Liberal lawyer burns himself alive to protest global warming?

The LIB lawyer must have become depressed when he visited regions in the country which ought to be enjoying warm weather but instead the inhabitants are freezing their nuts off.
Except he didn't have any nuts to freeze off.
You know an ideology is bankrupt when it's followers start burning themselves.

The last time the world allowed bed wetting national socialists to run rampant they burned 12 million innocent people.

I think this is the only reason they all don't drink the cool aide. They know that if Dims were all gone humanity would flourish, and then reproduce in mass again just to give birth to more Dims and then start back over.

Now if they knew they could murder everyone on the planet along with themselves, then I think they would do it. That way they could "save the planet". For what, I have no idea.

They don't know either.

I suspect the sociopaths who manipulate the world's bed wetting parasites have sinister plans.

Someone put up these warning signs.


Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia

Nice to see a lawyer finally earn his fee. I guess you could say he really was a flamer.
OK, so the guy committed suicide without a gun........

What can we learn from this children?

Murderers Murder, It's what they do, they don't care what tool they use, they just Murder.

Rapists Rape, It's what they do, they don't care what tool they use, they just Rape

Suicidal nutjobs commit Suicide, It's what they do, they (obviously) don't care what tool they use, they just commit suicide.

When's the estate auction, bet he had bitchin furniture!
Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic

This is also true from an epistemological standpoint: Liberals live in a world of fantasy, where there is no distinction between justified belief and personal opinion.

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