Liberal Rabbi Has An Epiphany


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Jewish folks helped put Barack Obama in office.

They were warned how 'enraged' he would be at Israel....but for so many Jews, their religion is "Liberalism," rather than Judaism.

Finally....many are having their eyes opened.

1. "....[Rabbi Richard Block],.a lifelong Democrat, a political liberal, a Reform rabbi, and for four decades, until last week, a New York Times subscriber. What drove me away was the paper’s incessant denigration of Israel, a torrent of articles, photographs, and op-ed columns that consistently present the Jewish State in the worst possible light.

[Rabbi Block wrote to "...President Obama in support of his recently-announced Executive Order prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in hiring. The faith leaders strongly urged the President to refrain from providing an exemption from this important non-discrimination policy to religious organizations who contract with the government."
Faith Leaders To President Obama Religious Contractors Shouldn t Be Allowed to Discriminate Bend the Arc

Yeah....that Liberal.]

2. .... not new. Knowledgeable observers have long assailed theTimes lack of objectivity and absence of journalistic integrity in reporting on Israel.

3. My chronic irritation finally morphed into alienation and then to visceral disgust this summer, after Hamas renewed its terrorist assaults upon Israel and the Times launched what can only be described as a campaign to delegitimize the Jewish State.

4. .... Hamas is ....Committed by its charter to “obliterate” Israel and kill all Jews everywhere, Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S., Britain, and the European Union, a designation substantiated by its raining rockets down on Israel’s civilians and tunneling under its border to kill and kidnap, indisputable war crimes.

5. .... a newspaper committed to balance and fairness would provide context and perspective. It would show traumatized Israeli children running to shelters, cowering, wetting their beds, and suffering nightmares. It would publish photos and accounts of militants launching rockets from the roofs of mosques, a church, and a media hotel, alongside schools, refugee shelters, clinics and hospitals, and of weapons concealed by Hamas in UN facilities.

It would substantiate casualty figures from Hamas, which is known to have falsified them in the past, before reporting them as fact. It would highlight Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields, its urging civilians to ignore Israel’s advance warnings to depart, so that Gazans would be killed and inflict PR damage on Israel.

Such a paper would cover the threats of death that inhibited reporters and photojournalists from telling the true, full story.

But the Times did not."
A bit late in the game don't you think?

I sure agree, Mr. H.....

The meteor is an apt allusion to the damage of this lawless, incompetent ideologue in the White House.....

...but there were recent posts by the anti-Israel folks that the NYTimes is pro-Israel....and this thread will disabuse of that notion.
Reform Rabbis are fucking clueless moron hacks who exist in a fantasy world. No wonder they supported Obama, and probably still do.
And, for those uninformed and/or biased folks, who claim that the NYTimes is pro-Israel........

6. ".....a sample of [NYTimes] headlines:

“As Israel Hits Mosque and Clinic, Air Campaign’s Risks Come Home;”

“Israelis Watch Bombs Drop on Gaza From Front-Row Seats;”

“Questions About Tactics and Targets as Civilian Toll Climbs in Israeli Strikes;” “Foreign Correspondents in Israel Complain of Intimidation;”

“Israeli Shells are Said to Hit UN School;”

“Military Censorship in Israel;”

“A Boy at Play in Gaza, a Renewal of War, A Family in Mourning;”

“Israel’s Supporters Try to Come to Terms with the Killing of Children in Gaza;”

“Israel Braces for War Crimes Inquiries on Gaza;”

“Resisting Nazis, He Saw Need for Israel. Now He Is Its Critic.”

Is there any wonder why the Rabbi recognized the anti-Israel position of the main Liberal house organ......
Jewish folks helped put Barack Obama in office.

They were warned how 'enraged' he would be at Israel....but for so many Jews, their religion is "Liberalism," rather than Judaism.

Finally....many are having their eyes opened.

1. "....[Rabbi Richard Block],.a lifelong Democrat, a political liberal, a Reform rabbi, and for four decades, until last week, a New York Times subscriber. What drove me away was the paper’s incessant denigration of Israel, a torrent of articles, photographs, and op-ed columns that consistently present the Jewish State in the worst possible light.

[Rabbi Block wrote to "...President Obama in support of his recently-announced Executive Order prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in hiring. The faith leaders strongly urged the President to refrain from providing an exemption from this important non-discrimination policy to religious organizations who contract with the government."
Faith Leaders To President Obama Religious Contractors Shouldn t Be Allowed to Discriminate Bend the Arc

Yeah....that Liberal.]

2. .... not new. Knowledgeable observers have long assailed theTimes lack of objectivity and absence of journalistic integrity in reporting on Israel.

3. My chronic irritation finally morphed into alienation and then to visceral disgust this summer, after Hamas renewed its terrorist assaults upon Israel and the Times launched what can only be described as a campaign to delegitimize the Jewish State.

4. .... Hamas is ....Committed by its charter to “obliterate” Israel and kill all Jews everywhere, Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the U.S., Britain, and the European Union, a designation substantiated by its raining rockets down on Israel’s civilians and tunneling under its border to kill and kidnap, indisputable war crimes.

5. .... a newspaper committed to balance and fairness would provide context and perspective. It would show traumatized Israeli children running to shelters, cowering, wetting their beds, and suffering nightmares. It would publish photos and accounts of militants launching rockets from the roofs of mosques, a church, and a media hotel, alongside schools, refugee shelters, clinics and hospitals, and of weapons concealed by Hamas in UN facilities.

It would substantiate casualty figures from Hamas, which is known to have falsified them in the past, before reporting them as fact. It would highlight Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields, its urging civilians to ignore Israel’s advance warnings to depart, so that Gazans would be killed and inflict PR damage on Israel.

Such a paper would cover the threats of death that inhibited reporters and photojournalists from telling the true, full story.

But the Times did not."

Yeah. I remember this guy.

It's difficult to get exercised over this Rabbi's too-little-too-late epiphany, especially given his disregard for the First Amendment rights of those religionists who don't share his statist religion of liberalism. Apparently his epiphanies regarding the essence of truth and justice only go so far.

Look, Rabbi Block, it's been crystal clear from the beginning what Obama is all about in this regard, and it's been clear for years what the Times is all about in this regard. It's all well and good that reality finally penetrated that wall of denial surrounding you, but instead of starting out with moral umbrage, how about an apology to those who have stood by Israel all these many years as you stood by the state against their rights?
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What on earth is a "Liberal Rabbi?" That's nonsense.

Judaism cannot be changed to fit into lives of those who don't feel comfortable enough to keep Mitzvot. That's just stupid.

Following that cataroty, I should be considered orthodox Jew. Which, btw, I am not
Need more convincing of the Leftwing, anti-Israel bias of the NYTimes?


7. " Then there are the [NYTimes] op-eds:

“Israel’s Puppy, Tony Blair;”

“Israel’s Bloody Status Quo;”

“How the West Chose War in Gaza;”

“Darkness Falls on Gaza;”

“Israeli Self-Defense Does Not Permit Killing Civilians;”

“Israel Has Overreacted to the Threats it Provoked;”

“Zionism and Its Discontents;”

“U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace;”

“Israel’s Colonialism Must End;”

“Unwavering Support of Israel Harms U.S. Interests, Encourages Extremism;”

“Eight Days in Gaza: A Wartime Diary: Life and Death in the Gaza Strip.” The last column consumed nearly the entire op-ed page."
From Block's op-ed:

Renowned Israeli novelist, leftist, and self-declared “Israeli peacenik” Amos Oz captured the essence of the conflict in two questions he posed to a German radio audience. “What would you do if your neighbor across the street sits down on the balcony, puts his little boy on his lap and starts shooting machine gun fire into your nursery? What would you do if your neighbor across the street digs a tunnel from his nursery to your nursery in order to blow up your home or in order to kidnap your family?”

We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us. --Golda Meir
What on earth is a "Liberal Rabbi?" That's nonsense.

Judaism cannot be changed to fit into lives of those who don't feel comfortable enough to keep Mitzvot. That's just stupid.

Following that cataroty (sic), I should be considered orthodox Jew. Which, btw, I am not

Perhaps you'd be happier to have a pope, who could excommunicate those with whom you disagree?
What on earth is a "Liberal Rabbi?" That's nonsense.

Judaism cannot be changed to fit into lives of those who don't feel comfortable enough to keep Mitzvot. That's just stupid.

Following that cataroty (sic), I should be considered orthodox Jew. Which, btw, I am not

Perhaps you'd be happier to have a pope, who could excommunicate those with whom you disagree?
It would certainly help. And back in the old days we had the functional equivalent. Lipush makes a good point.
It's about time he woke up.

Better late than never.

Jews: the Democratic Party is NOT your friend.
Need more convincing of the Leftwing, anti-Israel bias of the NYTimes?


7. " Then there are the [NYTimes] op-eds:

“Israel’s Puppy, Tony Blair;”

“Israel’s Bloody Status Quo;”

“How the West Chose War in Gaza;”

“Darkness Falls on Gaza;”

“Israeli Self-Defense Does Not Permit Killing Civilians;”

“Israel Has Overreacted to the Threats it Provoked;”

“Zionism and Its Discontents;”

“U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace;”

“Israel’s Colonialism Must End;”

“Unwavering Support of Israel Harms U.S. Interests, Encourages Extremism;”

“Eight Days in Gaza: A Wartime Diary: Life and Death in the Gaza Strip.” The last column consumed nearly the entire op-ed page."

And Obama is in charge of the NY Times?
a gang of whiskey bent and hellbound sharts said:
It's about time he woke up.

Better late than never.

Jews: the Democratic Party is NOT your friend.

Need more convincing of the Leftwing, anti-Israel bias of the NYTimes?


7. " Then there are the [NYTimes] op-eds:

“Israel’s Puppy, Tony Blair;”

“Israel’s Bloody Status Quo;”

“How the West Chose War in Gaza;”

“Darkness Falls on Gaza;”

“Israeli Self-Defense Does Not Permit Killing Civilians;”

“Israel Has Overreacted to the Threats it Provoked;”

“Zionism and Its Discontents;”

“U.S. Should Stop Funding Israel, or Let Others Broker Peace;”

“Israel’s Colonialism Must End;”

“Unwavering Support of Israel Harms U.S. Interests, Encourages Extremism;”

“Eight Days in Gaza: A Wartime Diary: Life and Death in the Gaza Strip.” The last column consumed nearly the entire op-ed page."

penelope said:
And Obama is in charge of the NY Times?

I've always thought you to be fairly ignorant.

Now I know you're just straight-up, stone-cold stupid.
Hey don't get mad at a newspaper because its not bias. A paper should report the news , not make it up.

I love you Zionist, always good with personal attacks.
What on earth is a "Liberal Rabbi?" That's nonsense.

Judaism cannot be changed to fit into lives of those who don't feel comfortable enough to keep Mitzvot. That's just stupid.

Following that cataroty (sic), I should be considered orthodox Jew. Which, btw, I am not

Perhaps you'd be happier to have a pope, who could excommunicate those with whom you disagree?

Those are two different things.

I'm not a religious person, though I believe in God, and I don't pretend to be a religious person. If a Rabbi says it's ok to do this and this on Shabbat, when it's nonsense, because we know the Torah prohibits it, then instead of calling it "A non-religious Rabbi" they start calling it "reform Judaism".

Judaism doesn't change. It can adopt modern times and technology, but it stays judasim. Now people shouldn't go around don't things they shouldn't and say "it's 'reform' Judaism" because frankly, they're no different than most non-religious people. What exactly makes them tied to the religion, if they do what they want anyway?

They can believe in whatever they want, but don't invent something out of the blue, and then pretend that God says it's ok to have non-kosher Iphone.
Did he convert to Christianity? then tell him to keep trying for a real shalom
Hey.....remember when you were proclaiming the NYTimes was anti-Gaza, and pro-Israel???

Funny, huh?

This thread really ripped you a new one.....guess you won't be making that claim again.
What on earth is a "Liberal Rabbi?" That's nonsense.

Judaism cannot be changed to fit into lives of those who don't feel comfortable enough to keep Mitzvot. That's just stupid.

Following that cataroty (sic), I should be considered orthodox Jew. Which, btw, I am not

Perhaps you'd be happier to have a pope, who could excommunicate those with whom you disagree?
It would certainly help. And back in the old days we had the functional equivalent. Lipush makes a good point.

So, Jewish folks don't have enough enemies today.....they need to have some Jewish enemies, eh?

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