Liberal Protest In Pittsburg

Saying that both the Nazis and the KDP voted no confidence is the SDP-led Prussian government is a fact of history. Saying that occurred because the Nazis and the KDP were an alliance is nonsense. It would be like saying that if the other parties in Canada got together and voted no confidence is Harper's government, that would mean they're all the same.

Now you got something to say, where you in all those other posts I challenged you on?

So you are defending the Marxist?

Why not post the history you speak of, you can not reduce the decades of Marxist/Russian history in Germany to a simple one liner which is nothing more than your twisting of facts. Hell, you were intent to just joke until someone else confirmed the facts I posted.

Marxism is so important to the Obama followers look how they got to lie about the facts of history, facts easily proven.

Pointing out what actually happened is not defending Marxism any more than saying Hitler didn't kill everyone in sight isn't defending Nazism. The fact of the matter is you're tried to take a single vote were the KPD and the Nazis agreed (no confidence in the Prussian government) and claimed that means the KDP and the Nazis were in an alliance. That claim makes absolutely no sense. After coming to power, one of the first acts undertaken by the Nazis was to arrest members of the KDP. If they were working together, why the hell would they have done that?

You dont know much do you, you disagreed that the Communists had an alliance with the Nazis, someone else posts that this is correct, you than go back to your school book and find out about a vote in one sentence.

Try reading a book, or two or three, anyone who reads one sentence and thinks he knows everything, than posts that one sentence in hopes of covering over two years of germany's history prior to the Nazis winning power is an idiot.

The claim makes no sense because you think you know it all, go read up on the history you defend, including the Marxists you defend.
Voting the same way on a vote of no confidence isn't an alliance. You can keep claiming that, but it's not going to make it true no more so than if I were to claim the sky is actually a giant grapefruit would make that true.

Furthermore, for all your ranting about history books, your only source so far as been a cracked blogger.
Voting the same way on a vote of no confidence isn't an alliance. You can keep claiming that, but it's not going to make it true no more so than if I were to claim the sky is actually a giant grapefruit would make that true.

Furthermore, for all your ranting about history books, your only source so far as been a cracked blogger.

You huh what when, and your only source is nothing, you know nothing of the history of germany other than a one liner you looked up after made to look stupid and you continue to cling to one measly idea. For most of us we dont even understand what your point is, its lost in your endless rant.

I never made the claim your referring to.

Your one sentence is not two years of history, sorry google does not provide you more, that's why books will always rule supreme, I have posted more fact that your idiotic responses deserve,

I was patient with you when your replies were simple rants, now that you think one sentence is many years of history I am finished.

You disagreed until another pointed out your wrong, you found one sentence and cling to it vehemently as if its your holy grail. There is more then one sentence that covers over two years of history despite what you want others to believe.
You didn't source a book. Your source was the "Militant Islam" blog.

And yes, your (and his) belief that the Nazis and communists were allies in laughable.

FEBRUARY 27, 1933
After claiming that the Communists committed an arson that destroyed the Reichstag (German parliament) building in Berlin, Adolf Hitler uses the incident to assume extraordinary powers in Germany. Hitler convinces the German president, Paul von Hindenburg, to declare a state of emergency. Constitutionally protected personal freedoms are thus suspended.

MARCH 5, 1933
Despite the state of emergency declared in February 1933 and the extraordinary powers assumed by Adolf Hitler, the Nazis fail to win a governing majority in parliamentary elections. The Nazis win only about 45 percent of the vote. Later in March 1933, Hitler introduces a bill that would give his government the power to decree laws without submitting them to a vote in the German parliament. The bill will pass, in part because of the arrest of many Communist and Socialist opponents before the vote on the bill.

MARCH 23, 1933
After the failure of the Nazi party to win a majority in parliament, Adolf Hitler introduces a bill that would give his government legislative authority. The Nazis, the Conservatives, and the Catholic Center Party support this so-called "Enabling Act," which would grant Hitler's government the power to decree laws without a vote in parliament for a four-year period. Communist and many Socialist opponents were arrested before the vote. In the end, only the remaining Socialists oppose the measure. The bill passes. Hitler soon outlaws all political parties in Germany--except the Nazi party.

Nazi Rule

The Nazi camp system began as a system of repression directed against political opponents of the Nazi state. In the early years of the Third Reich, the Nazis imprisoned primarily Communists and Socialists. In about 1935, the regime also began to imprison those whom it designated as racially or biologically inferior, especially Jews. During World War II, the organization and scale of the Nazi camp system expanded rapidly and the purpose of the camps evolved beyond imprisonment toward forced labor and outright murder.

Nazi Camp System

An alliance in which you arrest and then execute your allies? That's a new one.
You didn't source a book. Your source was the "Militant Islam" blog.

And yes, your (and his) belief that the Nazis and communists were allies in laughable.

FEBRUARY 27, 1933
After claiming that the Communists committed an arson that destroyed the Reichstag (German parliament) building in Berlin, Adolf Hitler uses the incident to assume extraordinary powers in Germany. Hitler convinces the German president, Paul von Hindenburg, to declare a state of emergency. Constitutionally protected personal freedoms are thus suspended.

MARCH 5, 1933
Despite the state of emergency declared in February 1933 and the extraordinary powers assumed by Adolf Hitler, the Nazis fail to win a governing majority in parliamentary elections. The Nazis win only about 45 percent of the vote. Later in March 1933, Hitler introduces a bill that would give his government the power to decree laws without submitting them to a vote in the German parliament. The bill will pass, in part because of the arrest of many Communist and Socialist opponents before the vote on the bill.

MARCH 23, 1933
After the failure of the Nazi party to win a majority in parliament, Adolf Hitler introduces a bill that would give his government legislative authority. The Nazis, the Conservatives, and the Catholic Center Party support this so-called "Enabling Act," which would grant Hitler's government the power to decree laws without a vote in parliament for a four-year period. Communist and many Socialist opponents were arrested before the vote. In the end, only the remaining Socialists oppose the measure. The bill passes. Hitler soon outlaws all political parties in Germany--except the Nazi party.

Nazi Rule

The Nazi camp system began as a system of repression directed against political opponents of the Nazi state. In the early years of the Third Reich, the Nazis imprisoned primarily Communists and Socialists. In about 1935, the regime also began to imprison those whom it designated as racially or biologically inferior, especially Jews. During World War II, the organization and scale of the Nazi camp system expanded rapidly and the purpose of the camps evolved beyond imprisonment toward forced labor and outright murder.

Nazi Camp System

An alliance in which you arrest and then execute your allies? That's a new one.

The Nazis were known for it. Remember, at the beginning of WWII, they were allies with the Soviets.
Yes, Bod, that's calling breaking an alliance. Look back though. His argument for a Nazi-KDP alliance is based on the fact that both of them opposed the SPD-lead Prussian government.
Yes, Bod, that's calling breaking an alliance. Look back though. His argument for a Nazi-KDP alliance is based on the fact that both of them opposed the SPD-lead Prussian government.

Your a liar, I never made that argument, I stated a bit of what happened in history and you disagreed until more than one person said you were wrong.

I see you have been doing your research since been proven wrong by two separate people.

Go ahead and dig yourself deeper, my education is not based on sources from the internet. Even so you have not discredited the information I presented.

Why does it kill you so much to not be able to diprove the NAZIS AND COMMUNISTS WORKED TOGETHER.
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Yes, Bod, that's calling breaking an alliance. Look back though. His argument for a Nazi-KDP alliance is based on the fact that both of them opposed the SPD-lead Prussian government.

Your a liar, I never made that argument, I stated a bit of what happened in history and you disagreed until more than one person said you were wrong.

Actually, you made that exact claim.
Polk, you are such a fool, this is where your link takes folks to this statement of yours:

German Marxists were in coalition with the Nazis? You're showing an extreme ignorance of history. Not only were the communists not in league with the Nazis, the Nazis were fiercely anti-communist. So much so that the first concentration camps were build to imprison communists.

My posts do not read as you misinterpret the post.

The Red-Brown alliance was much more than opposition to the Prussia government.

You deny any cooperation, simply because you love the Marxist. You even said that the killing and murder committed by marxist does not disgust you. I specifically stated that the murder Marxist committed disgusted me, because you asked the question, and your reply was "Marxist do not disgust me".

Anyhow thanks for linking to your quote where you state there is and never was any alliance between the two political parties in Germany, the communist party and the nazi party.
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incidentally mdn2000, when you want to spell the contraction you're as in 'you are' you must include the apostrophe and the 'e'. It is not spelled 'your'. That's the possessive.

My family owns a printing shop, so spelling and punctuation are sacred items.
Polk, you are such a fool, this is where your link takes folks to this statement of yours:

German Marxists were in coalition with the Nazis? You're showing an extreme ignorance of history. Not only were the communists not in league with the Nazis, the Nazis were fiercely anti-communist. So much so that the first concentration camps were build to imprison communists.

My posts do not read as you misinterpret the post.

The Red-Brown alliance was much more than opposition to the Prussia government.

You deny any cooperation, simply because you love the Marxist. You even said that the killing and murder committed by marxist does not disgust you. I specifically stated that the murder Marxist committed disgusted me, because you asked the question, and your reply was "Marxist do not disgust me".

Anyhow thanks for linking to your quote where you state there is and never was any alliance between the two political parties in Germany, the communist party and the nazi party.

There isn't any evidence of an alliance between the Nazis and the KDP. The link you posted claims there was on the basis of both parties being opposed to the SDP-lead Prussian government ("Their (= the Communists, V.) participation in the Nazi referendum implied more. It implied the view that to overthrow the last defense of German democracy, the Prussian government, in co-operation with the Nazis, meant progress, that a Nazi régime was preferable to a democratic régime"), but the premise doesn't logically follow from the evidence. In our current health care debate, the Republicans had the bill because they feel it's "socialized medicine" and liberals hate it because it doesn't contain a public option. Using your standard, since the Republicans and liberals hate the bill, they must be the same thing.

I don't love marxism or marxists and I've never stated that "the killing and murder committed by marxist does not disgust [me]". All murder is disgusting. That you have to make up such outlandish claims in an attempt to make yourself seem morally superior (and in your mind, right by extension) shows how intellectually bankrupt your statements in this thread have been.
incidentally mdn2000, when you want to spell the contraction you're as in 'you are' you must include the apostrophe and the 'e'. It is not spelled 'your'. That's the possessive.

My family owns a printing shop, so spelling and punctuation are sacred items.

I appreciate the correction, my english is terrible. It was my worst subject in High School.

Polk, I said the murder and killing the Marxists committed disguted me and you stated "marxists do not disgust me."

As far as your defence of Marxist I dont see why you think Marxists would not join the socialist Hitler.

Either way, it dont matter, you proved to me you spoke of something you knew pretty much nothing about, you went and found some links after you were corrected by another, I could care less if you discredit one website simply by the name of the website. I did not learn what I know on the internet, the link was convient and I am just laughing to myself, I go home tomorrow. I am at a hotel. At home I have my own library, hundreds of books, I love books, they are great, I have over a dozen about germany. Crazy stuff is in books, like the germans made the jews rich and the usa was the source of the money that was used to build the cannons germany used to destroy europe.

Polk, its so great to see you attack the website and what I posted, I wonder what your arguement is against books written before you were born and the new books I discovered searching the web for a quick answer.

The internet can be very bad finding information, people can pay to have their results found so it gets real difficult to find good detailed information. Not to mention how do you shorten whats written in dozens of books into a couple of web pages.

I think the problem with these idiots is they obviously have a poor education and they are taught to find answers on the internet thus keeping them real stupid.

Anyhow, rest assured that if I say something I have the books to back it up, except when I called Wolf Blitzer openly gay, Wolf Blitzer is not openly gay.
incidentally mdn2000, when you want to spell the contraction you're as in 'you are' you must include the apostrophe and the 'e'. It is not spelled 'your'. That's the possessive.

My family owns a printing shop, so spelling and punctuation are sacred items.

Are the Grammar Gestapo recruiting or do you suffice?
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incidentally mdn2000, when you want to spell the contraction you're as in 'you are' you must include the apostrophe and the 'e'. It is not spelled 'your'. That's the possessive.

My family owns a printing shop, so spelling and punctuation are sacred items.

I appreciate the correction, my english is terrible. It was my worst subject in High School.

Polk, I said the murder and killing the Marxists committed disguted me and you stated "marxists do not disgust me."

Anyone reading this thread can see that I never said that. That you would tell a lie that's so easily proven false is pretty bizarre.

As far as your defence of Marxist I dont see why you think Marxists would not join the socialist Hitler.

Either way, it dont matter, you proved to me you spoke of something you knew pretty much nothing about, you went and found some links after you were corrected by another, I could care less if you discredit one website simply by the name of the website. I did not learn what I know on the internet, the link was convient and I am just laughing to myself, I go home tomorrow. I am at a hotel. At home I have my own library, hundreds of books, I love books, they are great, I have over a dozen about germany. Crazy stuff is in books, like the germans made the jews rich and the usa was the source of the money that was used to build the cannons germany used to destroy europe.

Polk, its so great to see you attack the website and what I posted, I wonder what your arguement is against books written before you were born and the new books I discovered searching the web for a quick answer.

The internet can be very bad finding information, people can pay to have their results found so it gets real difficult to find good detailed information. Not to mention how do you shorten whats written in dozens of books into a couple of web pages.

I think the problem with these idiots is they obviously have a poor education and they are taught to find answers on the internet thus keeping them real stupid.

Anyhow, rest assured that if I say something I have the books to back it up, except when I called Wolf Blitzer openly gay, Wolf Blitzer is not openly gay.

Your claim wasn't based on books. You got caught using shaky sources and now want to backpedal. That you want to claim the Nazis were in alliance with people they were executing shows that your knowledge of history is deeply lacking.
Perhaps you'd care to show which post I made the statement you claim I made?
where is the outrage???? where oh where is the outrage? :lol::lol::lol:

Dear Dopey, those people aren't liberals. They may be leftist progressives and even a weird type of populist rightists.

get yer head out of your ass and come up for air.

I'm just so sick and tired of ignorant fools like you confusing everyone you disagree with for liberals just because you are stuck on the right fringe of society and politics.
Perhaps you'd care to show which post I made the statement you claim I made?

Unlike you I will take your word for what you thought you were saying, I was just stating how I read what you said. I stated what Marxists do in regards to your question and your response was "marxists dont disgust me."

What I have learned of you is that you talk about stuff you dont know. Thats not an insult and maybe I should of somehow approached you different, its hard to have ones views and opinion challenged.

I am not sure if you want to learn the truth, I do, the truth is very important to me, when it comes to history anyhow.

Here is one of my sources on Germany, one of many, I have found I cannot find the truth in one book. It takes many. Should I give a source everytime, I dont think so. The truth is out there for all to find and you will not learn a better lesson as when you go out and find the information for yourself.

Der Fuehrer, by Konrad Heiden, published in 1944 by Houghton-Mifflin

I also think Hitler was gay, many Nazis where.

So what did you think of the fact that Hitler is a socialist.

Should I of given my source right away, no, I learned a lot about Polk by using a secondary source, which incidentally reinforces what was wrote in the book.
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Your claim wasn't based on books. You got caught using shaky sources and now want to backpedal. That you want to claim the Nazis were in alliance with people they were executing shows that your knowledge of history is deeply lacking.

The Nazis did not execute anybody in the late 1920's and early 1930's, they were not even in power, hence the alliance, to gain power. You mis-quote me as you back-pedal

Here is my source:
Der Fuehrer, by Konrad Heiden, published in 1944 by Houghton-Mifflin

I own this book
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Perhaps you'd care to show which post I made the statement you claim I made?

Unlike you I will take your word for what you thought you were saying, I was just stating how I read what you said. I stated what Marxists do in regards to your question and your response was "marxists dont disgust me."

You're not making my word for anything. You're not backing up your claim because you can't do so. You can't do so because you lied.

What I have learned of you is that you talk about stuff you dont know. Thats not an insult and maybe I should of somehow approached you different, its hard to have ones views and opinion challenged.

I am not sure if you want to learn the truth, I do, the truth is very important to me, when it comes to history anyhow.

Here is one of my sources on Germany, one of many, I have found I cannot find the truth in one book. It takes many. Should I give a source everytime, I dont think so. The truth is out there for all to find and you will not learn a better lesson as when you go out and find the information for yourself.

Der Fuehrer, by Konrad Heiden, published in 1944 by Houghton-Mifflin

I also think Hitler was gay, many Nazis where.

So what did you think of the fact that Hitler is a socialist.

Should I of given my source right away, no, I learned a lot about Polk by using a secondary source, which incidentally reinforces what was wrote in the book.

Hitler wasn't a socialist. The word "socialist" being in the name of the party doesn't mean anything, just like "democratic" and "republic" being in the full name of North Korea doesn't make North Korea democratic or a republic.
The Nazis did not execute anybody in the late 1920's and early 1930's, they were not even in power, hence the alliance, to gain power. You mis-quote me as you back-pedal

Here is my source:
Der Fuehrer, by Konrad Heiden, published in 1944 by Houghton-Mifflin

I own this book

I didn't misquote you. You said the Nazis and the KDP had an alliance. You didn't state a time frame for that. You later backtracked and trying to narrow the the time to the late 1920s, but you've failed to provide any evidence of that either.

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