Liberalism vs America

Nope, sure don't.

And I'll repeat once again, since anything deeper seems to sail over heads, we're not talking about socialism or leftism; the topic was Liberalism. You know, that kinky stuff this country is based on. Once again, pretend definitions, stuffing your own words in others' mouths and flailing attempts at synonym-by-association are going to fall on deaf ears of those who already know better. All you have here is a lot of disjointed whining free of substance. Basically you declare "Saying that one's opposition is 'calling a mountain a river', does not turn an otherwise soundly reasoned point, from sound to unsound", and then proceed to go, "that mountain is too a river!" :rofl:

Here son, when you're ready to shut up and hear, git cho self a edumacation. Until then... bullshit walks. :eusa_hand:

OH! You're talking about the stuff the country was founded upon? The recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the principles that define American; OKA: the God-given rights and responsibilities intrinsic to the laws of nature, wherein the rights of the individual supersede the needs of the collective; which is known in modern parlance as: Conservatism...

I was under the impression that you were a Leftist trying to pass off Left-think as having some kinship with the aforementioned American principle, which of course is nonsense, as nature requires that:


This, of course, being due to the natural law which precludes one from simultaneously adhering to both the thesis and the antithesis.

Glad we got that worked out. For a minute there, you were acting like a lying communist, pretending to be someone else, as a means to avoid being held accountable for the inherent invalid nature of your core 'feelings'.
OH! You're talking about the stuff the country was founded upon? The recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the principles that define American; OKA: the God-given rights and responsibilities intrinsic to the laws of nature, wherein the rights of the individual supersede the needs of the collective; which is known in modern parlance as: Conservatism...

I was under the impression that you were a Leftist trying to pass off Left-think as having some kinship with the aforementioned American principle, which of course is nonsense, as nature requires that:


This, of course, being due to the natural law which precludes one from simultaneously adhering to both the thesis and the antithesis.

Glad we got that worked out. For a minute there, you were acting like a lying communist, pretending to be someone else, as a means to avoid being held accountable for the inherent invalid nature of your core 'feelings'.

Whatever. Spare me the soap opera, K?

I'm drawing distinctions that some wags can't see. Mainly because they're going :lalala:
Why do right wingnuts talk about the rights of the individual when they want to legislate women's bodies and deny civil rights to every minority in America? Just the voter suppression alone proves it.
Seems the only individuals they care about are the fetus and corporations.

It may 'seem' that way, but that misperception has more to do with the limited intellectual means of the observer.

Now I say that, because, no one, of whom I have ever heard, is trying to legislate a women's body. Although I and others HAVE argued that all potential 'rights', must come with intrinsic responsibilities; and the first of those that come to mind, is that where one claims a right to their life, they must bear the responsibility to recognize that right in everyone else... and that where they fail to bear that responsibility, they axiomatically forfeit the right for themselves, and that one solid example of the failure to bear that responsibility would be wherein, one willfully engages in the behavior which nature designed specific for procreation, which results in conception... then where the human conceived is found to be an inconvenience, opts to use their power, to take that human life.

So the argument is less a function of law, than it is a means to help the Intellectually Less Fortunate to remain viable human beings. As where a person considers themselves of such import that they are willing to take the life of an innocent human being; without regard to the stage of development or decline that the human being may be in at the moment, and PARTICULARLY where the person taking the life is THOROUGHLY, WHOLLY, ABSOLUTELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONCEPTION OF THAT LIFE, by virtue of their own willful behavior, that individual is presenting the irrefutable signs of profound sociopathy and that makes them a danger to any and every other person in the culture.

There is no POTENTIAL for a right to willfully engage in a behavior designed exclusively for procreation and then reject the responsibilities intrinsic to that behavior.

And if you are incapable of understanding that IRREFUTABLE FACT: you should not be allowed within a ten miles of a voting booth.

In short: you 'feel' that because you exist, you have rights... and you should be able to exercise those rights without regard to how they effect others. You're simply and inalterably: Dead wrong about that.
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What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

1) I am married and have raised 4 kids, you not so much...

2)Country was already going bankrupt when Boosh was president..Duh!

3)Then the GOP is nothing but libs, when they were in power of 2/3 of the fed govt. they never killed the welfare beast...
There is no POTENTIAL for a right to willfully engage in a behavior designed exclusively for procreation and then reject the responsibilities intrinsic to that behavior.

And if you are incapable of understanding that IRREFUTABLE FACT: you should not be allowed within a ten miles of a voting booth.
The potential is not the basis for the right to decide what one does from an activity for procreation. I may disagree with you, but I never try to legislate morality for using the ballot box..
The electorate is not the third branch of govt. Rather the supreme court is.

It's a failed OP. Neither party is consistent on allowing people who exercise individual choices in either the personal economic decisions or on "social issues."
And there it is again -- you want a monopoly. As we already established back here.

Why don't you just move to North Fucking Korea? You'll get your monopoly there. All politics, all media, all the populace, under the control of one single iron fist. Exactly what you want. Hell [sic] you can prolly [sic] even claim that Thomas Jefferson invented North Korea too, 130 years after his own death. Wouldn't even be a stretch for you.

That's ironic, coming from an extreme leftist like you.
Your full of flies.

The Constitution is the most liberal document ever produced by humanity.

It is the template for liberal government. Which is a ground up representation of the people.

Unlike conservative government. Which is the top down imposition of power.
Im confused. You lefties are ALWAYS complaining about the document yet here you are taking credit for its creation.
OH! You're talking about the stuff the country was founded upon? The recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the principles that define American; OKA: the God-given rights and responsibilities intrinsic to the laws of nature, wherein the rights of the individual supersede the needs of the collective; which is known in modern parlance as: Conservatism...


Not even close!

Too bad your religious blinders prevent you from comprehending that the right to privacy excludes you have a woman's vagina and equality under the law means that you cannot deny gays the right to marry the consenting adult of their choice. Liberals are the ones who are defending voting rights while conservatives are trying to take them away.
The potential is not the basis for the right to decide what one does from an activity for procreation. I may disagree with you, but I never try to legislate morality for using the ballot box..

One can't legislate morality. Such is impossible.

What one CAN do however, and the evidence of this is the foundation and history of western jurisprudence, wherein principles of nature are observed, through sound reason. Those principles are recognized as being essential to the viability of the individual; thus by extension, the viability of the culture itself.

Those principles are then set into law... Such as the laws addressing murder, assault, theft, libel, etc... .

See how that works?

Not even close!

Too bad your religious blinders prevent you from comprehending that the right to privacy excludes you have a woman's vagina and equality under the law means that you cannot deny gays the right to marry the consenting adult of their choice. Liberals are the ones who are defending voting rights while conservatives are trying to take them away.

What religious blinders are those?

The right to privacy requires at the minimum, that one keep those things which they hold as private: PRIVATE.

Where one declares such publicly, they have forfeited any potential claim that they're entitled to keep such private.

This is without exception, with one's vagina, being the least of any potential exceptions.

The right to vote is sustained only through the responsibility to vote objectively, through an informed and valid understanding of the issues at hand, the nature of sustainable governance and the purpose which such serves.

Where the 'cult of Left-think' claims a right, they reject any sense of responsibility intrinsic to the right... which for them, forfeits any and all claims to such rights.

Marriage, is the joining of one male human being and one female human being. The coupling is analogous the the physical union intrinsic to coitus, which is what nature designed as a means of procreation.

There is no such thing as 'Gay-marriage' or Dog-marriage or Horse/Goat marriage. And this without regard to the pretense asserted by the advocates for the normalization of sexual abnormality, to the contrary.
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of course if true we'd have a capitalist health care system with 80% lower prices and 10-20 years added to our life expectancy rather than libcommie Obamacare!! See why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Please tell me what other conclusion is possible.

And of course you have some facts to back up that claim?
What religious blinders are those?

The right to privacy requires at the minimum, that one keep those things which they hold as private: PRIVATE.

Where one declares such publicly, they have forfeited any potential claim that they're entitled to keep such private.

This is without exception, with one's vagina, being the least of any potential exceptions.

The right to vote is sustained only through the responsibility to vote objectively, through an informed and valid understanding of the issues at hand, the nature of sustainable governance and the purpose which such serves.

Where the 'cult of Left-think' claims a right, they reject any sense of responsibility intrinsic to the right... which for them, forfeits any and all claims to such rights.

Marriage, is the joining of one male human being and one female human being. The coupling is analogous the the physical union intrinsic to coitus, which is what nature designed as a means of procreation.

There is no such thing as 'Gay-marriage' or Dog-marriage or Horse/Goat marriage. And this without regard to the pretense asserted by the advocates for the normalization of sexual abnormality, to the contrary.

Thank you for proving that conservatives like yourself are opposed to the rights that liberals support and uphold, including the right to bear arms. You can send a donation to the ACLU in gratitude.
Thank you for proving that conservatives like yourself are opposed to the rights that liberals support and uphold, including the right to bear arms. You can send a donation to the ACLU in gratitude.

Thank you for proving that Leftists lack the intellectual means and any sense of soundly reasoned morality to understand that without correlating responsibilities, that there is NO POTENTIAL FOR A RIGHT TO EXIST.

Meaning that while you claim the right, you do not recognize the right in others, you have no sense of responsibility that you cannot exercise your right to the detriment of another's to exercise their own rights... which is the reason that there is a right to own and effectively use firearms. So that one possesses the power to destroy threats, when it finally becomes necessary, once the threat rises to the point that it threatens the very viability of the culture itself.

"... when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. ..."

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