Liberal Reporter Slimes Catholic Pastor

It's just common sense. For an adult, heterosexual male to give up a lifetime without a woman--very unusual. For a homosexual man, especially one who does not accept his homsexuality, the priesthood is a choice than can make sense. As well, I'm highly doubtful there is no homosexual activity going on between priests. Is there an data for this? Of course not because they would all deny it. But, it is a reasonable assumption.

Those whose devout faith is coupled with a strong will can resist physical/biological urges.

Of course, atheists/liberals can not comprehend that.
Holier than thou bullshit.

Most liberals and athiests are better, finer, nobler, more honest, ethical and decent human beings than most Catholics.

[ame=]laugh harder - YouTube[/ame]
What's ironic here is that probably half of all priests around the world are homosexual men who are not openly gay. Most are probably not sexually active, but that does not mean they are not homosexuals.

Look, we all know you hate all Christians [but clearly not Islamics] but could you provide some PROOF of your claim? :eusa_whistle:
What you want is acceptance by them, and you are not going to get it. You may protest that it is not the case, but we all know it.

How is switching from boy scouts to a private group that doesn't allow gay teens in it denying YOU YOUR rights?

You keep swinging and missing, slugger.

I don't care if "they" accept me either (whoever "they" are). I have the acceptance of all the people I need in my life, family, friends, and clergy of varying faiths. I don't care if you accept me or even tolerate me. Hate me to your hearts content...just give me equal rights while doing it. Not so hard is it?

Bullshit. The problem with progressives like you is you lie. You lie ALOT. You say one thing, but mean another. Its all about acceptance. If it wasn't you would accept civil unions, which would give you the EXACTLY the same rights. What you want is the name, and the name means acceptance.

But keep up with the obvious bullshit, its charming.

I'm not lying. I don't need to.

Change the name, just make it apply to everyone.
Why are you conservatives attacking one party in this argument and not the other?

You're slamming the WP writer for having an opinion, but not the pastor. Why the double standard?
What double standard? What did the pastor do?

I thought Catholics pastors were called priests?

And many of them are also called something else......when caught.
The Boy Scous decided that gays should not be marginalized, and this priest barred them from his church.

Pope Francis said that gays should not be marginalized...

...I wonder if he's barred from this priest's church too?

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