Liberalism once again does what it always does, FAILURE.

Then ship 700,000 jobs a month overseas.


God Americans are fucking stupid.

But enough about liberals.
How stupid are you if you need a link. Typical Trump supporter.

Did you ask Trump for a link when he said as much to Jeb? Nope. You agreed with Trump that bush sucked. But you won't admit it now. Interesting

Yes, I need a link for the moronic claim that Bush sent 700,000 jobs a month overseas.

You don't have one? DERP!
Liberalism works all over the world but the rich are taking over.

It's working in Illinois. We may actually have to declare bankruptcy.

So no luck with your stupid claim? LOL!
Maybe we can annex Illinois and put it right along with Puerto Rico. Put a big wall around Illinois and not let the Democrats out.

Sounds good. Let me leave first.
You do realize Joe that without investors then there isn't money to keep those businesses open, and then no union jobs? Are you really that stupid not to know that? NVM, don't answer, since you are liberal, yes you really are that stupid.

Bullshit. A Capitalist is a parasite who has convinced you he's a vital organ.

Here's the thing. Investors don't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs.

For instance, an investor could go ahead and use his capital to open a factory that makes Shit Sandwiches. but at the end of the day, he'd be throwing away his money because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich.

Pay the people who do the work more, you have more consumer demand. More consumer demand than you'd have if you have one percenters buying Dressage Horses. It's really, really not complicated.
Anyway, the Legislature finally overrode Rauner and his stupidity. He's done.
You do realize Joe that without investors then there isn't money to keep those businesses open, and then no union jobs? Are you really that stupid not to know that? NVM, don't answer, since you are liberal, yes you really are that stupid.

Bullshit. A Capitalist is a parasite who has convinced you he's a vital organ.

Here's the thing. Investors don't create jobs. Consumer demand creates jobs.

For instance, an investor could go ahead and use his capital to open a factory that makes Shit Sandwiches. but at the end of the day, he'd be throwing away his money because no one wants to buy a shit sandwich.

Pay the people who do the work more, you have more consumer demand. More consumer demand than you'd have if you have one percenters buying Dressage Horses. It's really, really not complicated.
Wrong dipshit, without capital invested in the companies, the companies cannot do research and production, which then they supply goods and services for others to purchase. McDonalds, back in 1976, a burger, fry and small drink cost you 95 cents with minimum wage being $2.10. Today with minimum wage over $7.00, a burger, fry and small drink is over $3.00. The only thing that changed was minimum wage went up 3X and the food costs went up 3X, that is called inflation. Dipshits like you, who own 2 houses and not share one with illegals crossing the border, want everyone else to pay for your shit, but avoid your share, by using tax loopholes. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Wrong dipshit, without capital invested in the companies, the companies cannot do research and production, which then they supply goods and services for others to purchase. McDonalds, back in 1976, a burger, fry and small drink cost you 95 cents with minimum wage being $2.10. Today with minimum wage over $7.00, a burger, fry and small drink is over $3.00. The only thing that changed was minimum wage went up 3X and the food costs went up 3X, that is called inflation. Dipshits like you, who own 2 houses and not share one with illegals crossing the border, want everyone else to pay for your shit, but avoid your share, by using tax loopholes. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

I think your math is a little confused, bud.

I don't eat at McDonald's because they are fucking evil... but at Burger King, the meal you describe costs about 8 bucks. So it went up a lot more than 3 times with the minimum wage not even keeping up with inflation.

The real problem was that after the hyperinflation of the 1970's, wages didn't keep up with inflation.

If the minimum wage of 2.10 had kept up with inflation, the minimum wage would be 9.24.

But there's more to it than that. Costs of a Big Mac have stayed lowed, largely because the government so heavily subsidizes agriculture in this country.

That said, College inflation has increased a lot faster than regular inflation. So have medical costs.
Wrong dipshit, without capital invested in the companies, the companies cannot do research and production, which then they supply goods and services for others to purchase. McDonalds, back in 1976, a burger, fry and small drink cost you 95 cents with minimum wage being $2.10. Today with minimum wage over $7.00, a burger, fry and small drink is over $3.00. The only thing that changed was minimum wage went up 3X and the food costs went up 3X, that is called inflation. Dipshits like you, who own 2 houses and not share one with illegals crossing the border, want everyone else to pay for your shit, but avoid your share, by using tax loopholes. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

I think your math is a little confused, bud.

I don't eat at McDonald's because they are fucking evil... but at Burger King, the meal you describe costs about 8 bucks. So it went up a lot more than 3 times with the minimum wage not even keeping up with inflation.

The real problem was that after the hyperinflation of the 1970's, wages didn't keep up with inflation.

If the minimum wage of 2.10 had kept up with inflation, the minimum wage would be 9.24.

But there's more to it than that. Costs of a Big Mac have stayed lowed, largely because the government so heavily subsidizes agriculture in this country.

That said, College inflation has increased a lot faster than regular inflation. So have medical costs.
That said, College inflation has increased a lot faster than regular inflation. So have medical costs.
Why the Government is to Blame for High College Costs
Federal student loans are driving up college costs and adding to the deficit.
Get Ready for Higher Obamacare Rates Next Year
It already looks clear that many Obamacare insurance plans are going to raise their prices significantly.
Yes when you get government involved, then shit happens.
Why the Government is to Blame for High College Costs
Federal student loans are driving up college costs and adding to the deficit.
Get Ready for Higher Obamacare Rates Next Year
It already looks clear that many Obamacare insurance plans are going to raise their prices significantly.
Yes when you get government involved, then shit happens.

Uh, no, when GREED gets involved, bad stuff happens.

The health care companies and universities are goguing people BECAUSE THEY CAN!

Not because the mean old government made them.
Why the Government is to Blame for High College Costs
Federal student loans are driving up college costs and adding to the deficit.
Get Ready for Higher Obamacare Rates Next Year
It already looks clear that many Obamacare insurance plans are going to raise their prices significantly.
Yes when you get government involved, then shit happens.

Uh, no, when GREED gets involved, bad stuff happens.

The health care companies and universities are goguing people BECAUSE THEY CAN!

Not because the mean old government made them.
Why do you have 2 houses Joe, isn't that GREED?
When what is material is counted has having intrinsic value, sickness invades reason.
You are such a liar Joe, and I "used" to feel upset when liberal did lie,(Liberals have no honor) but after 8 years of the most divisive liar in chief, I just expect it from you all.

Yes, we realized we couldn't save the Auto industry without saving those good jobs.

The investors... meh, fuck 'em. YOu pays your money and you takes your chances.
You do realize Joe that without investors then there isn't money to keep those businesses open, and then no union jobs? Are you really that stupid not to know that? NVM, don't answer, since you are liberal, yes you really are that stupid.

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These fkrs have holes in their brains, no matter what you tell them, no matter what evidence is put before them they are beyond clueless man. They are so brainwashed and so beyond repair . None of the Trump haters even know they've been brainwashed. Most of them are beyond help or hope. The ANTI Americans/Trump haters are often so severely indoctrinated they can't or won't see what they actually support is communism. The very reason N. Korea keeps their sheep living as they do.

Slaves, poor, and obeying

We only wish we could send these useless bottom feeders to N. Korea maybe then it can sink into their useless heads just what Communism really is. Half these pussies never served a day in their lives and have no idea what these third world Countries are even like.
Why do you have 2 houses Joe, isn't that GREED?

Here's the thing about that second house. It was one my dad built back in the 1950's when working class folks could afford to have summer houses and spend time there.

Now, most of the houses up there have been bought up by rich people who never visit them. So while the working class folks are lucky to get a vacation... the folks up there who used to depend on vacation dollars aren't getting them.

which is why back in the 1980's, you used to have 10-15 bars up there you could visit after a long day of fishing... today you are down to maybe four.
These fkrs have holes in their brains, no matter what you tell them, no matter what evidence is put before them they are beyond clueless man. They are so brainwashed and so beyond repair . None of the Trump haters even know they've been brainwashed. Most of them are beyond help or hope. The ANTI Americans/Trump haters are often so severely indoctrinated they can't or won't see what they actually support is communism. The very reason N. Korea keeps their sheep living as they do.

Guy, I don't support Communism.

I would love to have the kind of Capitalism we had back int he 1960's. (For white people, anyway.) The kind where all our dads belong to unions and brought home good paychecks.

the thing is, Trump has misdirected white angst over losing that lifestyle away from the one percenters who took it away and towards brown people.
As Lincoln pointed out, capital is based on labor.

"It is not needed, nor fitting here [in discussing the Civil War] that a general argument should be made in favor of popular institutions; but there is one point, with its connections, not so hackneyed as most others, to which I ask a brief attention. It is the effort to place capital on an equal footing with, if not above, labor, in the structure of government. It is assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital; that nobody labors unless somebody else, owning capital, somehow by the use of it induces him to labor. This assumed, it is next considered whether it is best that capital shall hire laborers, and thus induce them to work by their own consent, or buy them, and drive them to it without their consent. Having proceeded thus far, it is naturally concluded that all laborers are either hired laborers or what we call slaves. And further, it is assumed that whoever is once a hired laborer is fixed in that condition for life.

Now, there is no such relation between capital and labor as assumed, nor is there any such thing as a free man being fixed for life in the condition of a hired laborer. Both these assumptions are false, and all inferences from them are groundless.

Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights."
Watch out, you'll get the right wing 'Republicans' saying Lincoln was a commie.
Why do you have 2 houses Joe, isn't that GREED?

Here's the thing about that second house. It was one my dad built back in the 1950's when working class folks could afford to have summer houses and spend time there.

Now, most of the houses up there have been bought up by rich people who never visit them. So while the working class folks are lucky to get a vacation... the folks up there who used to depend on vacation dollars aren't getting them.

which is why back in the 1980's, you used to have 10-15 bars up there you could visit after a long day of fishing... today you are down to maybe four.
So why do you still have it? Is it because of GREED? Of course it is, everyone else is supposed to give up theirs, but liberals love to have theirs. "Do as the liberal says, not as the liberal does". Right?

So why do you still have it? Is it because of GREED? Of course it is, everyone else is supposed to give up theirs, but liberals love to have theirs. "Do as the liberal says, not as the liberal does". Right?

I still have it because I can't get my siblings to agree to sell it.

And I like going up there once a year. It's actually kind of a burden, really, for as little time as I get to go up there working two jobs.

You see, the point you miss is that my dad was not a rich guy. He was a WWII vet who came back and joined a union and made a decent living and bought land when it was dirt cheap.

People could do that when we used to have a middle class in this country.

The problem with you Battered Housewife conservatives is that every year you have less and less and the rich take more and more... and you all act like this is okay and normal.
So why do you still have it? Is it because of GREED? Of course it is, everyone else is supposed to give up theirs, but liberals love to have theirs. "Do as the liberal says, not as the liberal does". Right?

I still have it because I can't get my siblings to agree to sell it.

And I like going up there once a year. It's actually kind of a burden, really, for as little time as I get to go up there working two jobs.

You see, the point you miss is that my dad was not a rich guy. He was a WWII vet who came back and joined a union and made a decent living and bought land when it was dirt cheap.

People could do that when we used to have a middle class in this country.

The problem with you Battered Housewife conservatives is that every year you have less and less and the rich take more and more... and you all act like this is okay and normal.
So why did you vote for the first Bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator twice who destroyed the middle class, made the Rich much Richer, and more in poverty? Don't you see what a fucking hypocrite you are? NVM, with liberal thinking, I know how you think.

So why did you vote for the first Bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator twice who destroyed the middle class, made the Rich much Richer, and more in poverty? Don't you see what a fucking hypocrite you are? NVM, with liberal thinking, I know how you think.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. I voted for McCain in 2008. ANd then I watched my 401K plummet, my mortgage go underwater and my salary get cut by 30%, all on Bush's watch.

By 2012, I did vote for Obama, because, hey, things were better by then. BUt mostly because I hate Mormons with a power that would blot out the sun. Man, I really, really, fucking hate Mormons!!!!

now that said, the destruction of the Middle Class in this country really began with Ronnie Reagan. It began when he fired the PATCO workers and gave a message government would no longer have the backs of working people. As unions declined, so did the middle class.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. I voted for McCain in 2008. ANd then I watched my 401K plummet, my mortgage go underwater and my salary get cut by 30%, all on Bush's watch.

By 2012, I did vote for Obama, because, hey, things were better by then. BUt mostly because I hate Mormons with a power that would blot out the sun. Man, I really, really, fucking hate Mormons!!!!
See, liberalism is the politics of failure which readily accounts for your radicalism.

Poor lost boy.

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