Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Wow, that was a truly stupid comment.

You have no idea what anyone is alleging at all, apparently.
Whatever the 4chan claims were (and they are highly dubious) -- there WAS an opposition research project that Mr Steele led that was funded first by Repub opposition and then by the Clinton campaign...

I care that Mr. Steele story from his "russian contacts" is a load of crap.
There you go again with YOUR made up speculative bullshit. And you have the gall to call Steele's research a piece of crap while you shit out your own crappy unproven speculation, you hypocrite!

The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain
By the time the contractor had started his research, however, the Republican primary was over. The original client had dropped out, but the firm that had hired him had found a new, Democratic client. This was not necessarily the Hillary Clinton campaign or the Democratic National Committee. Opposition research is frequently financed by wealthy individuals who have donated all they can and are looking for other ways to help.
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Wow, that was a truly stupid comment.

You have no idea what anyone is alleging at all, apparently.
Pure projection on your part.
See the OP and then read post 524, which you conveniently edited out of my reply.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Wow, that was a truly stupid comment.

You have no idea what anyone is alleging at all, apparently.
Pure projection on your part.
See the OP and then read post 524, which you conveniently edited out of my reply.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

No, idiot, we have not gone *from* 4chan being the origin of the staory as that is what actually happened, dolt.
Ongoing damage control on CNN.

Intel chief says that "pissgate" isn't a US document. CNN is saying that they are correct in only "detailing a synopsis" of the dossier rather than reporting on it seriously, also distancing themselves from Buzzfeed. The only reason for that is so that they look reputable in comparison.
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Wow, that was a truly stupid comment.

You have no idea what anyone is alleging at all, apparently.
Pure projection on your part.
See the OP and then read post 524, which you conveniently edited out of my reply.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

No, idiot, we have not gone *from* 4chan being the origin of the staory as that is what actually happened, dolt.
No it didn't, and the proof is 4Chan cannot even show a post from before the report was made let alone before the rumor first appeared.
Link to the earliest 4Chan post and prove me wrong or :anj_stfu:.
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

Wow, that was a truly stupid comment.

You have no idea what anyone is alleging at all, apparently.
Pure projection on your part.
See the OP and then read post 524, which you conveniently edited out of my reply.
This ex MI-6 investigator was paid BOTH by the NeverTrump folks and then by the DNC to dig up political dirt.
More likely he went to chat with ex-contacts, told them he was getting paid to dig up the dirt and these Russian guys had a huge belly laugh over filling him up with a bunch of tall tales. The entire Russian Intel apparatus is probably laughing to tears over how GULLIBLE Americans are..
So now we've gone from 4Chan making up the story in the OP to the Russians making up the story 524 posts later as the Right keeps moving the goalposts to cover Tramp's ass.

No, idiot, we have not gone *from* 4chan being the origin of the staory as that is what actually happened, dolt.
No it didn't, and the proof is 4Chan cannot even show a post from before the report was made let alone before the rumor first appeared.
Link to the earliest 4Chan post and prove me wrong or :anj_stfu:.

Will you just stop? This is all just bogus stuff dreamed up by the leftists because they are angry because they lost the election. Nobody believes it except for some weirdos. Nothing is going to happen and Trump is going to be the president. I would suggest you stop melting down and start dealing with reality.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

no one made up anything about psycho Donnie.

These conspiracy theorist people are the equivalent of the birthers. They need a name. We should call them the Chicken Littles.
How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.

I get it. The opposite of a "snowflake:" is a loud mouthed bigot that spews racial slurs & thinks they should be able to do it when ever & wherever without being called out for it.

It is truly sad that you are proud that you can't fucking talk without insulting certain people. You even think that makes you a tough guy. It doesn't. It makes you pathetic.

"It is truly sad that you are proud that you can't fucking talk without insulting certain people."

I rarely insult people and if I do it's because they're either being exceptionally juvenile or exceptionally idiotic.

Illustrating that you are actually referring to yourself regarding insulting people:

"The opposite of a "snowflake:" is a loud mouthed bigot that spews racial slurs & thinks they should be able to do it when ever & wherever without being called out for it."

No the opposite of a Snowflake is an emotionally mature adult who doesn't need Safe Spaces and isn't offended by much and who is able to cope with the world.
Correct me if I'm wrong....but didn't some white guy, go out and shoot up a place because......a fake news story said the Clintons were into child porn? And again, correct me if I'm wrong....neither Trump, no anyone here raised an eyebrow over fake news, again, you people can not, I repeat, can not have this cake made of shit and eat it too....however tasty you find it. In short....THE CONSERVATIVE MEDIA....REEEKKKKKKKSSSS OF FAKE INTEL!!
How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.

Believe me I'm not a snowflake but I am a realist. I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well.

Now Hillary lost, I'm use to loosing , after all John McCain didn't win nor did Gore or Kerry, but Trump. Am I crying , hardly. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

This man who has put down everyone and even our Pres. over his birth cert, is not going to get my nod of approval ever , never. Like I said I'll be happy to see him leave Washington in the shameful way he got there.

"I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well."

Yes I love to play with my children also.

With regard to the Snowflakes and the Play Doh and crayons and colouring books, this was what certain educational establishments had to bring in for Adult-Toddlers ie. Snowflakes, who completely melted down psychologically because Hillary didn't win.

Emotionally mature adults do NOT need Play Doh and crayons and colouring books to soothe themselves because something didn't go the way they wanted it to.

Emotionally mature adults are able to cope with the situation that sometimes disappointments occur and whilst you might be annoyed at that, after a few hours you come to terms with it, dust yourself down and continue functioning and live to fight another day.
The client "dropping out" is precisely Bernie Sanders as the middle tine of the Impossible Trident. Sanders knew what was going to happen beforehand. The propaganda is not quality. Steele left the lights on as he split Motel 6, though none have yet mentioned that Steele also worked with Alexander Litvinenko, who was trained in how to lose a tail.
Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.

Believe me I'm not a snowflake but I am a realist. I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well.

Now Hillary lost, I'm use to loosing , after all John McCain didn't win nor did Gore or Kerry, but Trump. Am I crying , hardly. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

This man who has put down everyone and even our Pres. over his birth cert, is not going to get my nod of approval ever , never. Like I said I'll be happy to see him leave Washington in the shameful way he got there.

"I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well."

Yes I love to play with my children also.

With regard to the Snowflakes and the Play Doh and crayons and colouring books, this was what certain educational establishments had to bring in for Adult-Toddlers ie. Snowflakes, who completely melted down psychologically because Hillary didn't win.

Emotionally mature adults do NOT need Play Doh and crayons and colouring books to soothe themselves because something didn't go the way they wanted it to.

Emotionally mature adults are able to cope with the situation that sometimes disappointments occur and whilst you might be annoyed at that, after a few hours you come to terms with it, dust yourself down and continue functioning and live to fight another day.

True, but the "Emotionally Mature Adult" appears to be a rarity in the Liberals World. Their "voice of reason" seems to have Laryngitis.
Litivinenko links to Benghazi, because that terrorism was a replay of events at Fort Mims. Litivinenko links to Fort Mims by a double date (Streep's double globes): Alexander Litvinenko had (two [italics]) birthdays, one death day. In addition, Anna Politkovskaya also links to Fort Mims for the important death-day date.
#816: The Russians have preferred a Republican U.S. president since time immemorial. Clinton mafia simply thought that no one knew Russian history so that it could project its resentment with impunity.
"One party, two right wings." Gore Vidal. Class struggle never is simply between two entities. A third is always required, (this third element is the class struggle itself [italics]). Sanders knew his 2016 role was to assist in the dupage.
Litivinenko links to Benghazi, because that terrorism was a replay of events at Fort Mims. Litivinenko links to Fort Mims by a double date (Streep's double globes): Alexander Litvinenko had (two [italics]) birthdays, one death day. In addition, Anna Politkovskaya also links to Fort Mims for the important death-day date.

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