liberal new networks "lining up" to hire jen psaki..... LOL

This piece pretty much says it all:

Jen Psaki can’t resign fast enough.

Not that the mainstream media ever really holds her to account for her arrogance, condescension, sarcasm, or out-of-touch responses to the average American’s pain.

Hey, at least she fully channels her boss.

A few fumbles would be understandable; White House press secretary is a notoriously tough job with a high level of burnout.

But Psaki, a former competitive swimmer raised in Greenwich, Conn., seems to never have encountered people living paycheck to paycheck, or worried about how they’ll feed, clothe or educate their kids — amid a global pandemic, no less.

If anything, her statements seem aimed at one cohort alone: high-earning, highly educated liberals and progressives just like her, ones who think anyone on the other side is too stupid to acknowledge...
Butt hurt much? She kicks the media’s ass all day with facts and whiplash inducing facts. Id hate to follow that clinic of excellence. You couldn’t pay me to follow her in that role for all the BJs in a Swedish Bikini bus tour.
Butt hurt much? She kicks the media’s ass all day with facts and whiplash inducing facts. Id hate to follow that clinic of excellence. You couldn’t pay me to follow her in that role for all the BJs in a Swedish Bikini bus tour.

Nope, not butt hurt at all, but thanks for asking.

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