Liberal Lies About Homeschooling


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "

IndoctriNation - Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America
As a former educator and current liberal, I've never heard any arguments that homeschooling is a white or elitist idea. However, I have seen two homeschooled students in action. Both were academically advanced overall but had deficiencies--much like any student. Both had problems fitting in; one was quiet while the other demanded attention constantly.

However, public schools always had a role as a cultural force. Immigrants were not only taught English but how to live as an American. And yes, all of that included good citizenship and patriotism. Heck, we say the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. (At least, we did. It's been a while for me.) Why is this a bad thing? Because Obama is president? Would this all be different if Bush were still president?

Oh, and what specifically has Obama done to public schools?
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "
Gee, you CON$ sound just like your Messiah!

Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.
Adolf Hitler
Where were the lies? I missed them? It is rather funny that public education is indoctrination but being subjected to the viewpoint of one person is not? If you want to raise a non thinking robot, control their experiences and social contacts and then you can indoctrinate them fully and completely. If you want to create mindless people, feed them your hangups and prejudices and then claim they know all there is to know. Then send the child out into a world of different cultures, people, and beliefs armed with the limits of your head. Should be an interesting experiment, they may wonder at all the different things there are in the world.

One of the primary complaints teachers today have of students is a lack of respect both for learning and for people, including the teachers. American society after WWII turned back to the individual and away from a more social society. We lost our neighborhoods through sprawl and created unease and waste through dependence on carbon fuels. It is a curious irony that the nations we defeated in WW2 moved closer to a social worldview while we again strayed into narcissism and isolation. For me home schooling (HS) is an aberration - not necessarily bad - that is often religious based, similar to the Amish or to Islamic fundamentalists. If the home is a place in which image and reality are matched, and the parents serve as examples then HS is already done and life in the real world becomes an alternate universe in which one recognizes the other and learns cooperation and tolerance.

"I realize that many of you will not agree with me on this topic. This is strictly my opinion and I hope you will take it as just that, an opinion. I was brought up in the public school system and have found very few faults with it. My children will attend the public school system. I don’t think it failed me and I don’t believe it will fail them either." Homeschooling...bad or good?!? - What Should I Know About Homeschooling? -

4. More opportunities in public school. I have never heard of a homeschooling program that had classes such as photography, auto mechanics, journalism, etc. Some of these classes are ones that can build a career for some students. Homeschool students are never exposed to these type of classes and, therefore, never have a real chance to learn some of these things. I don’t personally know of any homeschooled students who have not gone on to college. For those who don’t go to college, it seems that the job market is a little smaller for them than a student of the public schools because of these specialized classes." from above link
Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "
Interesting that you had to go back to 2006 to get the results you wanted. Also you had to use the national average in which the lower Red states, where education is frowned upon and hindered as much as possible, bring down the higher Blue states average, where education is encouraged and supported.

The ACT for Blue states like Mass - 24.2, Conn - 23.9, N.H. - 23.7, NY - 23.4, Maine 23.3, N.J. - 23.2, R.I.- 23, are much higher than the Homeschooled average.
Children who are homeschooled are less likely to be peer accepted and have social difficulties. They are likely to refuse to take drugs and be as promiscuous as the public schooled. Transfer children from other countries that do not have the social imperitives that our children have suffer the same "deficiencies".
We homeschool, but for different reasons. Our son is disabled and was physically abused at school. The abuse included being struck by other students and left outside alone in 100 degree heat (both were witnessed by us). I also witnessed another student tied down with restraints and left unattended, with resulting rope burns. School administrators did nothing, but attempt to deny and cover up. I believe their thinking was that to take corrective action would be to expose themselves to liability.

Since homeschooling, there is the constant threat of the school using social servcices to attempt to coerce our child back into the school system. You see, the school system dearly wants the Federal money obtained for school attendence. What I have experienced and witnessed along with other parents out in California is corruption and incompetence by school administrators on a grand scale.

If school administrators say that home schooled kids are socially deficient, it is most likely a lie. After all, their lips are moving.

This is coming from one who strongly believed in the public school system prior to having children.
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

The problem here is that rig-wingers think education is in itself liberal indoctrination. This is because right-wingers are idiots so making kids intellgent makes them more liberal
We homeschool, but for different reasons. Our son is disabled and was physically abused at school. The abuse included being struck by other students and left outside alone in 100 degree heat (both were witnessed by us). I also witnessed another student tied down with restraints and left unattended, with resulting rope burns. School administrators did nothing, but attempt to deny and cover up. I believe their thinking was that to take corrective action would be to expose themselves to liability.

Since homeschooling, there is the constant threat of the school using social servcices to attempt to coerce our child back into the school system. You see, the school system dearly wants the Federal money obtained for school attendence. What I have experienced and witnessed along with other parents out in California is corruption and incompetence by school administrators on a grand scale.

If school administrators say that home schooled kids are socially deficient, it is most likely a lie. After all, their lips are moving.

This is coming from one who strongly believed in the public school system prior to having children.

I am sorry for your childs abuse. Ironicly republcians have come out against measures to reduce bullying and have enen tried to pass bills protecting bullies
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "

If thats what their trying to do they are failing miserably, most public school kids I have seen don't give a damn about the state and wouldn't piss on it if it were on fire.
Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

Written on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
by David L. Goetsch

Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated. This fact, more than any other, is what fuels the homeschooling movement in America. There are now more than 1.5 million children schooled at home in America, a number that has grown rapidly during the three years of the Obama administration. In fact, President Obama and his fellow leftists have turned homeschooling into one of America’s few growth industries, a movement that continues to grow in direct proportion to the disenchantment of parents with liberal shenanigans carried out in the name of education. Homeschoolers are Americans who have said, “I am fed up with leftist indoctrination and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

Teachers’ unions and left-leaning educators, concerned about the growth of homeschooling in America, have ramped up the volume on their two favorite lies about the concept: 1) homeschooled children are maladjusted and lack social skills, and 2) homeschooling is an elitist white phenomenon. The first lie is just the same old tired socialization argument public educators have told for years, an argument easily refuted. The second lie is newer, although it is really just a twist on an old liberal tactic: brand anything you disagree with as racist.

As part of their socialization criticism, public school officials like to portray homeschooled children as poor little wretches isolated against their will by overbearing, anti-social parents. Predictably, just the opposite is true.

Liberal Lies About Homeschooling – Patriot Update

Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "

IndoctriNation - Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America

Yes intelligent people are less likely to be religious or believe bullshit like the earth is 6,000 years old
However, public schools always had a role as a cultural force. Immigrants were not only taught English but how to live as an American. And yes, all of that included good citizenship and patriotism. Heck, we say the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools. (At least, we did. It's been a while for me.) Why is this a bad thing?

It's not, necessarily bad. But it is potentially dangerous because it concentrates too much power in the hands of centralized authority. Which is why we've tried, in the past, to keep public education as decentralized as possible.

Concentration of power is almost always a threat to liberty, and we should continue the American tradition of resisting it. We don't want the same entity that fights our wars and polices our streets in charge of educating our children (or providing us religious instruction, or running our economy, or in charge of our health care, etc, etc...).
Children who are homeschooled are less likely to be peer accepted and have social difficulties. They are likely to refuse to take drugs and be as promiscuous as the public schooled. Transfer children from other countries that do not have the social imperitives that our children have suffer the same "deficiencies".

That depends on how much exposure these home school children have with other kids.
If thats what their trying to do they are failing miserably, most public school kids I have seen don't give a damn about the state and wouldn't piss on it if it were on fire.

Maybe not, but they are eager consumers, compliant workers and obedient soldiers - which is more to the point.
If thats what their trying to do they are failing miserably, most public school kids I have seen don't give a damn about the state and wouldn't piss on it if it were on fire.

Maybe not, but they are eager consumers, compliant workers and obedient soldiers - which is more to the point.

Eager consumers I can agree with, but eager workers? not so much, most of these kids are spoiled and lazy.
Children who are homeschooled are less likely to be peer accepted and have social difficulties. They are likely to refuse to take drugs and be as promiscuous as the public schooled. Transfer children from other countries that do not have the social imperitives that our children have suffer the same "deficiencies".

That depends on how much exposure these home school children have with other kids.

Home schooled kids have concerned parents who choose their children's associates very carefully.

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