Liberal Moveon wants Republicans arrested.

there isn't going to be a new American Civil War.

there aren't even close to enough motivated, skilled, intelligent people calling for such a thing.

No, it won't look anything like the first Civil War. It will start out as simple civil unrest, then turn into riots, then the riots will grow until it's unsafe, then the truckers will quit entering those areas, then those areas will run out of food, then it won't take but a day or two and people will be killing each other over a fucking twinkie, and that will be in the cities. Once the cities are in total anarchy, those people will attempt to leave the city in search of food outside the city. When they don't find any and attempt to steal food from country people, they'll be shot on sight. Law enforcement at this point will be to out gunned and scared stiff they'll probably throw away their badges if they want to stay alive. At that point, anything and everything can happen, and armed citizens marching on Washington to clean house there is NOT, out of the question.

That's how it will happen, and if you were smart, you'd prepare for it, because more and more people with their finger on the pulse of America are warning that it's coming.

Yes, remind the motherfucker that country folks are armed to the teeth in order to

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Signed it! These far right wing, america hating fascists need to be arrested for being a domestic terror cell.
there isn't going to be a new American Civil War.

there aren't even close to enough motivated, skilled, intelligent people calling for such a thing.

No, it won't look anything like the first Civil War. It will start out as simple civil unrest, then turn into riots, then the riots will grow until it's unsafe, then the truckers will quit entering those areas, then those areas will run out of food, then it won't take but a day or two and people will be killing each other over a fucking twinkie, and that will be in the cities. Once the cities are in total anarchy, those people will attempt to leave the city in search of food outside the city. When they don't find any and attempt to steal food from country people, they'll be shot on sight. Law enforcement at this point will be to out gunned and scared stiff they'll probably throw away their badges if they want to stay alive. At that point, anything and everything can happen, and armed citizens marching on Washington to clean house there is NOT, out of the question.

That's how it will happen, and if you were smart, you'd prepare for it, because more and more people with their finger on the pulse of America are warning that it's coming.

Yes, remind the motherfucker that country folks are armed to the teeth in order to
We're ready, willing and able to defend what's our's.
The White House site is specifically set up for Americans to use to petition the administration.
MoveOn is a private site with a single purpose of spreading their ideology, and they are not required to accept such nonsense. Obviously they agree with this particular petition or they wouldn't be hosting it.

they have a petition section.

some petitions are supported by, some are not.

its dishonest to claim that if its on their website, that means they support it.

Such a petition is utter nonsense unless you believe it should be taken seriously.
MoveOn is a PRIVATE site and therefore has the ability to toss such stupidity.
They host it, they own it.

Agreed. It's all the difference in the world.

The only good counter against that point is to argue that MoveOn actaully works for the Obama admin. lol :badgrin:
True that. Ask King George.



i told you already, there aren't enough malcontent losers calling for revolution for anything big to happen.

And I told you, there doesn't have to be a "call" for it... it's just going to happen.

But please, don't believe me, be a victim. The more of you libtards that fall victim because you weren't prepared, the better.
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Signed it! These far right wing, america hating fascists need to be arrested for being a domestic terror cell.

And I told you, there doesn't have to be a "call" for it... it's just going to happen.

But please, don't believe me, be a victim. The more of you libtards fall victim because you weren't prepared the better.

sorry dear, but its not going to happen.

but I have my gun ready if some idiot does run down the street yelling about revolution/civil war and threatens my neighbors.
ain't gonna be no revolution, boys.

get back to the topic.

The topic is fascist progressives and their brownshirt fantasies.

The truth is, not a single damn one of you has the guts to come after those you believe are traitors.

You're all tough when you have the entire government standing behind you, though.

And I told you, there doesn't have to be a "call" for it... it's just going to happen.

But please, don't believe me, be a victim. The more of you libtards fall victim because you weren't prepared the better.

sorry dear, but its not going to happen.

but I have my gun ready if some idiot does run down the street yelling about revolution/civil war and threatens my neighbors.
The left has repeatedly assured us that means you have a small penis, you're paranoid, and you live in fear.
The topic is fascist progressives and their brownshirt fantasies.

The truth is, not a single damn one of you has the guts to come after those you believe are traitors.

You're all tough when you have the entire government standing behind you, though.


we were very tough during the Vietnam War, when the govt. was 100% against us.
The left has repeatedly assured us that means you have a small penis, you're paranoid, and you live in fear.

Penis is average size for a white male. I'm definitely not paranoid.

I don't live in fear. But I do like shootin' stuff.

Signed it! These far right wing, america hating fascists need to be arrested for being a domestic terror cell.
Don't wait. Come and get us.


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And I told you, there doesn't have to be a "call" for it... it's just going to happen.

But please, don't believe me, be a victim. The more of you libtards fall victim because you weren't prepared the better.

sorry dear, but its not going to happen.

but I have my gun ready if some idiot does run down the street yelling about revolution/civil war and threatens my neighbors.
I think your unicorn is hungry too. He needs food to keep shittin' those rainbows ya know.
The left has repeatedly assured us that means you have a small penis, you're paranoid, and you live in fear.

Penis is average size for a white male. I'm definitely not paranoid.

I don't live in fear. But I do like shootin' stuff.

That means you're a potential mass murderer.

Hey, I don't make the rules. I'm just repeating what the left says about gun owners.
The topic is fascist progressives and their brownshirt fantasies.

The truth is, not a single damn one of you has the guts to come after those you believe are traitors.

You're all tough when you have the entire government standing behind you, though.


we were very tough during the Vietnam War, when the govt. was 100% against us.
So why are you a pussy now?

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