Liberal LaBeouf Out of Closet; 'You're Black, so You are Going to Hell'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obviously, actors should avoid getting drunk and talking shit in public, as Mel Gibson can atest, and when liberal googoo LaBeouf talks his shit, it is like a career ending orgy of bullshit.

This is why liberals suspect conservatives of being racist as they think conservatives are merely hiding their racism just like the libs do.

Shia LaBeouf Tells Black Cop 'You're Going to Hell' Cause You're Black
Shia LaBeouf went full racist at the Savannah Police Dept. where he was arrested this past weekend, telling a black officer he would go to hell because of his skin color.

In newly released video, while Shia was being fingerprinted he looked at a black officer and said, "You're going to hell, straight to hell, bro." A white cop questioned the drunk actor, and added ... "That doesn't mean he's going to hell." Shia responded, "It means a whole lot, bro."

He goes on to accuse the cops of being racist because "a black man arrested me for being white."​
So, yet another LeBeouf thread from a conservative. They seem infatuated with him and with all Hollywood celebrities, based on the number of times they post about Hollywood celebrities.

Needless to say, you don't see the liberals talking about Hollywood celebrities. Interest in Hollywood gossip is entirely a conservative thing.
It's like watching a slomo train wreck, you can almost not took away. Is the breakman asleep? Did he have a heart attack. Why won't someone do something?

Then, as the wreckage is being cleared away, the drunk Engineer says "I hate Trump". Oh, in that case, no harm done.
It's like watching a slomo train wreck, you can almost not took away. Is the breakman asleep? Did he have a heart attack. Why won't someone do something?

Then, as the wreckage is being cleared away, the drunk Engineer says "I hate Trump". Oh, in that case, no harm done.
The leftwing media and their attending literati that orbit around them, all exist inside this Liberal Talking Bubble and they have little input from outside of it. If they do get dissonant opinions from their LTB consensus, they deny the legitimacy of it for various reasons; the dissonant is either alt-right, bought by the Koch brothers, deranged, too old to know better or a closet racist.

And they go merrily on their way not having a clue as to how out of touch they are.

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