Liberal Insanity


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
As soon as all the trespassers are sent home, unemployment will drop significantly.
Obama's attempt at Nixonian economics who declared we're all keynesian now and sold our collective soul to Saudi- is that the Obama keynesian you're trying to blame- and on that subject, Nixon was Republican and Republicans have had the reins several times yet the system remains the same (as in over and over and over)- borrow to spend- yeah, expecting different results from the allowed duopoly is crazy.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
\Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
Biden's Super Tuesday wins saved the market. DOW up 1166.46!
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
\Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
Biden's Super Tuesday wins saved the market. DOW up 1166.46!

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
\Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
Biden's Super Tuesday wins saved the market. DOW up 1166.46!
It certainly didn't happen because of anything Trump has done, i.e. nothing.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
\Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
Biden's Super Tuesday wins saved the market. DOW up 1166.46!
It certainly didn't happen because of anything Trump has done, i.e. nothing.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
\Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
Biden's Super Tuesday wins saved the market. DOW up 1166.46!

Hey, would your confidence not increase when the communist goes from the only person on the stage to being second to Biden :D
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
\Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
Biden's Super Tuesday wins saved the market. DOW up 1166.46!
It certainly didn't happen because of anything Trump has done, i.e. nothing.

Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.

Not really accurate...Trump lowered it by 1 percentage point, not one percent same goes with Obama. A subtle but important difference.

It went down by 39.7% under Obama and down 23.4% under Trump.

Not the either one of them had much to do with it.
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Oh look, someone else that does not understand what public control of the means of production means.
Every time Leftists lose the election, they DEMAND that we cooperate with them - meet them halfway with all their demands.

Every time Leftists WIN the election, they tell us to go pound sand. We won, you lost, deal with it.

Hypocrisy and mendacity are their métiers.

"Elections have consequences. We won, you lost. Deal with it." - Barack Obama, 2008

"Ride in the back of the bus."- Obama

"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." - Obama who approved bump stocks resulting in the 57 deaths at Las Vegas
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different out come each time. Obama's attempt at Keynesian Economics which never resulted in bringing back an economy in any nation. The so called Stimulus he instituted only helped prevent layoffs in towns and cities for only one year. The following year the layoffs only became larger. Increasing taxes and regulations on businesses during a recession results to less and less economic and job growth. Obama Care was a house of falling cards. Premiums and deductibles kept increasing Insurances companies were bailing out by the carloads due to the loss of profits to stay solvent.
When it comes to Socialism, Maggie Thatcher stated " it works until the government runs out of other peoples money". Free health care is a oxymoron. You pay for it by taxes. As Health Care costs rise, so will the taxes you pay for it. The government will decide what health care you can have and not have. The attempt by France to increase fuel taxes to pay for rising Health Taxes created riots in the streets
I have a Canadian friend who is dying from cancer. He had to wait so long for treatment that it metastasized and his life could not extended.
It is true the Nordic countries are notable economic successes. It is false that they are particularly socialist. Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Donald Trump - 2nd President without 3% GDP, and only lowered unemployment by 1% compared to Obama's 5.3%.
And the largest number of people ever are saying how much better off they are from three years ago.

"Making Russia great again"

"Tell Putin I will have more flexibility after the election." - BozoBama thinking his microphone was turned off, while talking to a Russian diplomat

Worse by far was his giveaway to the Iranian Mullahs of pallets of cash, $1.5 billion or more. They promised to make nice, so....

Obama was THE most incompetent president in our history.
It's not at all surprising that scores of millions of Leftists demand that working Americans pay all the medical bills for illegals who sneak across our border, for educating their children, pay to feed and house alcoholics, drug addicts and the mentally ill who sleep, crap, pee, throw their trash and used drug needles on public sidewalks.

If all these illegals and *homeless* were bused into the neighborhoods of Leftists, their tunes would change in a hurry.

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