Liberal Media Gets an Ass Kicking .. lol

Don't be stupid people.
One thing for sure, the main stream liberal media got a well deserved ass kicking by the Republican candidates and they were exposed for the Democratic Socialist Party butt lickers that they are .. I loved that....:lmao:

CNBC = Mainstream?

First off, their mistake was trying to gin up controversy, create drama, which is exactly what Fox did.

No liberal politics. Just lame questions.

Don't be stupid.
It was CNBC no one watched first of all
From reading this thread, it appears all of you nutters were glued to the tv set. You're all just pissed because you had to change the channel from what it is constantly set to --- faux news -- for a couple of hours.

you're crying about people you're trying to dismiss

you DO realize you're a moron right??
"Liberal Media Gets an Ass Kicking .. lol"

As perceived by a rightwing partisan hack, perhaps.

But in fact the candidates came off as ridiculous and shrill, with Trump proven to be a liar.

I can hardly wait for the MSM to prove that Hillary is also a liar, although I may have a long wait.
Faux News should be able to take care of that for you . After all, they have a ton of experience when it comes to lying.
CNBC is called Faux News? Well, I agree and it's pretty much in the open now.
"Liberal Media Gets an Ass Kicking .. lol"

As perceived by a rightwing partisan hack, perhaps.

But in fact the candidates came off as ridiculous and shrill, with Trump proven to be a liar.
You're on drugs. I watched NBC this morning and the moderators did not look good. They aired, to their credit, the Republican comebacks. You're no different than the hack attack dogs. Quit wasting bandwidth, you have nothing worth reading.
The why do you continue to read it and comment on it?
Republicans attacking 'the media,' a tactic devoid of substance and merit.

The problem isn't 'the media,' the problem for republicans is they are wrong on most of the issues, a problem that won't be fixed by attacking 'the media.'

The countries been in free fall since Harry & Nancy took over Congress 9 years ago.. the progressive experiment is a disaster and you're full of crap...
"Liberal Media Gets an Ass Kicking .. lol"

As perceived by a rightwing partisan hack, perhaps.

But in fact the candidates came off as ridiculous and shrill, with Trump proven to be a liar.
You're on drugs. I watched NBC this morning and the moderators did not look good. They aired, to their credit, the Republican comebacks. You're no different than the hack attack dogs. Quit wasting bandwidth, you have nothing worth reading.
The why do you continue to read it and comment on it?
I don't, asshole. I read maybe one out of 100 of the idiot's posts and it's the same crap. If you weren't such an asshole you wouldn't assume I read them all.
I thought it came across as a bunch of crybabies.

:iagree: the lame stream media showed up as lame brains and those mods last night had to be some of medias biggest cry babies and Hitlery ass lickers, you should ask them how it tastes, or have you also had your turn :suck:ing on Hitlery's wrinkled ass?? :lmao:
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It wasn't even a DEBATE. It was the LEFTIST HACK MEDIA given the chance to do the most DAMAGE to the CONSERVATIVE presidential candidates that they could, and they didn't care ONE BIT if everyone saw their bias. They're to the point where they just DON'T CARE.

The lame stream media IS and HAS BEEN for some time now, nothing more than the PROPAGANDA WING of the DEMOCRAT party. ALL DOUBT was REMOVED last night by the NBC HACKS.
Until it was taken over in 1996.
One thing for sure, the main stream liberal media got a well deserved ass kicking by the Republican candidates and they were exposed for the Democratic Socialist Party butt lickers that they are .. I loved that....:lmao:
I think Cruz made the home run hitting comment of the debate talking about the press.
Yea, those Republicans aren't the problem, its the presses fault. Lol


the actions of left-wing loser media last night are going to help elect Republicans
I doubt it. Only Republicans were watching.

And who's gonna pass the information on to people who didn't watch, the liberal media? Lol

You guys have been crying about the media for centuries. Last night was nothing.

really nutcase?

if only republicans were watching how can there be a hundred crying left-wing losers like you on here RIGHT NOW commenting on last night's debate?????

wow that was easy!! lol
I didn't watch.
I LOVED what TC did
And Trump with his "IDK you guys write this stuff" LMAO
Those moderators did TERRIBLE!
That question to Huckabee about Trump made me want to punch him in his face.
I thought Christie got in a good one too when (I forget which one it was) asked a question, then when Chris started to answer it, tried to put words in his mouth and Christie said "You wanna answer it or do you want me to"? Then told him he was rude, even by N.J. standards. Trump slapped 'em a couple of times too.
Sounds like it was very entertaining.
I can't remember the title of the moronic thread that was posted yesterday about there being NO bias in the media or who the obviously biased person was who started it; however, it was obvious last night that CNBC didn't read it and did not get the memo that this was the case.

The best statement I have read so far to describe CNBC's unprofessional (which is a massive UNDER-statement) behavior came from Erick Erickson of 'Red State', who declared, "CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace."

It was the most embarrassing display of faux journalism I have ever seen. From the very start it was obvious they were not interested in finding out what the candidates had to say, about their policies, or their ideas. Instead they attacked the candidates, tried to get them to feud with each other, and managed to offend not only everyone on stage but everyone in the audience as well.

- LINK: Liberal Media Gets an Ass Kicking .. lol | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Ed Meese."

"Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ (CNBC’s John Harwood, Becky Quick and Carl Quintanilla) should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”

Ted Cruz scored the biggest 'hit' of the night in his response to CNBC's Liberal 'pooh-throwing Monkey' Carl Quintanilla's question:

“Does your opposition to it show that you are not the kind of problem solver the American voters want?” asked Carl Quintanilla.

--- “Let me say something at the outset,” said Cruz. “The questions that you have asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people do not trust the media.

This is not a cage match,” said Cruz.

And if you look at the questions: Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math. John Kasich, will you insult two people over here. Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues people care about.”

At that point, the audience burst into applause.

Carl, I am not finished yet,” said Cruz. “The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was: Which of you is more handsome and wise?”

A moment later, Cruz said: “Nobody watching at home believes that any of the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary. The questions that are being asked shouldn’t be trying to get the people to tear into each other, it should be: What are your substantive solutions for people who are hurting?”

**** pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.

As shown, the audience and people in the focus group agreed with Cruz and those lambasting the media, judging them to have been embarrassingly disgraceful!

I am extremely proud of the candidates for not just sitting back, smiling, and 'taking it' but instead fighting back and exposing these ass-clowns for who they truly are!

Had the GOP demanded to moderate a debate between Hillary and Sanders and spent the whole debate asking Hillary about the Vince Foster Files, Benghazi and the lessons it reveals about her potential to be a President, her constant lying, her taking donations from terrorists/terrorist supporters and those who oppress women and murder homosexuals, about her FBI investigation, or in trying to get Hillary and Bernie to say vicious things about each other Hillary probably would have walked off the stage and the biased Liberal media would have been foaming at the mouth this morning. To such despicable behavior towards GOP candidates last night, however, they don't bat an eye. The American people - like that audience last night, however, noticed and visibly condemned CNBC / the liberal media for their disgraceful actions and lack of true un-biased journalism.


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people." - Media Research Center President Brent Bozell

The GOP leadership who allowed this should be ashamed as well. What did they think they were going to get by allowing extremely biased liberals to moderate the debate? Personally, were I the candidates, I would refuse to participate in another debate moderated by these liberally biased 'pooh throwing monkeys'. I would demand that a well-respected un-biased moderator or moderators.
It wasn't even a DEBATE. It was the LEFTIST HACK MEDIA given the chance to do the most DAMAGE to the CONSERVATIVE presidential candidates that they could, and they didn't care ONE BIT if everyone saw their bias. They're to the point where they just DON'T CARE.

The lame stream media IS and HAS BEEN for some time now, nothing more than the PROPAGANDA WING of the DEMOCRAT party. ALL DOUBT was REMOVED last night by the NBC HACKS.
Then lets see a real debate once they narrow the field down to 3 or 4 guys. I want to hear each of them in length discuss what they believe is important to the American people.

I wonder how many watched last night. I wonder how many would have watched if Trump wasn't in it. I doubt they would break records without Trump.

Viewership Hits Record for a Democratic Debate
It wasn't even a DEBATE. It was the LEFTIST HACK MEDIA given the chance to do the most DAMAGE to the CONSERVATIVE presidential candidates that they could, and they didn't care ONE BIT if everyone saw their bias. They're to the point where they just DON'T CARE.

The lame stream media IS and HAS BEEN for some time now, nothing more than the PROPAGANDA WING of the DEMOCRAT party. ALL DOUBT was REMOVED last night by the NBC HACKS.
Then lets see a real debate once they narrow the field down to 3 or 4 guys. I want to hear each of them in length discuss what they believe is important to the American people.

I wonder how many watched last night. I wonder how many would have watched if Trump wasn't in it. I doubt they would break records without Trump.

Viewership Hits Record for a Democratic Debate
I agree. Bush, Huckabee, Kasich, Christie and Fiorina should be cut from the next debate two weeks from now, and all "GOTCHA" questions should be banned. Either ask questions of substance about the important issues confronting America today, or you don't ask questions at all. Enough is enough of this "CAGE MATCH" bull shit. Time to get real.

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