Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Believe me I'm not a snowflake but I am a realist. I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well.

Now Hillary lost, I'm use to loosing , after all John McCain didn't win nor did Gore or Kerry, but Trump. Am I crying , hardly. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

This man who has put down everyone and even our Pres. over his birth cert, is not going to get my nod of approval ever , never. Like I said I'll be happy to see him leave Washington in the shameful way he got there.

And that speaks volumes about you. The RaTz were pulling dirty tricks all over the place - BUT that's OK with you. Only Trump should be held to a high standard. That's hypocritical.
Trump has no standards. The POS lied more than any other candidate running for President. Where are those tax returns he promised.

Those returns are none of your business. Now go back to your fake news sites but post your return before you leave.

What? No return? Part of the 47% that freeload off the taxpayers backs, aren't you?

He is hiding something, well he is hiding a lot.

You and your media threw all they could at him. When that didn't work you made shit up. It's OVAH and you've been kicked to the curb.

Right , trump is so innocent. Do you work or pay taxes? Or are you a freeloader like he is? Maybe you are rich and don't believe anyone pays taxes. I got to say, I don't feel like it anymore. I did all my life and why? So the rich POS like Trumps don't. Nothing pisses me off worst that that piece of slime.
ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.

Believe me I'm not a snowflake but I am a realist. I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well.

Now Hillary lost, I'm use to loosing , after all John McCain didn't win nor did Gore or Kerry, but Trump. Am I crying , hardly. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

This man who has put down everyone and even our Pres. over his birth cert, is not going to get my nod of approval ever , never. Like I said I'll be happy to see him leave Washington in the shameful way he got there.

And that speaks volumes about you. The RaTz were pulling dirty tricks all over the place - BUT that's OK with you. Only Trump should be held to a high standard. That's hypocritical.
Trump has no standards. The POS lied more than any other candidate running for President. Where are those tax returns he promised.

He said today , no one is interested in them except the press, and she said man people are and he said "I won".
You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence.

You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

It has not gone un noticed that ewe were silent when the hikdabeast gave Russia our uranium and pressed a reset button. So ewe got nuttin. Maybe the two can share a cell. Ewe up for that?

You still believe that, the guy who wrote Clinton Cash said the story was made up, she didn't have the authority to give any uranium.
You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

It has not gone un noticed that ewe were silent when the hikdabeast gave Russia our uranium and pressed a reset button. So ewe got nuttin. Maybe the two can share a cell. Ewe up for that?

You still believe that, the guy who wrote Clinton Cash said the story was made up, she didn't have the authority to give any uranium.

Cant read it and I'm not paying for the NYT,

Peter Schweizer admitted he overreached in attacking Hillary Clinton's purported role in approving a Russian uranium deal and falsely claimed that then-Secretary of State Clinton "had veto power" to stop the Russian State Atomic Nuclear Agency (Rosatom) from purchasing Uranium One. Schweizer has suggested Clinton approved the deal as a favor for Clinton Foundation donors

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia
Hey I right or wrong on this?

I remember how much it sucked 8 years ago this month having to watch Seotero prepare for this inaugural address. Anybody with half a brain knew what we'd be in for and even in February 2009, Rush Limbaugh stated he'd fail in spectacular fashion which we will see begin in a few weeks as ObamaCare gets nuked.

But I say it was all worth see the profound misery and bitterness going on in every thread from the DUMS is just beyond satisfying. Its a fucking hoot..........:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::deal:

And the winning just doesn't CNN getting the worst kick in the nut sack in their history! Completely pwned themselves........dang.........the tingle in the leg just gets more tingly and the laughing just never seems to cease. Every day these people blast their own faces off with a 12G and come back the next day and do it again.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha
This is all liberal media knows. Trump will bitch slap them into becoming professional journalist.
No one has proven the Trump report to be fake or real. All of the links which LGS has posted to this point do not prove it is a fake. They are saying it SOUNDS fake.

And then there is one person on 4-Chan claiming to be Anonymous who is saying he created the Trump report. However, LGS has been badly burned by people claiming to be Anonymous before.

She never learns.
Another fucking gullible drip.

It's all right here, dumbfuck.
FAKE NEWS: BuzzFeed and CNN fall for Trump Piss Story That was 4Chan Prank
WOW! Gateway Pundit even tells you they are feeding you fake news in their headline and you still swallow it!!!
Never heard of 4chan. I asked Cereal_Killer, no response.
However I did once have a quadrophonic 8-track player. :D
4Chan is the home of some of the greatest shitposters and trolls in the history of the interwebz. They would send amateurs who inhabit the FZ here running to their mommies in tears.

It's no wonder to me that they could find some partisan sap gullible enough to run to their editors with this hoax.
Except the partisan saps that ran with the 4Chan hoax are Gateway Pundit, Zero Hedge and the rest of the Right-wing fake news outlets. The GOP primary campaign oppo research had the story 15 months BEFORE 4Chan claimed to have created it.
No one has proven the Trump report to be fake or real. All of the links which LGS has posted to this point do not prove it is a fake. They are saying it SOUNDS fake.

And then there is one person on 4-Chan claiming to be Anonymous who is saying he created the Trump report. However, LGS has been badly burned by people claiming to be Anonymous before.

She never learns.
Another fucking gullible drip.

It's all right here, dumbfuck.

FAKE NEWS: BuzzFeed and CNN fall for Trump Piss Story That was 4Chan Prank
Oh, the irony!

You've been pwned AGAIN, retard. 4chan didn't create that report. You've all been hoaxed by 4chan. Did you not read my posts in this topic? Did you not see how I showed anyone can make shit up on 4chan?

Why do you rubes keep getting back in line for more bullshit to chow down on? Seriously. Why do you NEVER come to your senses?
Hey I right or wrong on this?

I remember how much it sucked 8 years ago this month having to watch Seotero prepare for this inaugural address. Anybody with half a brain knew what we'd be in for and even in February 2009, Rush Limbaugh stated he'd fail in spectacular fashion which we will see begin in a few weeks as ObamaCare gets nuked.

But I say it was all worth see the profound misery and bitterness going on in every thread from the DUMS is just beyond satisfying. Its a fucking hoot..........:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::deal:

And the winning just doesn't CNN getting the worst kick in the nut sack in their history! Completely pwned themselves........dang.........the tingle in the leg just gets more tingly and the laughing just never seems to cease. Every day these people blast their own faces off with a 12G and come back the next day and do it again.

THAR he blows. Speak of the devil. This ^^ was the emotional basket case I was thinking of when I posted this:

This thread is fake news.

I don't have the slightest idea what she's even yammering about. It's like trying to read the emotional basket case posts of that climate change guy who calls everybody "S0n". Clearly misplaced her meds.
This thread is fake news.
Lady Gunslinger has brought you down faster than a bottle of whiskey to a Sioux.

LGS got pwned by 4chan a couple months ago. And now she's been pwned again.

As have you.

LGS is dumb enough to fall for any hoax. So what does it say about you when you bleev her? :lol:
If the story is fake - why was it included in the Intel Report on Russian hacking - and shown to President Obama and Trump? Tomorrow is supposed to be a big news day on this story.
who's story is fake? CNN's? Buzzfeeds? 4chan?

What story is suppose to be fake????
The 4Chan story is a proven fake. CNN and Buzzfeed are unverified at this point.
OK, you're nice this time, so let's get serious.

CNN got this "story" that they refuse to publish, since is unverified, but they announced they have intelligence reports in their possession, without being "specific"

Story goes to Mother Jones and they refuse to publish it, claiming "even we can't do this".

Story goes to Buzzfeed and they publish it without verification, hoping that CNN will back them up.

CNN doesn't follow, they just referred to Buzzfeed as source.

At the end, Buzzfeed will take a fall, CNN will say they know nothing, although they pretty much set them up for a fall. But who cares, story got out, truth or not, that all that leftist loons need to keep it going.

Oh, and those images I posted, they're as truth as Buzzfeed story. Up to you if you believe it or not. That's pretty much the same thing Buzzfeed said, right? :D
Mother Jones was the first media to publish the story.

The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain
In this case, the request for opposition research on Donald Trump came from one of his Republican opponents in the primary campaign. The research firm then hired one of its sub-contractors who it used regularly on all things Russian: a retired western European former counter-intelligence official, with a long history of dealing with the shadow world of Moscow’s spooks and siloviki (securocrats).
By the time the contractor had started his research, however, the Republican primary was over. The original client had dropped out, but the firm that had hired him had found a new, Democratic client. This was not necessarily the Hillary Clinton campaign or the Democratic National Committee. Opposition research is frequently financed by wealthy individuals who have donated all they can and are looking for other ways to help.

By July, the counter-intelligence contractor had collected a significant amount of material based on Russian sources who he had grown to trust over the years – not just in Moscow, but also among oligarchs living in the west. He delivered his reports, but the gravity of their contents weighed on him. If the allegations were real, their implications were overwhelming.

He delivered a set to former colleagues in the FBI, whose counter-intelligence division would be the appropriate body to investigate. It is believed he also passed a copy to his own country’s intelligence service, but it felt constrained in what action it could take and left it up to the Americans to do their own investigation and draw their own conclusions.

As summer turned to autumn, the investigator was asked for more information by the FBI but heard nothing back about any investigation. The bureau seemed obsessed instead with classified material that flowed through a private email server set up by Clinton’s aides. The FBI’s director, James Comey, threw the election into a spin 11 days before the vote by announcing his investigators were examining newly discovered material.

The former intelligence official grew concerned that there was a cover-up in progress. On a trip to New York in October, he was persuaded to tell his story to David Corn, the Washington editor of Mother Jones, who first reported the existence of the material on 31 October.
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