Liberalism has won

SpidermanTuba said:
Actually Powerman, 90% of the great things this nation has come out of liberalism.

Technically, you are right, though I don't know if it's as much as 90%. Many things that have been good ideas have come from what was considered a "Liberal idea" at the time. Ending slavery, giving women the right to vote, civil rights... They were all noble causes stemming from Liberals at the time, and none of them have anything to do with the insanity and childishness that Liberalism has become.

I might also point out that for every good thing that stems from a Liberal idea there has been a bad one, and the bad is far more current than the good.
Also, while our chosen form of government was a rather liberal idea, ours was a conservative revolution. After the French and Indian War, the British changed a lot of stuff from the status quo, including increased taxes, state sponsored monopolies (East India?), and a crack down on smuggling. When they started out, the revolutionaries just wanted stuff to go back to the way it was.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Technically, you are right, though I don't know if it's as much as 90%. Many things that have been good ideas have come from what was considered a "Liberal idea" at the time. Ending slavery, giving women the right to vote, civil rights... They were all noble causes stemming from Liberals at the time, and none of them have anything to do with the insanity and childishness that Liberalism has become.

I might also point out that for every good thing that stems from a Liberal idea there has been a bad one, and the bad is far more current than the good.

Liberalism sparked freedom and capitolism in Russia, imagine that, while just the opposite has been happening here in the US

I might also point out that it was many liberal Democrats in the congress back in the 60's that opposed civil rights. I find it ironic that it is liberals now who are front and center honoring Coretta Scott King's passing.
Bonnie said:
Liberalism sparked freedom and capitolism in Russia, imagine that, while just the opposite has been happening here in the US

I might also point out that it was many liberal Democrats in the congress back in the 60's that opposed civil rights. I find it ironic that it is liberals now who are front and center honoring Coretta Scott King's passing.

That's true. Kennedy avoided the civil rights issue like the plague for as long as he could. Johnson had a pretty bad record when it came to civil rights, until he was president and he was in a position to support it or look really bad. Of course, as time has passed, they were both held up as champions of the cause.

Hmmm. Never seems to work that way for the Republicans, does it?
The ClayTaurus said:
Pale, just out of curiousity, did you think Kagom was shoving his homosexuality down your throat at any point?

And it matters to you why?
The ClayTaurus said:
Just curious what you think "shoving down your throat" constitutes.

No big deal if you don't want to answer.

Well, Clay, as you may or may not have noticed, I don't use that term when addressing homo's.

But just for the sake of trying to answer your question, I'd say the yearly queer parade in San Fran queer co would be a good example. Another would be the fags wanting to destroy the century old institution of marriage. Shall I go on, or do you get the idea?
Pale Rider said:
Well, Clay, as you may or may not have noticed, I don't use that term when addressing homo's.

But just for the sake of trying to answer your question, I'd say the yearly queer parade in San Fran queer co would be a good example. Another would be the fags wanting to destroy the century old institution of marriage. Shall I go on, or do you get the idea?
I get the idea; was just wondering if you thought Kagom was overstepping the lines of deceny or not, in your opinion.
The ClayTaurus said:
I get the idea; was just wondering if you thought Kagom was overstepping the lines of deceny or not, in your opinion.

No... I'd say he's been pretty good in holding his tone. Especially with my dissenting opinions that he's been trying to deal with.

He's just confused.
and I'm sorry I missed it while it was hot (I've been out of town). I apologize for resurrecting it, but I just had to ask--how come no one commented on RightWing's anti-Semitic taunts towards Powerman? Is anti-Semitism OK here at USMB?

Powerman is absolutely right--Bush's spending has gone so far out of control that liberals (including me) who are fiscally conservative are cringing. People who support Bush can agree with him that this is OK to do, but you can't do that and still call yourself a conservative. Plenty of Republicans are furious with Bush for this and other reasons--the last president with a sustained approval rating as low as his was Richard Nixon. But most USMB regulars are a loyal crowd, happy to go wherever Bush leads, whether to massive deficits or imperial presidencies or nation-building experiments. All that stuff is un-conservative.

To answer your question, RightWing, the point at which Bush's borrow-and-spend deficit-building policies will cease to work is when lenders no longer wish to provide us the $3 billion per DAY that we are currently living on. When that happens, we will lose control of our destiny, and be at the mercy of those who are holding our debt, such as China, Saudi Arabia, and other lovely regimes. In order to continue to attract money at that point, we will have to raise interest rates, which will end the Bush Boom, and end Bush.

Mariner said:
and I'm sorry I missed it while it was hot (I've been out of town). I apologize for resurrecting it, but I just had to ask--how come no one commented on RightWing's anti-Semitic taunts towards Powerman? Is anti-Semitism OK here at USMB?

Powerman is absolutely right--Bush's spending has gone so far out of control that liberals (including me) who are fiscally conservative are cringing. People who support Bush can agree with him that this is OK to do, but you can't do that and still call yourself a conservative. Plenty of Republicans are furious with Bush for this and other reasons--the last president with a sustained approval rating as low as his was Richard Nixon. But most USMB regulars are a loyal crowd, happy to go wherever Bush leads, whether to massive deficits or imperial presidencies or nation-building experiments. All that stuff is un-conservative.

To answer your question, RightWing, the point at which Bush's borrow-and-spend deficit-building policies will cease to work is when lenders no longer wish to provide us the $3 billion per DAY that we are currently living on. When that happens, we will lose control of our destiny, and be at the mercy of those who are holding our debt, such as China, Saudi Arabia, and other lovely regimes. In order to continue to attract money at that point, we will have to raise interest rates, which will end the Bush Boom, and end Bush.


I was asking him if he was a jew, based on knowing that there are some jews who deride christianity the way powerman often does. Its not anti-semitic to ask someone if they're a jew.

Those countries will never call in our debt, we buy their crap. their production capacity means nothing without our massive market. It's called symbiosis.
of this thread, you wrote:

"Oh what. Is the ADL gonna come assassinate me? EWWWW. Scarey jew boy."

and "Shut, up [monkey urinating image] Jew."

That hardly sounds like asking someone if he's Jewish... ?

Mariner said:
of this thread, you wrote:

"Oh what. Is the ADL gonna come assassinate me? EWWWW. Scarey jew boy."

and "Shut, up [monkey urinating image] Jew."

That hardly sounds like asking someone if he's Jewish... ?


He still didn't answer the question. ANd the ADL regularly posts hate speech regarding christians.

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