Liberalism vs America

Liberalism vs America

Liberalism is America, they're one in the same; liberals uphold the tenets of defending individual liberty and safeguarding citizens' civil rights from government overreach.

From seeking to end segregation and discrimination in the 50s (Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Hernandez v. Texas (1954)) to defending the civil rights of gay Americans today (Romer v. Evans (1996), Lawrence v. Texas (2003)), liberals have been at the forefront of ensuring every American realizes his comprehensive civil liberties at the expense of the authority of the state.

Liberals empowered the state to target blacks with welfare programs that amounted to a near genocide.
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.
Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

Speak for yourself, Mr. Smarty Pants. I live in a Munchkin Nation with beer on tap from Beer trees and free flowing pizza from the Pizza Clan--and all the smokes I can get. Hah!
Liberal Nation my ass...
From seeking to end segregation and discrimination in the 50s (Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Hernandez v. Texas (1954))

sort of ended like the French Revolution-right?
only in this case with near genocidal welfare programs sponsored by the newly empowered liberal state that contradicted everything our founders stood for.
I hereby challenge you to advance so much as ONE American policy which has ever failed... .

And I have no problem whatsoever telling you in advance that you will find not so much as a single example. This being so due to the fact that such principles are immutable laws of nature, thus are no more likely to fail than any other law of nature.

FTR: American policy is that policy which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America. With those principles being those declared in the charter of American principles.

Best of luck to ya... .

So you also have a reading comprehension problem? I never said anything about "American Policies failing".

I was talking about the irresponsible attempts by extreme right conservatives to harm the credit of the US Government by failing to abide by their Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution.

Where do you find this imaginary "charter of American principles" of yours because it certainly isn't any part of the Law of the Land.


There is no evidence of any conservative having risked the credit worthiness of the US Constitution. You are likely thinking of "Moderate" Republicans, OKA: RINOs, AKA: Progressives... Or if ya prefer "Liberals" who are affiliated with the GOP, who have 'compromised' with the Ideological Left and the Ideological Left itself, who have in just the last 6 years added 7 trillion dollars to the US Federal deficit.

You remember, you were the clowns CRYING about the 150 billion in annual budget deficits during the Bush administration. Then once you set your clown in office, you summarily began spending in deficit by an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE beyond that of the former administration.

ROFLMNAO! Imagine the irony, of an Ideological Leftist even TRYING to project their disgust with Americans and our spending.

Funny stuff.
Liberalism vs America

Liberalism is America, they're one in the same; liberals uphold the tenets of defending individual liberty and safeguarding citizens' civil rights from government overreach.

From seeking to end segregation and discrimination in the 50s (Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Hernandez v. Texas (1954)) to defending the civil rights of gay Americans today (Romer v. Evans (1996), Lawrence v. Texas (2003)), liberals have been at the forefront of ensuring every American realizes his comprehensive civil liberties at the expense of the authority of the state.

There are no Leftist Americans.

You see Scamp, nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

And there is no potential for a set of ideas to be more in opposition to American principle, than those of the Ideological Left.

See how that works? It's called reason, of the objective variety.
We know how expensive things were in the USSR, Red China, East Germany when they were socialist. People could not afford much of anything. The lesson our liberals earned was that we ought to switch to socialism while the lesson they learned was they ought to switch to socialism.

And yet socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.

Socialists have all but destroyed the US Middle Class. That's not even a debatable point.

What you may be trying not to say, is that the socialists have raised a large percentage of the intellectually less fortunate, OKA: those of low to no productive means, through subsidies paid for by those desperately trying to remain economically viable, having had their incomes eviscerated by the endless taxes and bureaucratic fees upon their shrinking incomes.

This is very common among the cult, misusing words and abusing the language to deceitfully advancing fraudulence, as a means to influence the ignorant.

Why don't ya try this, provide for the Board's consideration, some examples of socialist policy which has "helped the middle class".

And rest assured, this is gonna hurt.
I hereby challenge you to advance so much as ONE American policy which has ever failed... .

And I have no problem whatsoever telling you in advance that you will find not so much as a single example. This being so due to the fact that such principles are immutable laws of nature, thus are no more likely to fail than any other law of nature.

FTR: American policy is that policy which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America. With those principles being those declared in the charter of American principles.

Best of luck to ya... .

So you also have a reading comprehension problem? I never said anything about "American Policies failing".

I was talking about the irresponsible attempts by extreme right conservatives to harm the credit of the US Government by failing to abide by their Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution.

Where do you find this imaginary "charter of American principles" of yours because it certainly isn't any part of the Law of the Land.


There is no evidence of any conservative having risked the credit worthiness of the US Constitution. You are likely thinking of "Moderate" Republicans, OKA: RINOs, AKA: Progressives... Or if ya prefer "Liberals" who are affiliated with the GOP, who have 'compromised' with the Ideological Left and the Ideological Left itself, who have in just the last 6 years added 7 trillion dollars to the US Federal deficit.

You remember, you were the clowns CRYING about the 150 billion in annual budget deficits during the Bush administration. Then once you set your clown in office, you summarily began spending in deficit by an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE beyond that of the former administration.

ROFLMNAO! Imagine the irony, of an Ideological Leftist even TRYING to project their disgust with Americans and our spending.

Funny stuff.

Still drowning in denial?

The Credit Rating of the US government was downgraded because extreme rightwing conservatives blocked the increase in the debt limit. Your feeble and pathetic attempts to lay the blame elsewhere only prove that you are a liar.

And for the record you still have produced your imaginary "charter of American principles" either. Inquiring minds want to know what you are hiding.
I'd like to learn more about this 'charter of American principles.'

Well let me help ya with that.

The charter of American principles were declared as the basis of authority on which the founders of the United States, kicked the only government they had ever known, to the curb.

Here's a taste of it:

The Unanimous Declaration of the
Thirteen United States of America

In Congress, July 4, 1776

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. ... .
I hereby challenge you to advance so much as ONE American policy which has ever failed... .

And I have no problem whatsoever telling you in advance that you will find not so much as a single example. This being so due to the fact that such principles are immutable laws of nature, thus are no more likely to fail than any other law of nature.

FTR: American policy is that policy which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America. With those principles being those declared in the charter of American principles.

Best of luck to ya... .

So you also have a reading comprehension problem? I never said anything about "American Policies failing".

I was talking about the irresponsible attempts by extreme right conservatives to harm the credit of the US Government by failing to abide by their Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution.

Where do you find this imaginary "charter of American principles" of yours because it certainly isn't any part of the Law of the Land.


There is no evidence of any conservative having risked the credit worthiness of the US Constitution. You are likely thinking of "Moderate" Republicans, OKA: RINOs, AKA: Progressives... Or if ya prefer "Liberals" who are affiliated with the GOP, who have 'compromised' with the Ideological Left and the Ideological Left itself, who have in just the last 6 years added 7 trillion dollars to the US Federal deficit.

You remember, you were the clowns CRYING about the 150 billion in annual budget deficits during the Bush administration. Then once you set your clown in office, you summarily began spending in deficit by an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE beyond that of the former administration.

ROFLMNAO! Imagine the irony, of an Ideological Leftist even TRYING to project their disgust with Americans and our spending.

Funny stuff.

Still drowning in denial?

The Credit Rating of the US government was downgraded because extreme rightwing conservatives blocked the increase in the debt limit. Your feeble and pathetic attempts to lay the blame elsewhere only prove that you are a liar.

And for the record you still have produced your imaginary "charter of American principles" either. Inquiring minds want to know what you are hiding.

ROFLMNAO! What color is the sky in your world?

That is HYSTERICAL! In every sense of the word.
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.
Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

yesterdays definition of liberal is not the same as today

Liberalism is Marxism/Socialism today, in the past it meant Conservatism, Freedom.

it would be really helpful if you actually understood the meaning of words. and you clearly have no idea about concepts either.

What SPECIFIC WORDS, did the contributor to whom you are responding, misuse; which is to ask where you found their use of words inaccurate, thus causing you to accuse them of ignorance, which specific words are you claiming were used outside of their meaning.

Now the reason I ask, is to get YOU to prove that it is YOU who are not just misunderstanding the contributor, but who is intentionally attempting to deceive the readers of this forum; meaning that there is no means for you to answer this challenge, honestly, and not prove that you're a liar, in the extreme. I am saying that what you will prove in answering this challenge, is that you are a moral reprobate; a relativist with who bears no kinship with the concept: America, thus the truth,
Liberalism vs America

Liberalism is America, they're one in the same; liberals uphold the tenets of defending individual liberty and safeguarding citizens' civil rights from government overreach.

From seeking to end segregation and discrimination in the 50s (Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Hernandez v. Texas (1954)) to defending the civil rights of gay Americans today (Romer v. Evans (1996), Lawrence v. Texas (2003)), liberals have been at the forefront of ensuring every American realizes his comprehensive civil liberties at the expense of the authority of the state.

Yes, the Liberals have done SO much to help black folks in the US.

They have helped them rise to the highest unemployment demographic, the lowest income, the highest rate of abortion, single parent families, fatherless families, the highest rate of murder and other forms of violent crime, the highest rate high school drop-outs and imprisonment.

Yes indeedy... the cult of socialism has been a real help to the black folks in the US.

But hey, such is the nature of the Eugenicists. (That's a fancy word for racist, in the literal sense of the word and not the farcical use common to the cult.
There is no evidence of any conservative having risked the credit worthiness of the US Constitution.

in fact conservatives since Jefferson have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments that would have made debt and deficits illegal in America! Liberals killed everyone leaving us $17 trillion in debt with $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
Liberalism vs America

Liberalism is America, they're one in the same; liberals uphold the tenets of defending individual liberty and safeguarding citizens' civil rights from government overreach.

From seeking to end segregation and discrimination in the 50s (Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Hernandez v. Texas (1954)) to defending the civil rights of gay Americans today (Romer v. Evans (1996), Lawrence v. Texas (2003)), liberals have been at the forefront of ensuring every American realizes his comprehensive civil liberties at the expense of the authority of the state.

Yes, the Liberals have done SO much to help black folks in the US.

They have helped them rise to the highest unemployment demographic, the lowest income, the highest rate of abortion, single parent families, fatherless families, the highest rate of murder and other forms of violent crime, the highest rate high school drop-outs and imprisonment.

Yes indeedy... the cult of socialism has been a real help to the black folks in the US.

But hey, such is the nature of the Eugenicists. (That's a fancy word for racist, in the literal sense of the word and not the farcical use common to the cult.

Yes, there are more blacks in jail now than there were slaves in 1860. Liberal programs have been good to blacks for sure! As soon as the infamous liberal programs started the percent of black kids born out of wedlock shot up to 74%. Liberal programs sure have been good too black people! Just as Stalin could never admit his programs failed our liberals do the same, and with the same defensive psychology that prevents them from acknowledging their deadly and ignorant mistakes!
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.
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What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.

Another wag running around with no clue what the term means.
Here, let's keep it simple --- this is Wiki:
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.[2][3][4][5][6]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.<<
(hey, I like the way the new board carries the links :thup: )

Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on. Get your head out of the collective ass of Lush Rimjob and Fox Noise and into a history book. It'll do you no good to follow revisionist demagogues around like a puppy.​
Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on.​

if so then liberalism means very very limited govt since our Founders were for very very limited govt. In fact half of them did not even show up for the first constitutional convention prefering to stick with the Articles which proscribed and even more limited govt.

All agreed that there would be no Bill OF Rights out of fear that entrusting evil govt with the responsibility to protect rights would instead backfire and result in govt taking away rights.

Welcome to your first lesson in American History!!
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.

Another wag running around with no clue what the term means.
Here, let's keep it simple --- this is Wiki:
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.[2][3][4][5][6]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.<<
(hey, I like the way the new board carries the links )

Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on. Get your head out of the collective ass of Lush Rimjob and Fox Noise and into a history book. It'll do you no good to follow revisionist demagogues around like a puppy.​

That definition does not fit the real world liberals. Liberty is something they loathe and believe that is for the elite leaders.

Equality is not what they are going for. They don't believe in equal opportunity, they are trying to force equal outcomes, which is impossible.

The left was against equal rights for minorities so it's bullshit that they believe in equality. They were against freeing the slaves, so it's bullshit that they believe in freedom and liberty for all.

What's in a name these days? Self-identified liberals want socialism. They demand equal outcomes and laugh at equal opportunity. Obama and previous administrations have chipped away at our liberty, but that process has sped up in recent years.

You can call yourself whatever you want and post definitions all day, but actions are the real measure. The actions of liberals today is completely opposite of the actions by our Founders.

Liberals want big government, high taxes and government control over our lives. Hard workers are punished and the idle are rewarded. That is against the principles this country was founded upon.
Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on.​

if so then liberalism means very very limited govt

No shit, Sherlock. That's what we've been saying the entire time.


Welcome to your first lesson in American History!!

Go fuck yourself, ya retarded geek.
. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition.

Pogo badly wants to be the biggest liberal idiot here:

The John Locke Foundation believes in free markets, limited constitutional government, and personal responsibility. In the modern American political context, those principles are labeled conservative. Historically, and in most other countries today, those have been considered liberal or “classical liberal” principles. Some observers also consider those principles libertarian.
Is the John Locke Foundation conservative? | John Locke Foundation

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