using some reason and evidence for a change.

I did; a direct quote of the President elect that surfaced in the last few months.

Of course Jumbo took exception to this and came back with a decades old quote from the deposed Ms. Clinton (as if it matters—she’s not going to be President). Then started personally attacking me.

I can’t make you pay attention…you should really try on your own.

Oh, so you are offended by Hillary's comments? :D
No, we are offended by the treasonous bitch known as Hillary.
You don't understand why that would be attractive that establishment politicians on both sides rejected him? Well, I think it's clearly because he is NOT a part of their establishment. He is a total "rogue republican." Lol. He has a "fuck you" attitude, and that might be just what those assholes in Congress need.
Yeah, that's why the first thing he did after winning the election was to start surrounding himself with creatures of the Republican Establishment (Priebus, Gingrich, Giuliani, Sessions, need I go on? )....if that's anti-establishment, then anti-establishment needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and water boarded until it agrees to no long be anti-establishment.

The probable outcome of this whole scenario is a continuation of the norm, whereby the Republicans will talk a good game when it comes to fiscal conservatism, shrinking the regulatory regime and reducing the size & scope of the federal government AND THEN they'll do their very best to imitate the authoritarian, big government progressives on the left.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat......
You don't understand why that would be attractive that establishment politicians on both sides rejected him? Well, I think it's clearly because he is NOT a part of their establishment. He is a total "rogue republican." Lol. He has a "fuck you" attitude, and that might be just what those assholes in Congress need.
Yeah, that's why the first thing he did after winning the election was to start surrounding himself with creatures of the Republican Establishment (Priebus, Gingrich, Giuliani, Sessions, need I go on? )....if that's anti-establishment, then anti-establishment needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and water boarded until it agrees to no long be anti-establishment.

The probable outcome of this whole scenario is a continuation of the norm, whereby the Republicans will talk a good game when it comes to fiscal conservatism, shrinking the regulatory regime and reducing the size & scope of the federal government AND THEN they'll do their very best to imitate the authoritarian, big government progressives on the left.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat......

Still better than Hillary Clinton, no?
I did; a direct quote of the President elect that surfaced in the last few months.
Ummm..yeah… parroting President-Elect Nimrod out of context is what passes for "debate" in the world of politician worshiping, hyper-partisan lemmings I suppose.
Well, the discussion was about women. We all know how Trump feels about them. Sorry if you thought it was out of Context.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and organize a search party to see if you can find your objectivity and reason, maybe then you'll cease to be that person that everybody hopes & prays calls in sick for Thanksgiving Dinner.

As soon as you locate reading comprehension and the ability to retard your idiot reflex, feel free to lecture someone else.
I cannot wait to see more liberal meltdowns when President Trump is inaugurated and in the White House! This is going to be a GREAT 4 years!
Yeah, it'll be just like the last 8 years with the only difference being that it'll be the left wing douche bags engaged in "This is the end of the world" histrionics instead of the right wing douche bags doing it.

Can't wait.

"Different day, different diaper, same shit inside"

Well, you should have taken note that the establishment republicans do not like and did not back Trump either. One of the MOST attractive things about the man in my eyes.

I'm just glad that Hill Hag is nowhere near the White House. No appointing leftist judges to the SCOTUS for her! Ha ha!!! That was one of my biggest concerns with this election. If not for SCOTUS nominations, I would have voted 3rd party.

How’d John Roberts work out for you?
Hey, I was talking politics then she went personal. I debate in the manner of which I’m debated.

LOL,. "debate" ..... is that what you were doing? I thought you were clearing your fucking throat ... OOPS.

Next time you're in the mood for debate, why not do something radical, like I dunno, using some reason and evidence for a change.

I did; a direct quote of the President elect that surfaced in the last few months.

Of course Jumbo took exception to this and came back with a decades old quote from the deposed Ms. Clinton (as if it matters—she’s not going to be President). Then started personally attacking me.

I can’t make you pay attention…you should really try on your own.

Jumbo? Are you looking in the mirror or something? :D Because I am FAR from being a jumbo, but you are old, so you may need to put on your glasses. ;)


You would probably be needing one after looking at yourself in the mirror! ;)

Weak… I guess you can’t bring your A game every day….(or ever in your case).
You don't understand why that would be attractive that establishment politicians on both sides rejected him? Well, I think it's clearly because he is NOT a part of their establishment. He is a total "rogue republican." Lol. He has a "fuck you" attitude, and that might be just what those assholes in Congress need.
Yeah, that's why the first thing he did after winning the election was to start surrounding himself with creatures of the Republican Establishment (Priebus, Gingrich, Giuliani, Sessions, need I go on? )....if that's anti-establishment, then anti-establishment needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and water boarded until it agrees to no long be anti-establishment.

The probable outcome of this whole scenario is a continuation of the norm, whereby the Republicans will talk a good game when it comes to fiscal conservatism, shrinking the regulatory regime and reducing the size & scope of the federal government AND THEN they'll do their very best to imitate the authoritarian, big government progressives on the left.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat......

Still better than Hillary Clinton, no?
I suppose but that's like saying that hemlock is "better" than cyanide because it kills you more slowly........

Can we come up with some better choices? You know just to break the monotony of the vicious cycle we've managed to insert ourselves into.
You don't understand why that would be attractive that establishment politicians on both sides rejected him? Well, I think it's clearly because he is NOT a part of their establishment. He is a total "rogue republican." Lol. He has a "fuck you" attitude, and that might be just what those assholes in Congress need.
Yeah, that's why the first thing he did after winning the election was to start surrounding himself with creatures of the Republican Establishment (Priebus, Gingrich, Giuliani, Sessions, need I go on? )....if that's anti-establishment, then anti-establishment needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and water boarded until it agrees to no long be anti-establishment.

The probable outcome of this whole scenario is a continuation of the norm, whereby the Republicans will talk a good game when it comes to fiscal conservatism, shrinking the regulatory regime and reducing the size & scope of the federal government AND THEN they'll do their very best to imitate the authoritarian, big government progressives on the left.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat......

Still better than Hillary Clinton, no?
I suppose but that's like saying that hemlock is "better" than cyanide because it kills you more slowly........

Can we come up with some better choices? You know just to break the monotony of the vicious cycle we've managed to insert ourselves into.

Apparently not. Lol. Anyhow, because of SCOTUS nominations, I could not vote for the candidate of my choice. I cast my vote hoping to help keep Clinton out of the White House. Next time when there aren't SCOTUS positions up for grabs, I will vote for a 3rd party candidate. Don't forget that these appointees serve for their entire LIVES pretty much. That's serious business.

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