Liberal Hysteria Over Cruz Candidacy Reaches Crazy Level

Liberals are afraid Cruz WONT run in a general election ..
They're liberals, they started out at "crazy level"

Again, how did one person become "they"? Its very weird lengths you go to to be "offended"

I'm not offended, I take no moon bat libturd serious

Did she multiply? Or do you have double vision?
When you libroids stop accusing us collectively in your posts, as you have today, maybe we'll stop.

You constantly prove us right.

Mention specific words and the usual negative response spews forth from you guys

Words like:

  1. Tax cuts
  2. Tea Party
  3. Fox News
  4. Freedom
  5. Love of country
  6. American exceptionalism
  7. Conservative Blacks
  8. Sarah Palin
  9. Rush Limbaugh
  10. Islamic terrorism
  11. Ted Cruz
  12. Bush
  13. Gun ownership
  14. Global Warming is a scam
  15. Emails
  16. Benghazi
  17. Constitution
  18. Hands Up Don't Shoot
Any of the above causes libroids to start screaming like lunatics

You mean howling with laughter?
Meanwhile, RELIEF is on the way!

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