Liberal Moveon wants Republicans arrested.

Penis is average size for a white male. I'm definitely not paranoid.

I don't live in fear. But I do like shootin' stuff.

That means you're a potential mass murderer.

Hey, I don't make the rules. I'm just repeating what the left says about gun owners.

He's a young ideological Muslim from a well-to-do family full of angst.

That says a whole lot more than his gun ownership - jus' sayin'
You and I are conservative Christian gun-owning veterans who believe in small government.

This Administration considers us a far greater threat to America than any would-be jihadi.
I'm sick of hearing about this let's get it on pussy. Start it up. Let's see what happens. You guys talk about revolt, let's see it. No, i think not. All talk. REMF, candy asses.
Is this where I'm supposed to be intimidated?

Did you sign the petition, sissy boy?

I haven't been talking about revolt. I've been making fun of the sissies who're gettin' all bowed up from the safety of their comfy chairs.

You know -- like you.

Shoulda aimed that at Dutch, dumbass. :lmao:
That means you're a potential mass murderer.

Hey, I don't make the rules. I'm just repeating what the left says about gun owners.

He's a young ideological Muslim from a well-to-do family full of angst.

That says a whole lot more than his gun ownership - jus' sayin'
You and I are conservative Christian gun-owning veterans who believe in small government.

This Administration considers us a far greater threat to America than any would-be jihadi.


If they could send a drone to take us out they would.
Where did Dutch go?

He has the balls to anonymously say REMF and can't tell us what military unit he actually joined?

The super far left has a petition on their site calling for the arrest of Republican leaders on the charge of sedition I went to the moveon website this idiotic petition currently has 31,000 signatures is that a huge number given the population of the country no is it a huge number for something so stupid yes. The next time someone wants to call those on the right radical, extremist, or even stupid remember this because it qualifies as all three. petition demands GOP leaders be arrested, tried for sedition - National Policy & Issues |

Arresting federal leaders? LOL.

Nixon got impeached but did not face jail time, and only for stealing information.

Today we have a President who steals information from every person on the planet and nothing happens.

You kids crack me up. :poop:

There you go again. Claiming that just the other side does this crap. You do know that the government violating our privacy started by the president prior to one the who doing it to you now. And he wasn't from the other side.:cool:
You crack me up.:lol:
Anyway don't worry, I think the other side is outnumbered. :smiliehug:
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The super far left has a petition on their site calling for the arrest of Republican leaders on the charge of sedition I went to the moveon website this idiotic petition currently has 31,000 signatures is that a huge number given the population of the country no is it a huge number for something so stupid yes. The next time someone wants to call those on the right radical, extremist, or even stupid remember this because it qualifies as all three. petition demands GOP leaders be arrested, tried for sedition - National Policy & Issues |

Arresting federal leaders? LOL.

Nixon got impeached but did not face jail time, and only for stealing information.

Today we have a President who steals information from every person on the planet and nothing happens.

You kids crack me up. :poop:

There you go again. Claiming that just the other side does this crap. You do know that the government violating our privacy started by the president prior to one the who doing it to you now. And he wasn't from the other side.:cool:
You crack me up.:lol:
Anyway don't worry, I think the other side is outnumbered. :smiliehug:

You're blaming Bush for the National Security Act of 1947?
He's a young ideological Muslim from a well-to-do family full of angst.

That says a whole lot more than his gun ownership - jus' sayin'
You and I are conservative Christian gun-owning veterans who believe in small government.

This Administration considers us a far greater threat to America than any would-be jihadi.


If they could send a drone to take us out they would.
They know where we are. And there's no moral compunction stopping them. No, the only question is, "Can we get away with it?"

there isn't going to be a new American Civil War.

there aren't even close to enough motivated, skilled, intelligent people calling for such a thing.

No, it won't look anything like the first Civil War. It will start out as simple civil unrest, then turn into riots, then the riots will grow until it's unsafe, then the truckers will quit entering those areas, then those areas will run out of food, then it won't take but a day or two and people will be killing each other over a fucking twinkie, and that will be in the cities. Once the cities are in total anarchy, those people will attempt to leave the city in search of food outside the city. When they don't find any and attempt to steal food from country people, they'll be shot on sight. Law enforcement at this point will be too out gunned and scared stiff, they'll probably throw away their badges if they want to stay alive. At that point, anything and everything can happen, and armed citizens marching on Washington to clean house there is NOT, out of the question.

That's how it will happen, and if you were smart, you'd prepare for it, because more and more people with their finger on the pulse of America are warning that it's coming. The country is an absolute tinder box right now. All it will take is one little spark.

the EBT card malfunction this past weekend almost started it

in some ares the card went down for a couple of hours

and that had the people calling for Rodney King style riots

its coming

never no matter what give up your guns
The super far left has a petition on their site calling for the arrest of Republican leaders on the charge of sedition I went to the moveon website this idiotic petition currently has 31,000 signatures is that a huge number given the population of the country no is it a huge number for something so stupid yes. The next time someone wants to call those on the right radical, extremist, or even stupid remember this because it qualifies as all three. petition demands GOP leaders be arrested, tried for sedition - National Policy & Issues |

Yeah their are stupid people on both extremes.

A petition to see Obama's birth certificate (you know - the one he had already posted on the intertnet) got a lot more signatures.

But no party - or radical wing of a party - has a monopoly on stupid. That's for sure.
Petition is foolish. If we use their logic the President should be arrested for delaying the implimentation of Obamacare for businesses and providing waivers on some provisions.

And let's not forget the lack of prudence of trying to arrest fellowcitizens merely because you disagree politically. If we start doing that, we are all likely to end up in prison depending on who is in power.

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