Liberal socialists and their enablers.


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
"Liberals" or socialists have become increasingly demented, and wrong in their way of thinking. They wish to instate a Stalinist government in order to control our lives. The bywords they use for this is "progressive", and "helping people". It is up to true Americans to vote these leftists out of office.
Look. If you want bigger government and higher taxes, vote Democrat in 2014. If not, you know what to do. If you like your Congressperson, you can keep him or her. If not, the choice is clear.
There's a reason why liberals admire the likes of Castro and call communism in Russia a pivotal experiment.

When most of us look at how countries crumbled under communism, we see why it's an unsustainable, oppressive and horrible way of life. When liberals look at how countries self-destructed under communism, they see leaders living their dream and they think they can do better than the last dictator.

The people who are willing to go in that direction are either leaders with delusions of grandeur or people who think being taken care of, like a child, sounds good to them. The leaders always sound benevolent at first in order to coax people to go along with the idea. By the time people realized they were duped, it's too late.

Right now, a lot of people are successfully being duped and the number is dangerously close to those who still see the truth. Once we are outnumbered by them, it's all over.

Voting new people in office is helpful, but educating people on history is needed more than ever.
The 1% need to spend their record corporate profits on higher taxes, higher wages, and better benefits for the American employees and communities that made those corporations so wealthy. That is how "trickle down" theory is supposed to work, but that isn't how it's working right now.

It isn't "Socialism" or "demonizing success" to say that there need to be legal restrictions on record corporate profits and anonymous campaign contributions that are perpetuating this disastrous system. It's realism, plain and simple.
There's a reason why liberals admire the likes of Castro and call communism in Russia a pivotal experiment.

When most of us look at how countries crumbled under communism, we see why it's an unsustainable, oppressive and horrible way of life. When liberals look at how countries self-destructed under communism, they see leaders living their dream and they think they can do better than the last dictator.

The people who are willing to go in that direction are either leaders with delusions of grandeur or people who think being taken care of, like a child, sounds good to them. The leaders always sound benevolent at first in order to coax people to go along with the idea. By the time people realized they were duped, it's too late.

Right now, a lot of people are successfully being duped and the number is dangerously close to those who still see the truth. Once we are outnumbered by them, it's all over.

Voting new people in office is helpful, but educating people on history is needed more than ever.

How can we actually educate them with the facts of history, when they think it is right wing rewriting of history and not facts?
The 1% need to spend their record corporate profits on higher taxes, higher wages, and better benefits for the American employees and communities that made those corporations so wealthy. That is how "trickle down" theory is supposed to work, but that isn't how it's working right now.

It isn't "Socialism" or "demonizing success" to say that there need to be legal restrictions on record corporate profits and anonymous campaign contributions that are perpetuating this disastrous system. It's realism, plain and simple.

What we need is growth and this administration's policies is holding it back, just like FDR's polices did. Both of these Presidents think that Government is the answer, when it is the private sector who does the growing.
Federal make work programs and borrowed spending for infrastructure are whats truly needed comrades...
Is this one of the TEA Party is the only future or 'pure capitalism' is the only answer threads? Or did all of you not work that out first?
Most Progressives don't know they are Socialists.

The ones that do know, like Obama, hide it with extravagant and picturesque lies.

Who knows or cares by what nuances they distance themselves from Marx or Hitler, the fact is that they want control of the do all Socialists...and then they will want control of everything do all National Socialists.

But, its anybody's guess what makes these BlogBloard liberals/pinheads/progressives/socialist/left-wings loon think the way they do. Somehow nagging guilt and/or consuming jealousy unite with natural poltroonery and a pathological disregard of scruples....and a Progressive is created.

I think the original poster got as close as any: They are "increasingly demented."
George W. Bush lied to the world to invade Iraq and tortured POWs to death in secret prisons. Do you really want to build up the Republican party as having "scruples"?

Reagan sold weapons to the same terrorist groups that flew jets into the World Trade Center. Tell us all again how the evil Progressive Socialists are going to take your guns and force ObamaShariaCare down your throats.

Reagan supported terrorism.
George W. Bush lied to the world to invade Iraq and tortured POWs to death in secret prisons. Do you really want to build up the Republican party as having "scruples"?

Reagan sold weapons to the same terrorist groups that flew jets into the World Trade Center. Tell us all again how the evil Progressive Socialists are going to take your guns and force ObamaShariaCare down your throats.

Reagan supported terrorism.


First, I'd need a cite (from something reliable) about how Bush tortured people to death in secret prisons. I ain't Ian Flemming.

Second, I realize that it has become Left Wing Loon History that Bush lied to got us into Iraq, but I watched President Obama's Secretary of State--Cary, a/k/a Herman Munster testify befoe both the Senate and House about Syria and both times he said emphatically that only 2 people in all of history had used weapons of mass destruction on his own people--and they were Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein--of Iraq.

Iraq had WMDs. Bush didn't lie. Ask Cary.
Liberals. You keep saying that word, I do not think that word means what you think it means.
If I reference a whole stack of research showing that certain social programs would help the economy, and business, would that convince any "capitalists" here?
There's a reason why liberals admire the likes of Castro and call communism in Russia a pivotal experiment.

When most of us look at how countries crumbled under communism, we see why it's an unsustainable, oppressive and horrible way of life. When liberals look at how countries self-destructed under communism, they see leaders living their dream and they think they can do better than the last dictator.
The people who are willing to go in that direction are either leaders with delusions of grandeur or people who think being taken care of, like a child, sounds good to them. The leaders always sound benevolent at first in order to coax people to go along with the idea. By the time people realized they were duped, it's too late.

Right now, a lot of people are successfully being duped and the number is dangerously close to those who still see the truth. Once we are outnumbered by them, it's all over.

Voting new people in office is helpful, but educating people on history is needed more than ever.

Exactly, I was talking to a leftist the other day, and he told me he loved Stalin.

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