Liberal Lies About Homeschooling

If thats what their trying to do they are failing miserably, most public school kids I have seen don't give a damn about the state and wouldn't piss on it if it were on fire.

Maybe not, but they are eager consumers, compliant workers and obedient soldiers - which is more to the point.

Eager consumers I can agree with, but eager workers? not so much, most of these kids are spoiled and lazy.

Well, I said 'compliant', not 'eager'. For the most part, they accept their role. They're content to consign themselves to a lifetime of debt, which ties them to work they hate. The most important lessons of public education are conformity and acceptance of authority. Phony celebrations of 'individuality' to the contrary, public schools are there to prevent too many people from thinking 'outside the box'.
Where were the lies? I missed them? It is rather funny that public education is indoctrination but being subjected to the viewpoint of one person is not? If you want to raise a non thinking robot, control their experiences and social contacts and then you can indoctrinate them fully and completely. If you want to create mindless people, feed them your hangups and prejudices and then claim they know all there is to know. Then send the child out into a world of different cultures, people, and beliefs armed with the limits of your head. Should be an interesting experiment, they may wonder at all the different things there are in the world.

One of the primary complaints teachers today have of students is a lack of respect both for learning and for people, including the teachers. American society after WWII turned back to the individual and away from a more social society. We lost our neighborhoods through sprawl and created unease and waste through dependence on carbon fuels. It is a curious irony that the nations we defeated in WW2 moved closer to a social worldview while we again strayed into narcissism and isolation. For me home schooling (HS) is an aberration - not necessarily bad - that is often religious based, similar to the Amish or to Islamic fundamentalists. If the home is a place in which image and reality are matched, and the parents serve as examples then HS is already done and life in the real world becomes an alternate universe in which one recognizes the other and learns cooperation and tolerance.

"I realize that many of you will not agree with me on this topic. This is strictly my opinion and I hope you will take it as just that, an opinion. I was brought up in the public school system and have found very few faults with it. My children will attend the public school system. I don’t think it failed me and I don’t believe it will fail them either." Homeschooling...bad or good?!? - What Should I Know About Homeschooling? -

4. More opportunities in public school. I have never heard of a homeschooling program that had classes such as photography, auto mechanics, journalism, etc. Some of these classes are ones that can build a career for some students. Homeschool students are never exposed to these type of classes and, therefore, never have a real chance to learn some of these things. I don’t personally know of any homeschooled students who have not gone on to college. For those who don’t go to college, it seems that the job market is a little smaller for them than a student of the public schools because of these specialized classes." from above link

Actually there are a plethora of lesson plans on the subjects you mention for homeschoolers or just for those who don't have the opportunity to take those classes where they are for reasons of availability or time constraints.

What you said about religion and homeschooling was probably true not so many years ago, but it's changing. Many parents are opting out of both public and parochial schools to be free of the dogma taught in both. Many more today do not have access to high quality education they want for their kids.


Syllabus: Photo Journalism « TEACH J: For Teachers of Journalism And Media

None of the 4 high schools I've been subbing at the past two years offers auto mechanics presently. Seriously. Indeed, shop courses in woodwork at confined to AP Engineering, which surprisingly are not geared to the average student. Go figure.

However, homeschool? Opportunities are there:

Auto Upkeep: Basic Car Care, Maintenance, and Repair Homeschool Kit Order Directly from Publisher

Woodworking with Children | Woodworking Projects for Kids | Online Resources

Science labs and practical electricity:

Electricity - A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling

While I think that homeschoolers should certainly be able to try out for their local public school teams, there are alternatives:

Let Us Show You What We Can Do - Room for Debate -
I know several families who have home schooled and I find that their children are more polite, more mature and more intelligent than their public school counterparts.

If I were to have kids I would most certainly home school them.
Children who are homeschooled are less likely to be peer accepted and have social difficulties. They are likely to refuse to take drugs and be as promiscuous as the public schooled. Transfer children from other countries that do not have the social imperitives that our children have suffer the same "deficiencies".

That depends on how much exposure these home school children have with other kids.

Home schooled kids have concerned parents who choose their children's associates very carefully.

I would imagine that would be the case most of the time, but there are exceptions. A friend of mine had his child removed from high school from drinking and having alcohol on him in the school, he thinks just having him stay home and homeschool with the mother will solve all his sons problems, I have my doubts.
I know several families who have home schooled and I find that their children are more polite, more mature and more intelligent than their public school counterparts.

If I were to have kids I would most certainly home school them.

That or Private School.
That depends on how much exposure these home school children have with other kids.

Home schooled kids have concerned parents who choose their children's associates very carefully.

I would imagine that would be the case most of the time, but there are exceptions. A friend of mine had his child removed from high school from drinking and having alcohol on him in the school, he thinks just having him stay home and homeschool with the mother will solve all his sons problems, I have my doubts.

I agree. The public high schools must offer an alternative placement option for such behavior. That late in the game, homeschooling isn't the answer. Few things are.
Maybe not, but they are eager consumers, compliant workers and obedient soldiers - which is more to the point.

Eager consumers I can agree with, but eager workers? not so much, most of these kids are spoiled and lazy.

Well, I said 'compliant', not 'eager'. For the most part, they accept their role. They're content to consign themselves to a lifetime of debt, which ties them to work they hate. The most important lessons of public education are conformity and acceptance of authority. Phony celebrations of 'individuality' to the contrary, public schools are there to prevent too many people from thinking 'outside the box'.

If your saying public school turns people into Zombies I guess I can agree with that, maybe its just me but I don't see too many compliant workers or obedient soldiers coming out of that stock. More like video gamers and stoners.
I know several families who have home schooled and I find that their children are more polite, more mature and more intelligent than their public school counterparts.

If I were to have kids I would most certainly home school them.

That or Private School.

There are good and not so good private schools. For many, tuition is beyond their capabilities. Then again, for many homeschooling is also.

One doesn't need a teaching degree or even a college degree to homeschool, but one must be educated enough to be able to find the resources to create and execute a curriculum, understand the laws of your state regarding homeschooling, have the discipline to adhere to the curriculum, etc.
Eager consumers I can agree with, but eager workers? not so much, most of these kids are spoiled and lazy.

Well, I said 'compliant', not 'eager'. For the most part, they accept their role. They're content to consign themselves to a lifetime of debt, which ties them to work they hate. The most important lessons of public education are conformity and acceptance of authority. Phony celebrations of 'individuality' to the contrary, public schools are there to prevent too many people from thinking 'outside the box'.

If your saying public school turns people into Zombies I guess I can agree with that, maybe its just me but I don't see too many compliant workers or obedient soldiers coming out of that stock. More like video gamers and stoners.

People who are the product of social promotion, grading on a curve and the everyone gets a trophy mentality.
Well, I said 'compliant', not 'eager'. For the most part, they accept their role. They're content to consign themselves to a lifetime of debt, which ties them to work they hate. The most important lessons of public education are conformity and acceptance of authority. Phony celebrations of 'individuality' to the contrary, public schools are there to prevent too many people from thinking 'outside the box'.

If your saying public school turns people into Zombies I guess I can agree with that, maybe its just me but I don't see too many compliant workers or obedient soldiers coming out of that stock. More like video gamers and stoners.

People who are the product of social promotion, grading on a curve and the everyone gets a trophy mentality.

I support anyone that wants to successfully homeschool their children. OTOH lots of comments here are very unwarranted against public schools through generalizations. My guess is projections of your own.
Children who are homeschooled are less likely to be peer accepted and have social difficulties. They are likely to refuse to take drugs and be as promiscuous as the public schooled. Transfer children from other countries that do not have the social imperitives that our children have suffer the same "deficiencies".

That depends on how much exposure these home school children have with other kids.

Home schooled kids have concerned parents who choose their children's associates very carefully.

Sounds controlling
I know several families who have home schooled and I find that their children are more polite, more mature and more intelligent than their public school counterparts.

If I were to have kids I would most certainly home school them.

That or Private School.

There are good and not so good private schools. For many, tuition is beyond their capabilities. Then again, for many homeschooling is also.

One doesn't need a teaching degree or even a college degree to homeschool, but one must be educated enough to be able to find the resources to create and execute a curriculum, understand the laws of your state regarding homeschooling, have the discipline to adhere to the curriculum, etc.

200 Free Online Classes to Learn Anything | OEDb

One can get a better education via the web and iTunes University than one can in a public school.

I can find thousands of hours of free instructional and lecture videos with just a few clicks of the mouse.
As a former educator and current liberal, I've never heard any arguments that homeschooling is a white or elitist idea. However, I have seen two homeschooled students in action. Both were academically advanced overall but had deficiencies--much like any student. Both had problems fitting in; one was quiet while the other demanded attention constantly.
There are simple tools to solve that. Ballet classes, Karate and other sports, Scouts, Summer camps, furrn langwidge skewls,YMCA classes at night.
Home schooled kids have concerned parents who choose their children's associates very carefully.

I would imagine that would be the case most of the time, but there are exceptions. A friend of mine had his child removed from high school from drinking and having alcohol on him in the school, he thinks just having him stay home and homeschool with the mother will solve all his sons problems, I have my doubts.

I agree. The public high schools must offer an alternative placement option for such behavior. That late in the game, homeschooling isn't the answer. Few things are.

Yup the boy is 16 and in his Junior year, he's already started drinking regularly and hanging out with a 19 year old across the street who he smokes weed with, I don't see how home schooling is supposed to stop all of this overnight.
As a former educator and current liberal, I've never heard any arguments that homeschooling is a white or elitist idea. However, I have seen two homeschooled students in action. Both were academically advanced overall but had deficiencies--much like any student. Both had problems fitting in; one was quiet while the other demanded attention constantly.
There are simple tools to solve that. Ballet classes, Karate and other sports, Scouts, Summer camps, furrn langwidge skewls,YMCA classes at night.

Thats actually a good post there Douger.
That or Private School.

There are good and not so good private schools. For many, tuition is beyond their capabilities. Then again, for many homeschooling is also.

One doesn't need a teaching degree or even a college degree to homeschool, but one must be educated enough to be able to find the resources to create and execute a curriculum, understand the laws of your state regarding homeschooling, have the discipline to adhere to the curriculum, etc.

200 Free Online Classes to Learn Anything | OEDb

One can get a better education via the web and iTunes University than one can in a public school.

I can find thousands of hours of free instructional and lecture videos with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Nothing fits all. Some kids, even the gifted would do horribly with your model. Truth is, a mix is nearly always best. That makes regular schools tough to beat, given a certain bottom level.

I live in an area of excellent public schools, in my district over 80% go from 12th grade to 4 year university. Another 12% go to the community college. 2% go into military. 96% graduation rate. Of course the socioeconomic factors are also not the norm. In the high school my kids went to: 78% of parents had some college. 68% have BA/BS. 25% have post-grad degrees. Needless to say, few of these kids are going to be the first in their families to finish college. Still, in this area homeschooling is very big compared to the nation. Why? The parents want the best education for their kids.

Then again, our public school administration has been pretty accomodating towards the homeschooled. They lend textbooks, they help with getting standardized testing completed, they allow homeschooled into both sports and social activiites. Why? I'm guessing both the parents and the administration knows that these parents have the means to take the legal venues. OTOH, the parents want all the documentation they can gather for their kids, often applying for very selective secondary and/or universities.
Do You Know What Your Children Are Learning in Public School?

Written on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

Do you know what your children or grandchildren are learning in public school? If you have children in public school or in college, pay close attention to what they are being taught and how it affects their thinking. Fair warning—you might not like what you learn. Just because liberals are misguided does not mean they are not determined concerning their leftist agenda. In fact, one could say that when it comes to educating America’s youth, they have been more determined than conservatives. The left recognized long ago the central role education at all levels plays in the formation of the individual’s worldview, and they have acted on that recognition.

Parents who choose alternatives such as Christian schools and homeschooling for their children do so because they understand what liberals long ago recognized: If you want to control what and how an individual thinks, you must first control the public school curriculum. After all, public school is where the majority of children in America receive their education, or at least what passes for education these days. Liberals have achieved their goal of controlling the public school curriculum and it would not be exaggerating to say that this has been their most important victory in the last 100 years. In fact, liberal domination of public school and college curriculums is now so complete that conservatives who attended public school and college in another era would not even recognize what their children are subjected to on a daily basis—nor would they approve of it.

Do You Know What Your Children Are Learning in Public School? – Patriot Update
Do You Know What Your Children Are Learning in Public School?

Written on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 by David L. Goetsch

Do you know what your children or grandchildren are learning in public school? If you have children in public school or in college, pay close attention to what they are being taught and how it affects their thinking. Fair warning—you might not like what you learn. Just because liberals are misguided does not mean they are not determined concerning their leftist agenda. In fact, one could say that when it comes to educating America’s youth, they have been more determined than conservatives. The left recognized long ago the central role education at all levels plays in the formation of the individual’s worldview, and they have acted on that recognition.

Parents who choose alternatives such as Christian schools and homeschooling for their children do so because they understand what liberals long ago recognized: If you want to control what and how an individual thinks, you must first control the public school curriculum. After all, public school is where the majority of children in America receive their education, or at least what passes for education these days. Liberals have achieved their goal of controlling the public school curriculum and it would not be exaggerating to say that this has been their most important victory in the last 100 years. In fact, liberal domination of public school and college curriculums is now so complete that conservatives who attended public school and college in another era would not even recognize what their children are subjected to on a daily basis—nor would they approve of it.

Do You Know What Your Children Are Learning in Public School? – Patriot Update
PLz post more conspiracy theories plz
We homeschool, but for different reasons. Our son is disabled and was physically abused at school. The abuse included being struck by other students and left outside alone in 100 degree heat (both were witnessed by us). I also witnessed another student tied down with restraints and left unattended, with resulting rope burns. School administrators did nothing, but attempt to deny and cover up. I believe their thinking was that to take corrective action would be to expose themselves to liability.

Since homeschooling, there is the constant threat of the school using social servcices to attempt to coerce our child back into the school system. You see, the school system dearly wants the Federal money obtained for school attendence. What I have experienced and witnessed along with other parents out in California is corruption and incompetence by school administrators on a grand scale.

If school administrators say that home schooled kids are socially deficient, it is most likely a lie. After all, their lips are moving.

This is coming from one who strongly believed in the public school system prior to having children.

I am sorry for your childs abuse. Ironicly republcians have come out against measures to reduce bullying and have enen tried to pass bills protecting bullies

Why do people use words when they don't know what they mean?
Threat to Homeschooling
By John Stossel
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
"The cat is finally out of the bag. A California appellate court, ruling that parents have no constitutional right to homeschool their children, pinned its decision on this ominous quotation from a 47-year-old case, "A primary purpose of the educational system is to train schoolchildren in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare."

There you have it; a primary purpose of government schools is to train schoolchildren "in loyalty to the state." Somehow that protects "the public welfare" more than allowing parents to homeschool their children, even though homeschooled kids routinely outperform government-schooled kids academically. In 2006, homeschooled students had an average ACT composite score of 22.4. The national average was 21.1. "

IndoctriNation - Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America

Yes intelligent people are less likely to be religious or believe bullshit like the earth is 6,000 years old

Really intelligent people know that most people don't believe that.

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