Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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I'd like to see the classified report, to see the fake document actually in the report.
Lefties like Coyote, STUCK ON STUPID, still can't accept it was a FAKE even after it's proven it was..

These people are certifiable.

You haven't proven the story itself isn't true. I suspect it is. Sounds like the perv Trump through and through.

Nobody is required to prove a negative,
We haven't proved the story isn't true???????????????????

That's what Dan Rather said when he got caught with faked Bush National Guard records.

Didn't work for him either!


The Bush story was true. It was proven without those documents that Karl Rove faked.

Serious question, are you truly this stupid?

Yes. Absolutely yes....

Wow is all I can say.

Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You support a "news" agency that posted a report that it didn't bother to verify. That is dangerous and irresponsible. Fuck you and your pissant double standard.

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.

Wrong. They WERE verified. By the fucking FBI, you just chose to ignore what they said, and then claimed that she was above the law. My gosh but you are one stupid human being.

You believe whoever says what you want to hear mod.
sorry but can't help myself:

Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You support a "news" agency that posted a report that it didn't bother to verify. That is dangerous and irresponsible. Fuck you and your pissant double standard.

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.


Unverified like what?????????

Benghazi? I'd say it's verified that four people are dead!

Yeah, but did anyone piss on each other.
Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You'll believe anything mod.

I trust facts. YOU tell fake facts. Big difference.

Bwa ha ha ha ha, yeah, sure
You haven't proven the story itself isn't true. I suspect it is. Sounds like the perv Trump through and through.

Doesn't matter, it's Don's birtherism blown up in his own crotch.
wow self destruction in front of me. wow dude.

I wouldn't say Don has self destructed just yet.

I'd say McCain, some intelligence ops, Buzzfeed and CNN just self destructed!


I find it hilarious that anyone gives a damn about Don's sexual tastes.

So why do you keep talking about the fake report? Hmmm? You asshats have been engaged in the politics of personal destruction. If you can't beat their ideas you try and destroy them personally. You're a special kind of despicable.
Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You support a "news" agency that posted a report that it didn't bother to verify. That is dangerous and irresponsible. Fuck you and your pissant double standard.

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.


Unverified like what?????????

Benghazi? I'd say it's verified that four people are dead!

See what I mean? RIGHT ON CUE.

Their own fake news is their gospel.
Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You support a "news" agency that posted a report that it didn't bother to verify. That is dangerous and irresponsible. Fuck you and your pissant double standard.

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.


Unverified like what?????????

Benghazi? I'd say it's verified that four people are dead!

Yeah, but did anyone piss on each other.

Don't know. We don't hang out in your bedroom.


Thanks Donald!!! ♥
Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You support a "news" agency that posted a report that it didn't bother to verify. That is dangerous and irresponsible. Fuck you and your pissant double standard.

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.


Unverified like what?????????

Benghazi? I'd say it's verified that four people are dead!

Yeah, but did anyone piss on each other.

Yeah, the liberal media pissed on each other!

Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
You're an Un-American scumbag piece of fucking shit.

While I don't agree with most of McCain's stances when it comes to politics, unlike Un-American shit stains like you and trump, I respect that man for his service to this country, five and a half years of it which was spent in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

You are the real traitor here, you worthless, Un-American cumstain.
so the vet from the Ft. Lauderdale murders, is he worthy of your respect for serving?
Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You support a "news" agency that posted a report that it didn't bother to verify. That is dangerous and irresponsible. Fuck you and your pissant double standard.

For almost four years the rightwing media hammered Hillary Clinton with unverified 'reports' and you lapped it up like a dog over his own vomit.

NOW you want to claim you're a champion of impeccably responsible journalism?

good one. That is goddam funny.


Unverified like what?????????

Benghazi? I'd say it's verified that four people are dead!

Yeah, but did anyone piss on each other.

Don't know. We don't hang out in your bedroom.

Make somehing up as usual, that always works for you mod.
Don't forget McCain and, sorry...I suppose they can be counted as leftists as well.

Great point!!!! McStain - Once a traitor, always a traitor.. SONGBIRD
You're an Un-American scumbag piece of fucking shit.

While I don't agree with most of McCain's stances when it comes to politics, unlike Un-American shit stains like you and trump, I respect that man for his service to this country, five and a half years of it which was spent in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

You are the real traitor here, you worthless, Un-American cumstain.

Snowflake MELTDOWN rofl
CNN says that they are keeping his name secret for his own privacy.

The information on his life isn't really that detailed either. He is a former MI6 agent that worked in Russia. That's about it.

It's all concerning Donald Trump and his friends in Russia. I doubt they were of hot interest back in Soviet times.

But still VALUABLE to Russian Intel NOW. . Why would they give it up for NOTHING in return?

Read Americano's link above. The ex-MI6 guy was a paid shill for the Dems. He was cheap ass political opposition research. Not a glorified spy. But like I said -- if ANY of that research came from his MI-6 days, he'll be spending a bunch of years in the Queens dungeon he will..

More likely he paid Russians to spin yarns that would be hard to disprove.
But WHY do you even THINK the info came from his MI6 days??? Did you read somewhere, anywhere, that it did?

You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence. Certainly, Russian folks who can CONFIRM room bugging and SPECIFIC EVENTS are not gonna spill shit like that to a former nobody now working in an American political campaign for no BENEFIT to Russia.

That's why...
the Republican group investigating hired him from what I read....?

if the Ex MI6 man had an identity established from a decade or two ago, perhaps that identity was never spoiled, and he was able to pick it up again, with connections?

OUR intel community have not admitted to confirming any of this stuff from him, have they?

This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
There was never an MI6 investigator. It was a private investigator who claimed to know MI6 investigators. . He was supposed to "find" the information the nevertrumpers gave him to "find".
Lefties like Coyote, STUCK ON STUPID, still can't accept it was a FAKE even after it's proven it was..

These people are certifiable.

You haven't proven the story itself isn't true. I suspect it is. Sounds like the perv Trump through and through.

Doesn't matter, it's Don's birtherism blown up in his own crotch.

The only crotch blowing up is the woodie you get from leftist anti-Trump garbage spewed forth - no matter how fucking insane it is.
Reckon Don is gaining some insight into what his birther shit was like now.

Came from the shrilary campaign. Remember that fact, cupcake.

You'll believe anything mod.

I trust facts. YOU tell fake facts. Big difference.

Bwa ha ha ha ha, yeah, sure
Doesn't matter, it's Don's birtherism blown up in his own crotch.
wow self destruction in front of me. wow dude.

I wouldn't say Don has self destructed just yet.

I'd say McCain, some intelligence ops, Buzzfeed and CNN just self destructed!


I find it hilarious that anyone gives a damn about Don's sexual tastes.

So why do you keep talking about the fake report? Hmmm? You asshats have been engaged in the politics of personal destruction. If you can't beat their ideas you try and destroy them personally. You're a special kind of despicable.

I say, in fairness, we just treat this like Trump treated the fake birther story FOR EIGHT FUCKING YEARS.

Get used to it. You liars made this bed, now you can lie in it. lol, 'lie' in it. no pun intended
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