Liberalism Is Not A Potential Threat To Our Republic...

"Liberal fascists" :lmao:

The nadir of intentional ignorance --- trying to twist a term that makes one nervous, into the opposite of itself. George Orwell saw it coming; the process of holding --- or claiming to hold --- two mutually contradictory concepts in one's head while simultaneously believing both of them, which is a paradox. And a manifestation of the psychotic act of self-delusion.

Lotta that going around I understand. Why, no one knows. Apparently there walk among us those who are so gullible they'll claim to believe a paradox if it spares them the drudgery of actual thought.

1. The 'Greatest Lie" is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

Ah yes, and then blaming somebody else for their own self-delusion and ignorance. A worthy reminder.

There's no such thing as "classical" Liberalism. Liberalism is LIberalism, period. Only a hack like Jonah Goldberg comes up with a nonsensical dead-end adjective so that he can then present his gullible marks with a term that means its own opposite. :rofl:

"Cold heat". "Bright night". "Dry water".

And they suck it up obediently, being lapdogs at heart. "Yes Master, may I have another oxymoron"? All because they can't be bothered to use an established term correctly. And all because the original term --- where a top-down authoritarianism does not exist, which means they personally cannot have the control --- scares the shit out of them. So they try to turn it inside-out --- while still believing the original definition, as "classical".

I've always said, this board needs a resident shrink. :cuckoo:

/thread're a Liberal Fascist.

Your kind opposed free speech, the basis of the Constitution, and bends the neck and the knee to the collective.

You can shorten it to simply Fascist if you like.

Polibabe's one topic, the other guys suck, how original.
Liberalism Is Not A Potential Threat To Our Republic... is an existential threat.
And an immediate one.

Yeah, so "immediate" it's been running the country for two and a half centuries. :lmao:

Any decade now, right? Hunker down!

The entire rest of your OP drivel-dump has nothing to do with Liberalism anyway. Other than a couple of references to elections, it doesn't even have anything to do with politics. Some of the time you piss away on these pointless exercises in narcissistic 'look mommy me make thread' could be better spent actually working to earn enough money to go buy a political science book.

SMH --- partisan hacks who can't be bothered to look up their own terms are a potential threat to our republic.

Once again, there is nothing even remotely "liberal" about you fascist democrats. You are a leftist, a Stalinist. You have never had complete control, though the damage under Obama was a preview of the utter disaster that defines you fascists.
Why you people believe this immigrant radical is beyond me..

Fact and logic are foreign concepts to you fascists. PC offers well researched and well supported facts with solid logic behind them.

You offer only bigotry and ignorance.

She posts a wild claim that Liberalism is going to destroy the Republic.

If that were remotely true, the Republic would be gone by now, since Liberalism has been winning for centuries.
Why you people believe this immigrant radical is beyond me..

Fact and logic are foreign concepts to you fascists. PC offers well researched and well supported facts with solid logic behind them.

You offer only bigotry and ignorance.
I see, can I have the bibliography you use to determine your concensus of ass and mouth? PC's well supported facts are based on hearsay, conjecture and bias that only a radical element could propose..
8. In a world dictated by Liberals, facts have no privileged position, only feelings and/or declarations that advance the Liberal narrative (Trump -Putin blah blah blah...).

The weaponized term 'racist' was recently used, along with violence, against Milo Yiannopoulos, Heather Mac Donald, Charles Murray, and Ann Coulter.

"...students quite freely “make claims about people that are lies, yet state them as though they are categorical truths. And then they declare that ‘truth’ is a ‘construct’ -- and one that they do not believe in.”

When the only standard is approved sensitivity, ...even moral outrages must be accommodated and accepted. At Jewish World Review, John Kass quotes Ayaan Hirsi Ali, herself a victim, on the silence of feminists about female genital mutilation:

"The left can easily and comfortably condemn the misogyny of white men, but not of men of color, not of Muslims," Hirsi Ali said. "They are afraid of being shunned. They're afraid of being put into a basket of deplorables. So they're silent. When professors stifle freedom of thought

When the left controls words and what words are....they can say who can use them.
The threat of Liberalism in America is that, if words can be imagined to be 'objects,' like guns, they can be banned.
9. The use of the term 'racist' has been so successful that it is used in ways that can only be called absurd.

"Phyllis Chesler was disinvited from speaking at the University of Arkansas on honour killings because, so the argument runs, opposition is a form of racism. You will need to read the explanation of that for yourself. Racism has become a very broad brush indeed." When professors stifle freedom of thought

For the Left, the first amendment's attempt to provide freedom of speech, conscience and though go out the window in their 'brave new world.'

Liberals have successfully used the tactic of imaginary 'thought crimes' and 'hate crimes' to form a pretend alliance with a group that makes their electoral victories possible.
They have manipulated the term 'racist' for the same purpose.
It has no meaning unless you want to criminalize any thoughts you disagree with.

America is not racist, slavery is seven generations gone.

Under Liberal domination, freedom, most especially free speech, is outmoded.

10 ."Liberals are obsessed with language and controlling words people use. They simultaneously promote as many languages as possible in America- other than English- and frantically censor words and speakers. Soon the only two words we’ll be allowed to use are : “I’m offended.” ( “Estoy offendido”)"
Yeah, so "immediate" it's been running the country for two and a half centuries. :lmao:

Any decade now, right? Hunker down!

The entire rest of your OP drivel-dump has nothing to do with Liberalism anyway. Other than a couple of references to elections, it doesn't even have anything to do with politics. Some of the time you piss away on these pointless exercises in narcissistic 'look mommy me make thread' could be better spent actually working to earn enough money to go buy a political science book.

SMH --- partisan hacks who can't be bothered to look up their own terms are a potential threat to our republic.
^ that

PoliSpice on ANOTHER rw cutnpaste rampage :tinfoil:
Partisanshit has nothing to do with any strategy of divide and conquer does it love.

Who taught you that vulgarity is a requirement in common parlance?

Mother's Day is coming up....mull that over.
My mom knows what stupidity partisanshit is.

You're saying that mom is as vulgar and inarticulate as you are?
Hon, no one is more vulgar than you are.
Partisanshit has nothing to do with any strategy of divide and conquer does it love.

Who taught you that vulgarity is a requirement in common parlance?

Mother's Day is coming up....mull that over.
My mom knows what stupidity partisanshit is.

You're saying that mom is as vulgar and inarticulate as you are?
Hon, no one is more vulgar than you are.

And here you are proving that, not just're a liar as well.

Those characteristics seems to reside together in low-lives.

Partisanshit has nothing to do with any strategy of divide and conquer does it love.

Who taught you that vulgarity is a requirement in common parlance?

Mother's Day is coming up....mull that over.
My mom knows what stupidity partisanshit is.

You're saying that mom is as vulgar and inarticulate as you are?
Hon, no one is more vulgar than you are.

And here you are proving that, not just're a liar as well.

Those characteristics seems to reside together in low-lives.

You'd know.
Yeah, so "immediate" it's been running the country for two and a half centuries. :lmao:

Any decade now, right? Hunker down!

The entire rest of your OP drivel-dump has nothing to do with Liberalism anyway. Other than a couple of references to elections, it doesn't even have anything to do with politics. Some of the time you piss away on these pointless exercises in narcissistic 'look mommy me make thread' could be better spent actually working to earn enough money to go buy a political science book.

SMH --- partisan hacks who can't be bothered to look up their own terms are a potential threat to our republic.
^ that

PoliSpice on ANOTHER rw cutnpaste rampage :tinfoil:
She is having a collective hot flash..

She posts a wild claim that Liberalism is going to destroy the Republic.

If that were remotely true, the Republic would be gone by now, since Liberalism has been winning for centuries.

She uses "liberalism" incorrectly, as you do.

When PC writes "liberal," she means you of the fascist left, not real liberals like me. Further, the fact is that the goal of the fascist democratic party IS to end the Republic in favor of a global dictatorship. That IS what you work for. (World Court, CFR, IPCC, et al.)

So again, PC posts facts, you fascist democrats post bigotry and ignorance.
Why you people believe this immigrant radical is beyond me..

Fact and logic are foreign concepts to you fascists. PC offers well researched and well supported facts with solid logic behind them.

You offer only bigotry and ignorance.
I see, can I have the bibliography you use to determine your concensus of ass and mouth? PC's well supported facts are based on hearsay, conjecture and bias that only a radical element could propose..

In fact you CAN, Sploogy. You see PC cites virtually everything she posts. Click the links that were provided to you.

Again, this is why I point out that you fascists deal only in promulgating ignorance and bigotry.

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