Liberal Media Celebrates James O’Keefe’s ACORN Fine

O'keefe is everything wrong with the republicans. To this day the right still says Acorn did something wrong. Acorn, I am sorry you had the audicity to get American voters to vote. We all know the right hates it when poor people get political.

Fuck you O'keefe and history to say you are a piece of shit.

Yeah, who cares about a little prostitution as long as the utopian agenda is being pushed along. Maybe if the left gave a shit about morals a little bit more, we might not have the numbers of poor people we have now.

Right ON!!!!!


the kid has a really interesting carreer ahead of him.

Its going to get real funny at some point
Now, the whining begins.....

"O'Keefe's actions in the National City incident, and in similar videos elsewhere, were celebrated by some commentators for supposedly showing the hypocrisy of ACORN and the left-leaning political bias at National Public Radio, where an O'Keefe associate masqueraded as a Muslim political operative seeking agreement that "tea party" supporters are racist and xenophobic.

Among O'Keefe's deceptions, the report said, was that in the videos he is shown wearing "stereotypical 1970s pimp garb" but that when he visited the ACORN offices, he was wearing a suit and tie."
LIES they perfer LIES to fact.

what do you do with people who have no use for facts?
Poor okeefe...all he did was lie, got people fired and created pressure to dissolve an entire organization based on his lies. Then the goddam liberal media reports it....dam media why you so mean?

See this repub has no problem with okeefes lies and how they impacted everyone involved. He's mad that they are talking about okeefes lies. Makes u wonder why a lie is so important to these guys

A lies travels half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on

49% of Republicans believe that ACORN, which no longer exists, stole the 2012 election for President Obama.

Who's not over what???????

Poll: Half of Republican voters say ACORN stole election - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Can you say low information voters?

No kidding, the levels of stupidity from those on the far right is unreal.

I should actually take that back. We should call them highly misinformed voters. They try to stay informed but when you don't leave the bubble, this is what happens.
Can you say low information voters?

No kidding, the levels of stupidity from those on the far right is unreal.

I should actually take that back. We should call them highly misinformed voters. They try to stay informed but when you don't leave the bubble, this is what happens.

The right wingers are severely mentally ill.

There is no other reason that can be found for their incredible ignorance and stupidity.
No kidding, the levels of stupidity from those on the far right is unreal.

I should actually take that back. We should call them highly misinformed voters. They try to stay informed but when you don't leave the bubble, this is what happens.

The right wingers are severely mentally ill.

There is no other reason that can be found for their incredible ignorance and stupidity.

Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill ...:eusa_shhh:

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