Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Some guy on 4Chan just said the moon is made out of cheese!!!!
None of that is true!
Here is the actual chain of events:
The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain
In this case, the request for opposition research on Donald Trump came from one of his Republican opponents in the primary campaign. The research firm then hired one of its sub-contractors who it used regularly on all things Russian: a retired western European former counter-intelligence official, with a long history of dealing with the shadow world of Moscow’s spooks and siloviki (securocrats).

By the time the contractor had started his research, however, the Republican primary was over. The original client had dropped out, but the firm that had hired him had found a new, Democratic client. This was not necessarily the Hillary Clinton campaign or the Democratic National Committee. Opposition research is frequently financed by wealthy individuals who have donated all they can and are looking for other ways to help.

By July, the counter-intelligence contractor had collected a significant amount of material based on Russian sources who he had grown to trust over the years – not just in Moscow, but also among oligarchs living in the west. He delivered his reports, but the gravity of their contents weighed on him. If the allegations were real, their implications were overwhelming.

He delivered a set to former colleagues in the FBI, whose counter-intelligence division would be the appropriate body to investigate. It is believed he also passed a copy to his own country’s intelligence service, but it felt constrained in what action it could take and left it up to the Americans to do their own investigation and draw their own conclusions.

As summer turned to autumn, the investigator was asked for more information by the FBI but heard nothing back about any investigation. The bureau seemed obsessed instead with classified material that flowed through a private email server set up by Clinton’s aides. The FBI’s director, James Comey, threw the election into a spin 11 days before the vote by announcing his investigators were examining newly discovered material.

The former intelligence official grew concerned that there was a cover-up in progress. On a trip to New York in October, he was persuaded to tell his story to David Corn, the Washington editor of Mother Jones, who first reported the existence of the material on 31 October.

The FBI however continued to refuse to comment on the issue, despite reports that it had requested and perhaps acquired a warrant for further investigation from the Foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court. The silence was not altogether surprising. The FBI counter-intelligence division, headquartered in Washington, is extremely secretive, much more so than the New York field office, which had strong links to former prosecutor and mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was by then working for Trump. The threat of leaks from New York about Clinton emails had reportedly pushed Comey into making his October surprise announcement.

In mid-November, the documents took another route into Washington that ultimately led to them being mentioned in the joint intelligence report on Russian interference that was delivered to President Obama and President-elect Trump. On 18 November, the annual Halifax International Security Forum opened in the Canadian city, bringing together serving and former security and foreign policy officials from around the world.

Senator John McCain, a hawkish Republican, was there and was introduced to a former senior western diplomat who had seen the documents, knew their source and thought him highly reliable. McCain decided the implications were sufficiently alarming to dispatch a trusted emissary, a former US official, to meet the source and find out more.

The emissary hastily arranged a transatlantic flight and met the source at the airport as arranged. (The Guardian has agreed not to specify the city or country where the meeting took place.) The meeting had a certain cold war tradecraft to it, as he was told to look for a man with a copy of the Financial Times. Having found each other, the retired counter-intelligence officer drove the emissary to his house, where they discussed the documents and their background.

The emissary flew back within 24 hours and showed McCain the documents, saying it was hard to impossible to verify them without a proper investigation. McCain said he was reluctant to get involved, lest it be perceived as payback for insulting remarks Trump had made about him during his rambunctious campaign.

However, on 9 December, McCain arranged a one-on-one meeting with Comey, with no aides present, and handed them over.

“Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the Director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue,” the senator said in a statement on Wednesday morning.
OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D
Mother Jones was the first media to publish the story.

The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain
In this case, the request for opposition research on Donald Trump came from one of his Republican opponents in the primary campaign. The research firm then hired one of its sub-contractors who it used regularly on all things Russian: a retired western European former counter-intelligence official, with a long history of dealing with the shadow world of Moscow’s spooks and siloviki (securocrats).
By the time the contractor had started his research, however, the Republican primary was over. The original client had dropped out, but the firm that had hired him had found a new, Democratic client. This was not necessarily the Hillary Clinton campaign or the Democratic National Committee. Opposition research is frequently financed by wealthy individuals who have donated all they can and are looking for other ways to help.

By July, the counter-intelligence contractor had collected a significant amount of material based on Russian sources who he had grown to trust over the years – not just in Moscow, but also among oligarchs living in the west. He delivered his reports, but the gravity of their contents weighed on him. If the allegations were real, their implications were overwhelming.

He delivered a set to former colleagues in the FBI, whose counter-intelligence division would be the appropriate body to investigate. It is believed he also passed a copy to his own country’s intelligence service, but it felt constrained in what action it could take and left it up to the Americans to do their own investigation and draw their own conclusions.

As summer turned to autumn, the investigator was asked for more information by the FBI but heard nothing back about any investigation. The bureau seemed obsessed instead with classified material that flowed through a private email server set up by Clinton’s aides. The FBI’s director, James Comey, threw the election into a spin 11 days before the vote by announcing his investigators were examining newly discovered material.

The former intelligence official grew concerned that there was a cover-up in progress. On a trip to New York in October, he was persuaded to tell his story to David Corn, the Washington editor of Mother Jones, who first reported the existence of the material on 31 October.
Mother Jones....OMG!
There are A LOT of major news sources reporting on this. I'd find it awfully absurd if all these news agencies would report a story at this point if it was "proven" to be false.

This is being taken very seriously. There were veiled comments about it in Jeff Sessions confirmation today, before CNN launched the story.

This 4chan nobody just gave Trump cultists a convenient way out, but this information was actually compiled by a private investigator and former MI6 agent whose name is currently being kept secret. It's the result of months of research originally started by a Washington think tank.
Actually his name has just been released, Christopher Steele.
There are A LOT of major news sources reporting on this. I'd find it awfully absurd if all these news agencies would report a story at this point if it was "proven" to be false.

This is being taken very seriously. There were veiled comments about it in Jeff Sessions confirmation today, before CNN launched the story.

This 4chan nobody just gave Trump cultists a convenient way out, but this information was actually compiled by a private investigator and former MI6 agent whose name is currently being kept secret. It's the result of months of research originally started by a Washington think tank.
Actually his name has just been released, Christopher Steele.

Yep, and there is not a single person with anything bad to say about him... he is meticulous and very trustworthy.
If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow.

He wasn't with MI6. He investigated privately, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?
This is like a viral middle school rumor..

He wasn't working at a washington think tank. He was hired by a washington think tank. He used to be a secret agent that operated within the former Soviet Union after all. He probably got paid a good sum of money to do it.

This information was supposed to be shared only among ten people, and I don't know how it got out. Whatever the case, these are serious accusations and are going to be investigated further.

All the tabloid press says this guy is ex-MI-6.. Are folks just making up shit now?
Ex-spy behind Trump intelligence dossier identified: report
Christopher Steele created the controversial document about the Russian government’s alleged power over Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The dossier, which alleges links between Trump's campaign and the Russian government, as well as the existence of compromising Russian-owned material on Trump, created a stir Tuesday. CNN reported that the dossier's contents came up in an intelligence meeting with Trump, and BuzzFeed later published the unverified document — two reports Trump and his staff denounced in a press conference today.

Steele is now a director at a private security and investigations firm in London, according to the Journal.

Steele, 52, is one of two directors at Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd. The dossier's creator has been repeatedly described in reports as having a good reputation in intelligence circles.
Orbis was formed in 2009 by former British intelligence professionals, according to the firm’s website. The company mounts “intelligence-gathering operations” and conducts “complex, often cross-border investigations."

A source told the Journal that Steele created the dossier, which is a series of unsigned memos seemingly written between June and December 2016.
If he DID all that research while AT MI-6 -- they'd want him back for prosecution tomorrow.

He wasn't with MI6. He investigated privately, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

How many ex-MI-6 people are working at Wash "think tanks"? That starts to be less than "anonymous" and unnamed doesn't it?
This is like a viral middle school rumor..

He wasn't working at a washington think tank. He was hired by a washington think tank. He used to be a secret agent that operated within the former Soviet Union after all. He probably got paid a good sum of money to do it.

This information was supposed to be shared only among ten people, and I don't know how it got out. Whatever the case, these are serious accusations and are going to be investigated further.

All the tabloid press says this guy is ex-MI-6.. Are folks just making up shit now?
Ex-spy behind Trump intelligence dossier identified: report
Christopher Steele created the controversial document about the Russian government’s alleged power over Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The dossier, which alleges links between Trump's campaign and the Russian government, as well as the existence of compromising Russian-owned material on Trump, created a stir Tuesday. CNN reported that the dossier's contents came up in an intelligence meeting with Trump, and BuzzFeed later published the unverified document — two reports Trump and his staff denounced in a press conference today.

Steele is now a director at a private security and investigations firm in London, according to the Journal.

Steele, 52, is one of two directors at Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd. The dossier's creator has been repeatedly described in reports as having a good reputation in intelligence circles.
Orbis was formed in 2009 by former British intelligence professionals, according to the firm’s website. The company mounts “intelligence-gathering operations” and conducts “complex, often cross-border investigations."

A source told the Journal that Steele created the dossier, which is a series of unsigned memos seemingly written between June and December 2016.

Was pretty sure it would be child's play to identify this "unspecified source". Thanks..
Yep, and there is not a single person with anything bad to say about him... he is meticulous and very trustworthy.

That's funny, until post you quoted you didn't even know his name. But, he's trustworthy because... what's the reason again? You're usually one that "knows" all the answers. :D

So enlighten us all, or at least me alone, what makes that British bloke meticulous and trustworthy?
Yep, and there is not a single person with anything bad to say about him... he is meticulous and very trustworthy.

That's funny, until post you quoted you didn't even know his name. But, he's trustworthy because... what's the reason again? You're usually one that "knows" all the answers. :D

So enlighten us all, or at least me alone, what makes that British bloke meticulous and trustworthy?

Because he has helped the federal intelligence agencies before... Do you read articles? It's all over the internet on numerous sites. Not a single one has any dirt on him. They all say good things about him and his reputation.
Because he has helped the federal intelligence agencies before... Do you read articles? It's all over the internet on numerous sites. Not a single one has any dirt on him. They all say good things about him and his reputation.

We really don't have enough spies in 17 intelligence agencies that we need help from foreign sources.

Can you tell us who actually asked him for help? Why? Who paid him?

And who are "they"? Name them.
Because he has helped the federal intelligence agencies before... Do you read articles? It's all over the internet on numerous sites. Not a single one has any dirt on him. They all say good things about him and his reputation.

We really don't have enough spies in 17 intelligence agencies that we need help from foreign sources.

Can you tell us who actually asked him for help? Why? Who paid him?

And who are "they"? Name them.

Go read the articles... someone already posted that one of the Republican nominees hired him before the election, and once they were out of the running he started working for the Democrats... and then thought the information was so important he turned it over to the Feds.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Not ALL of Christopher Steele's fairy tales were "made up by 4chan". I know you are specially challenged, but do try and keep up.. There is still the matter of the "unadulteratied" version of the USIC Appendix. And what I was referring to in the post you failed to mock concerned the REMAINING elements of that juvenile political prankstership..
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Not ALL of Christopher Steele's fairy tales were "made up by 4chan". I know you are specially challenged, but do try and keep up.. There is still the matter of the "unadulteratied" version of the USIC Appendix. And what I was referring to in the post you failed to mock concerned the REMAINING elements of that juvenile political prankstership..
The only thing made up by 4Chan was that 4Chan made up the stories in the report.
The report predates any post by 4Chan so only in a Right-wing world where calendars read backwards could 4Chan have fed anything to anybody.
Because he has helped the federal intelligence agencies before... Do you read articles? It's all over the internet on numerous sites. Not a single one has any dirt on him. They all say good things about him and his reputation.

We really don't have enough spies in 17 intelligence agencies that we need help from foreign sources.

Can you tell us who actually asked him for help? Why? Who paid him?

And who are "they"? Name them.

Go read the articles... someone already posted that one of the Republican nominees hired him before the election, and once they were out of the running he started working for the Democrats... and then thought the information was so important he turned it over to the Feds.

You all saying the same story, but lets get specific.

One of Republican nominees... nobody is saying which one.
Information so important that news get it way before the intelligence does. Cool story, right?
And last, for this time, is there anything from those document verified, and if is, who verified it?
Because he has helped the federal intelligence agencies before... Do you read articles? It's all over the internet on numerous sites. Not a single one has any dirt on him. They all say good things about him and his reputation.

We really don't have enough spies in 17 intelligence agencies that we need help from foreign sources.

Can you tell us who actually asked him for help? Why? Who paid him?

And who are "they"? Name them.

Go read the articles... someone already posted that one of the Republican nominees hired him before the election, and once they were out of the running he started working for the Democrats... and then thought the information was so important he turned it over to the Feds.

You all saying the same story, but lets get specific.

One of Republican nominees... nobody is saying which one.
Information so important that news get it way before the intelligence does. Cool story, right?
And last, for this time, is there anything from those document verified, and if is, who verified it?

I don't know which one originally hired him, but McCain is taking credit for giving the dossier to the FBI. So I'm guessing he has a clue about it.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Not ALL of Christopher Steele's fairy tales were "made up by 4chan". I know you are specially challenged, but do try and keep up.. There is still the matter of the "unadulteratied" version of the USIC Appendix. And what I was referring to in the post you failed to mock concerned the REMAINING elements of that juvenile political prankstership..
The only thing made up by 4Chan was that 4Chan made up the stories in the report.
The report predates any post by 4Chan so only in a Right-wing world where calendars read backwards could 4Chan have fed anything to anybody.

Whatever the 4chan claims were (and they are highly dubious) -- there WAS an opposition research project that Mr Steele led that was funded first by Repub opposition and then by the Clinton campaign. Doesn't matter who CLAIMS to have embellished it. The allegations that Trump was compromised by hotel hijinks is in the ORIGINAL work.

Don't care who taking credit for juicing a piece of propaganda -- do you?? I care that Mr. Steele story from his "russian contacts" is a load of crap. As is MOST of the opposition research that gets paid for by $MILLs in campaign donations..
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Not ALL of Christopher Steele's fairy tales were "made up by 4chan". I know you are specially challenged, but do try and keep up.. There is still the matter of the "unadulteratied" version of the USIC Appendix. And what I was referring to in the post you failed to mock concerned the REMAINING elements of that juvenile political prankstership..
The only thing made up by 4Chan was that 4Chan made up the stories in the report.
The report predates any post by 4Chan so only in a Right-wing world where calendars read backwards could 4Chan have fed anything to anybody.

Whatever the 4chan claims were (and they are highly dubious) -- there WAS an opposition research project that Mr Steele led that was funded first by Repub opposition and then by the Clinton campaign. Doesn't matter who CLAIMS to have embellished it. The allegations that Trump was compromised by hotel hijinks is in the ORIGINAL work.

Don't care who taking credit for juicing a piece of propaganda -- do you?? I care that Mr. Steele story from his "russian contacts" is a load of crap. As is MOST of the opposition research that gets paid for by $MILLs in campaign donations..

You realize private investigators are used all across the country... EVERY day. I did my internship with one. They get paid to do what they do... and it is NEVER used against them to challenge the integrity of their evidence.
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