Liberal Media Losing Their Minds Over Stephen Miller

Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?
The investigation is not needed. Trump said there was 3 to 5 million illegal votes and he is always right. He should never be questioned and therefore any investigation is a waste of time and an insult to the leader.
Continued criticism and denial of the leader's statements should be met with arrest and detainment of citizens who do not conform to the leader's wishes and plans.
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?

Where's the Federal money rolling into states to help them clean up their voter rolls?
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?

I put my request into DC last week to be on the panel.
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?
The investigation is not needed. Trump said there was 3 to 5 million illegal votes and he is always right. He should never be questioned and therefore any investigation is a waste of time and an insult to the leader.
Continued criticism and denial of the leader's statements should be met with arrest and detainment of citizens who do not conform to the leader's wishes and plans.
Certainly seems to be what some here are supporting.
Joe Scarborough is a conservative.

I can't wait to see who plays Miller on SNL. :lol:
Joe is a token conservative on a liberal station. He is simply playing a part. He has no credibility.
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?
Just more Trump never ending lies, and his base loves to be lied to
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?

Where's the Federal money rolling into states to help them clean up their voter rolls?
Proly spent on benefits for illegals.

"Illegals" aren't eligible for benefits.

Do you believe, as Miller and the Gropenfurher does, that 3-5 MILLION non citizens voted?
Joe Scarborough is a conservative.

I can't wait to see who plays Miller on SNL. :lol:
Joe is a token conservative on a liberal station. He is simply playing a part. He has no credibility.
Token conservative? After spending years in Congress as a full fledged righty? You can do better than that drivel
I guess you don't understand tokenism.

"Tokenism is the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to be inclusive to members of minority groups, especially by recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of racial or sexual equality within a workforce.[1][2][3] The effort of including a token employee to a workforce is usually intended to create the impression of social inclusiveness and diversity (racial, religious, sexual, etc.) in order to deflect accusations of social discrimination.[4]"

Tokenism - Wikipedia
Still waiting for that MAJOR investigation of the 3-5 million illegal votes. Where's the Special Prosecutor? Where's the Congressional committee?

I put my request into DC last week to be on the panel.

Panel of what for what?

To investigate voter fraud.

Why would you be allowed on any investigative panel?

It depends on the make up of the panel. Which hasn't been decided yet.

If they decide to include election professionals, my name is on the list.
the former republican congressman Joe Scarborough is right
The former "Established" Republican Congressman(RINO) is totally wrong. Funny how MSN always goes for RINOs like John (Song Bird) McCain and Lindsey (Amnesty) Graham for the Republican argument.

Drain the swamp and soon America will be Great Again.

Top 10 Senate RINOs | Human Events
The swamp was drained to fill, Trump's cabinet.
Now it has to be redrained again to refill the cabinet

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