Liberal media caught in another blatant lie: National Mall was FULL during Trump's inauguration

Zoom shot from CNN's megapixel courtesy ijr


If you zoom in, you notice that the only white sections are those closed off by heavy iron fencing.....


the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is well -- Disgusting filth. The lying kind
You sheep are so pathetic it makes me sick. Don't you see the Trump camp wants to start a war with them media? Either that or they are pathetic to be bickering over how many people attended Trumps inaugeration. Who gives a fuck?

Reince Priebus: White House Will Fight Media 'Tooth And Nail' Over Trump Coverage | The Huffington Post

I'm a liberal willing to give Trump a chance but not if he's being sleezy. Is this step one in the Trump plan? First start a fight with the media because you are about to do some very unpopular things? I'm smelling a rat.

I wish I would have smelled a rat after 9-11. I gave Bush a chance and boy did he use 9-11 to fuck us. Please don't tell me Trumps going to be shady too. I hope not.

You're a dimocrap. Your word means nothing.

In your tiny little brain, you may think you're giving Trump a chance, but you're not.

Subconsciously, or consciously (don't know, don't care) you're just looking for the first excuse to go back to being the dimocrap scumbag you are.

It took you -- What? 24 Hours?? :50:
So you still havent looked at the gig
With the GigaPixal image you can zoom in and it clearly shows a packed house.

I did look at it.
There is no overhead shot that shows a full mall. No one has provided that.

Did you use the zoom feature?

I did.
Did you provide the overhead shot refuting the one in question?

I suppose only those directly involved in the MSM conspiracy had access to the cam on the Washington Monument.
was there an overhead shot at the time of the speech. Why don't you post it to make your point.

Already done, dope.
Liberal media caught in another blatant lie: National Mall was FULL during Trump's inauguration
that's not an overhead nor is it with trump on stage. you failed both sides of that. wow. you need to disprove the CNN gigapixel shot which one can zoom and see no empty space like the other photos while trump was in his chair. Facts are still difficult for you all.
Lots of liberals have been stridently insisting that the Mall was half empty or worse during Trump's inauguration. They point to photos displayed by the New York Times and other liberal rags as "proof", showing most of the Mall empty.

But CNN has developed a photo technique they call "Gigapixel", which takes a photo of a very large area, with such precision that you can zoom in and see individual faces. They used it while Trump was giving his inaugural address.

Unfortunately, CNN was so eager to show off their new technology, they forgot to get their stories straight with the other media outlets first. You have to go to the website and pivot the picture back and forth. And when you do, at one end you can see Trump standing at the dais alone, giving his speech to the audience. And if you swing it the other way and zoom out, you can see that the National Mall is COMPLETELY FULL except for two small sections that were 75% full. That's easily a million people.

No wonder Trump's people ripped the media a new one (again). The NYTimes was manufacturing fake news (again) designed to make Trump look bad (again), and they got caught red-handed (again).

A small line near the bottom of the NYT article explains the lie: They admit that their half-empty picture was taken nearly an hour before Trump was inaugurated, and that people were still coming in. Why they call that picture "Trump's Inauguration" is not explained.

When you ask someone how many people came to Trump's inauguration, you're not asking how many showed up an hour early. You're asking how many were there. The NYT tried to substitute the hour-earlier picture for an actual picture of the inauguration. But CNN showed an actual picture of the inauguration, in terrific detail... thus blowing the New York Times' lie out of the water.

For the New York Times' fake picture, see

And for CNN's true picture taken an hour later, see Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump .

Remember to zoom the CNN picture in and out so you can see Trump giving his speech (which pinpoints what time it was taken), and you can also see that the entire Mall is jammed to the rafters.

You sheep are so pathetic it makes me sick. Don't you see the Trump camp wants to start a war with them media? Either that or they are pathetic to be bickering over how many people attended Trumps inaugeration. Who gives a fuck?

Reince Priebus: White House Will Fight Media 'Tooth And Nail' Over Trump Coverage | The Huffington Post

I'm a liberal willing to give Trump a chance but not if he's being sleezy. Is this step one in the Trump plan? First start a fight with the media because you are about to do some very unpopular things? I'm smelling a rat.

I wish I would have smelled a rat after 9-11. I gave Bush a chance and boy did he use 9-11 to fuck us. Please don't tell me Trumps going to be shady too. I hope not.
around the clock fake news by the media. I love Trump calling them out. he can do it everyday as far as I'm concerned. See, I'm allowed to say what I'd like just like you. So? what exactly are you going to do about that fact?
I did look at it.
There is no overhead shot that shows a full mall. No one has provided that.

Did you use the zoom feature?

I did.
Did you provide the overhead shot refuting the one in question?

I suppose only those directly involved in the MSM conspiracy had access to the cam on the Washington Monument.
was there an overhead shot at the time of the speech. Why don't you post it to make your point.

Already done, dope.
Liberal media caught in another blatant lie: National Mall was FULL during Trump's inauguration
that's not an overhead nor is it with trump on stage. you failed both sides of that. wow. you need to disprove the CNN gigapixel shot which one can zoom and see no empty space like the other photos while trump was in his chair. Facts are still difficult for you all.

I keep zooming in on the crowd, and there are very, very few black people in it outside the members of Congress. A sea of happy white faces.
Zoom shot from CNN's megapixel courtesy ijr


If you zoom in, you notice that the only white sections are those closed off by heavy iron fencing.....


the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is well -- Disgusting filth. The lying kind
I went in a little closer and you can see bodies all the way to the back green screens of each section to the back. Nothing what anyone of these lefturd's has posted. I don't get trying to be deviate like they do. Just don't get it.\

Zoom shot from CNN's megapixel courtesy ijr


If you zoom in, you notice that the only white sections are those closed off by heavy iron fencing.....


the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is well -- Disgusting filth. The lying kind

Look at your top photo. Count the monitors running down the left side of the image. Now look at the photo in post 122. See the same monitors with Trump on them.
  • Notice that in your photo there is a section of people on the left side of the image and in front of the structure that spans The Mall's width.
  • Now look for the corresponding section from images taken from the higher vantage point of the image in post 122 or in the second pair of comparative time-stamped images in post 136.
There is a lot of area that simply cannot be discerned from the gigapixel's altitudinal perspective, but one can see the white ground covering between the rear or the heads and the start of the building's grey wall.
Did you use the zoom feature?

I did.
Did you provide the overhead shot refuting the one in question?

I suppose only those directly involved in the MSM conspiracy had access to the cam on the Washington Monument.
was there an overhead shot at the time of the speech. Why don't you post it to make your point.

Already done, dope.
Liberal media caught in another blatant lie: National Mall was FULL during Trump's inauguration
that's not an overhead nor is it with trump on stage. you failed both sides of that. wow. you need to disprove the CNN gigapixel shot which one can zoom and see no empty space like the other photos while trump was in his chair. Facts are still difficult for you all.

it's what you're on.
Zoom shot from CNN's megapixel courtesy ijr


If you zoom in, you notice that the only white sections are those closed off by heavy iron fencing.....


the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is well -- Disgusting filth. The lying kind

Look at your top photo. Count the monitors running down the left side of the image. Now look at the photo in post 122. See the same monitors with Trump on them.
  • Notice that in your photo there is a section of people on the left side of the image and in front of the structure that spans The Mall's width.
  • Now look for the corresponding section from images taken from the higher vantage point of the image in post 122 or in the second pair of comparative time-stamped images in post 136.
There is a lot of area that simply cannot be discerned from the gigapixel's altitudinal perspective, but one can see the white ground covering between the rear or the heads and the start of the building's grey wall.

It's obvious.
The doubters are either too dumb or dishonest to admit it.
Lots of liberals have been stridently insisting that the Mall was half empty or worse during Trump's inauguration. They point to photos displayed by the New York Times and other liberal rags as "proof", showing most of the Mall empty.

But CNN has developed a photo technique they call "Gigapixel", which takes a photo of a very large area, with such precision that you can zoom in and see individual faces. They used it while Trump was giving his inaugural address.

Unfortunately, CNN was so eager to show off their new technology, they forgot to get their stories straight with the other media outlets first. You have to go to the website and pivot the picture back and forth. And when you do, at one end you can see Trump standing at the dais alone, giving his speech to the audience. And if you swing it the other way and zoom out, you can see that the National Mall is COMPLETELY FULL except for two small sections that were 75% full. That's easily a million people.

No wonder Trump's people ripped the media a new one (again). The NYTimes was manufacturing fake news (again) designed to make Trump look bad (again), and they got caught red-handed (again).

A small line near the bottom of the NYT article explains the lie: They admit that their half-empty picture was taken nearly an hour before Trump was inaugurated, and that people were still coming in. Why they call that picture "Trump's Inauguration" is not explained.

When you ask someone how many people came to Trump's inauguration, you're not asking how many showed up an hour early. You're asking how many were there. The NYT tried to substitute the hour-earlier picture for an actual picture of the inauguration. But CNN showed an actual picture of the inauguration, in terrific detail... thus blowing the New York Times' lie out of the water.

For the New York Times' fake picture, see

And for CNN's true picture taken an hour later, see Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump .

Remember to zoom the CNN picture in and out so you can see Trump giving his speech (which pinpoints what time it was taken), and you can also see that the entire Mall is jammed to the rafters.
At no time was the mall full...

At :46 - :47 there is a cut, the sky gets much darker as it is much later. They did not keep it continuous. Where are the time stamps on it? Conveniently removed.


So PBS is in on the conspiracy too??

PBS, BBC, NBC, and CNN are all colluding together?? They have each show an overhead shot showing a half empty mall.

But wait, it gets better ... since you believe that shot was altered... prove it... show any overhead shot from that aerial view where the mall is full.....

It was all the white sheets.....blended in.

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