Liberal writes book - My year of terror and abuse teaching at a NYC high school

No surprise. My mother taught at a vastly majority n!gger school for several years and then moved to a whiter school in NC....she was MUCH happier being able to teach kids that WANTED to learn and could understand something other than ebonics. I remember her asking me to go with her on a field trip as a volunteer who took the kids places 5 and 6th graders...I bout killed them. Damn monkey's didn't listen worth a shit,stole stuff,got in fights,talked shit to people attending the festival.
Lincoln had the right idea. Send the blacks back to africa. He fought for that his whole political life.
No surprise. My mother taught at a vastly majority n!gger school for several years and then moved to a whiter school in NC....she was MUCH happier being able to teach kids that WANTED to learn and could understand something other than ebonics. I remember her asking me to go with her on a field trip as a volunteer who took the kids places 5 and 6th graders...I bout killed them. Damn monkey's didn't listen worth a shit,stole stuff,got in fights,talked shit to people attending the festival.

It's hopeless. Blacks are nothing like whites. Much wilder and much much dumber.
No surprise. My mother taught at a vastly majority n!gger school for several years and then moved to a whiter school in NC....she was MUCH happier being able to teach kids that WANTED to learn and could understand something other than ebonics. I remember her asking me to go with her on a field trip as a volunteer who took the kids places 5 and 6th graders...I bout killed them. Damn monkey's didn't listen worth a shit,stole stuff,got in fights,talked shit to people attending the festival.

It's hopeless. Blacks are nothing like whites. Much wilder and much much dumber.
Oh, if you were only allowed to kill the darkies, like in the good old days eh SS?

Look at all those happy whiteys, having a great time. SS was born too late...
BS, america-hater. Lincoln absolutely did want blacks to return to africa. He was very much a white supremacist and saw no way black and white could get along. Do some research.
I know the facts, and what you said is total bullshit, my little Nazi..

I'll say it again. Do some research. Everything i said about lincoln is well documented.
BS, america-hater. Lincoln absolutely did want blacks to return to africa. He was very much a white supremacist and saw no way black and white could get along. Do some research.
I know the facts, and what you said is total bullshit, my little Nazi..

I'll say it again. Do some research. Everything i said about lincoln is well documented.
What you said was this: "Lincoln had the right idea. Send the blacks back to africa. He fought for that his whole political life."

Which isn't true, nor would it matter a fucking damn even if he had.
Oh, if you were only allowed to kill the darkies, like in the good old days eh SS?
Black on white murder dwarfs white on black murder. Do some research, america-hater.
Why would that matter? Oh wait, it doesn't.
...yeah, except it does matter.
Nope, unless you can do something about that. What's your plan, ******-hater?
My plan is to see how many times i can get you to use racial slurs, while you call ME the racist. :laugh:
Oh, if you were only allowed to kill the darkies, like in the good old days eh SS?
Black on white murder dwarfs white on black murder. Do some research, america-hater.
Why would that matter? Oh wait, it doesn't.
...yeah, except it does matter.
Nope, unless you can do something about that. What's your plan, ******-hater?
My plan is to see how many times i can get you to use racial slurs, while you call ME the racist. :laugh:
All humans are racist, little dick, and that means that you have no plan so pointing out the numbers is nothing more than you being a whiny bitch. Congrats.
School had just one white student. Why can't we admit what everyone knows? Most blacks can't read and can't learn how to read. When your IQ is 72, you are permanently illiterate.

jan 17 2016 In 2008, Ed Boland, a well-off New Yorker who had spent 20 years as an executive at a nonprofit, had a midlife epiphany: He should leave his white-glove world, the galas at the Waldorf and drinks at the Yale Club, and go work with the city’s neediest children.

“The Battle for Room 314: My Year of Hope and Despair in a New York City High School” (Grand Central Publishing) is Boland’s memoir of his brief, harrowing tenure as a public-schoolteacher, and it’s riveting.

There’s nothing dry or academic here. It’s tragedy and farce, an economic and societal indictment of a system that seems broken beyond repair.

There were 30 kids in his ninth-grade class, some as old as 17. One student, Jamal, was living in a homeless shelter with his mother; most of the other students lived in public housing. There was one white kid in the whole school.

Kameron was in a league of his own. “I was genuinely afraid of him from the minute I set eyes on him,” Boland writes. After threatening to blow up the school, Kameron was suspended for a few months, and not long after his return, a hammer and a double switchblade fell out of his pockets.

The principal gave up. Kameron was expelled.

“Oh, they getting real tough around here now,” one student said. “Three hundred strikes, you out.”

The book shouldn't be called My year of terror. It should be called reaping what you sow.
You have only yourselves to blame, whitey.

I'm white. My family didn't come to the U.S. until 35 - 40 years after slavery ended. Still want to blame me?
Yep. Welcome to collective actions. Whitey brought the ******* here, and hey look at that, whitey fucked up.
Hey racist, those slaves were already slaves to blacks over there. At least over here they had access to more than watermelon and okra.
No surprise. My mother taught at a vastly majority n!gger school for several years and then moved to a whiter school in NC....she was MUCH happier being able to teach kids that WANTED to learn and could understand something other than ebonics. I remember her asking me to go with her on a field trip as a volunteer who took the kids places 5 and 6th graders...I bout killed them. Damn monkey's didn't listen worth a shit,stole stuff,got in fights,talked shit to people attending the festival.

It's hopeless. Blacks are nothing like whites. Much wilder and much much dumber.
Oh, if you were only allowed to kill the darkies, like in the good old days eh SS?

Look at all those happy whiteys, having a great time. SS was born too late...
Nowadays the darkies do all the killing of darkies.
Not a job I would want for any amount of money, especially with today's youth. Shortly after the earth cooled when I was in school, kids actually were respectful of authority including teachers and administration. Think that ended when corporal punishment ended.
That ended when the people who started having babies didn't grow the fuck up first. The spankings had not a goddamned thing to do with it. Nor did having God in the public schools.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the world according to Paint, anyway. Yawn...

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