Liberal racism in university admissions

"Liberal racism" is an oxymoron. Like "Liberal Fascism" or "Big Libertarian Government" or "Authoritarian Anarchy". Or "cold heat" or "cold as hell".

If oxymoron is too big a word, just go with "moron".
The OP presents some interesting thoughts. I don't think we've quite found the "right" balance between diversity and achievement yet.

It seems counter-intuitive at first, to /not/ take the best of the best, but there is, I believe, an oft unspoken truth of method beneath it. Intellectual's /need/ diversity, we can read about it and perhaps even analyze public opinions, but truth be told very often our lives are spent studying on it so we can answer every question about it correctly, instead of actually /experiencing/ it. I had to expand my "friendship base" extensively over the years /just/ to properly do my job; dealing with many races, opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles. I caught onto my "flaws" pretty quick in my first management position, but it wasn't easy and, to be completely honest, if it had not been for the internet social phenomena, I think I'd be seriously disadvantaged in my field.

Being a genius isn't enough, you need... substance. You can't just be a walking trivial pursuit card deck, you have to have interesting hobbies and activities to talk about, you have to have more depth than the pages of an encyclopedia. It's nice to /know/ shit, but it makes social interactions a bit... hellish. Like, I have one good friend, and half the time I even lose him in the types of "enjoying" conversations I like to have; he's not stupid, he's just... not at the same level I am, he thinks completely differently than I do. Everything is a study for me, even relationships, so it's kind of like I don't know how to "live." When he tells me about his day, his life, his experiences, it makes me see all the millions of things that the books fail to mention - simple shit that most people just "get" but is completely foreign in my thought processes because it's not linear... or maybe "condensed" like we find in books...

Anyway, I think these are some of the "flaws" that such diversity can help overcome, not so much the "study" or, nor fairness of it so much, but actually "dealing" with diversity in the real world. It's not just about diversity of races, or upbringing, or culture, but the diversity of personality, of intelligence, and thinking process. Which is my "polite" way of saying they need "stupider" people too. (Shout out for my "slightly above average" buddy , who has patiently taught me more about phrasing sans insult than any book ever could heh)

Wait a sec....

A Duke University professor was defiant after the school last week condemned his "noxious" and "offensive" words in a letter published in The New York Times in which he compared African-Americans unfavorably to Asian-Americans.

The school's rebuke came after a student backlash against Political Science Professor Jerry Hough, 80, whose May 9 letter sought to address racism and the Baltimore riots. Hough said African-Americans don't try to integrate into society, while Asians “worked doubly hard” to overcome racism instead of blaming it.

“Virtually every black has a strange new name that symbolizes their lack of desire for integration.”

- Duke University Prof. Jerry Hough

Professor at Duke University in hot water over racist comments. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Repubs was calling this "assimilation" in another thread above. But now repubs are offeneded by it? :rofl:
I'm ok with limiting the amount of foreign asian applicants, but there should be no limits put on asian Americans. The most qualified people should always be chosen.
I'm ok with limiting the amount of foreign asian applicants, but there should be no limits put on asian Americans. The most qualified people should always be chosen.
Don't forget that fore "DREAMers", illegal aliens in the US, the vast vast majority of which as hispanic, they not only get taxpayer subsidized tuition at state schools thanks to liberals, but ALSO get preferential admission due to the ethnicity. Meaning asians and whites will be discriminated against in favor of ILLEGAL ALIENS
Asians need to organize politically and pressure Congress to end this, or they need to file lawsuits so the Supreme Court can end it.

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