Liberalism vs America

Once again -- none of the above has jack squat to do with political philosophies.

liberalism is naturally treasonous
A liberal must lie to take the oath of office. On that grounds alone liberalism should be made illegal in the USA
Hey, feel free to take the same challenge and quote me where I've called for anything that poster was whining about.

Any one at all.

I'll wait.


Why not cut the BS and tell us what you are and what you stand for.
Once again -- none of the above has jack squat to do with political philosophies.
For me, my Op had more to do with general results than an obviously elusive political philosophy as expressed through out this thread.
yesterdays definition of liberal is not the same as today

Liberalism is Marxism/Socialism today, in the past it meant Conservatism, Freedom.

Marxist ideology is abolishing child labor and free education for children.

Socialist ideology helps the middle class prosper. ie; who pays for the streetlights, the police, the fire department.

Real conservatives are rich, older, white guys, who believe that they are better than workers and shouldn't have to pay taxes.

Middle class conservatives are cheap, miserly, non-intellectual subservients.
Marxist ideology is abolishing child labor and free education for children.

Socialist ideology helps the middle class prosper. ie; who pays for the streetlights, the police, the fire department.

Real conservatives are rich, older, white guys, who believe that they are better than workers and shouldn't have to pay taxes.

Middle class conservatives are cheap, miserly, non-intellectual subservients.
If you want to be liked you're going to have to be a lot more reasonable, granted, I do set a poor example...:eusa_doh:
Real conservatives are rich, older, white guys, who believe that they are better than workers and shouldn't have to pay taxes.

actually 38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, only 18% as liberals. Conservatives stand for work, while liberals are leeches who stand for welfare and so the slow disintegration of our country to soviet levels.
For me, my Op had more to do with general results than an obviously elusive political philosophy as expressed through out this thread.

:confused: What does that even mean?

Title: "Liberalism vs. America"
Liberalism is a political philosophy. Ironically it's what America is made of, so it's like saying "Thomas Edison vs. phonograph records".
:confused: What does that even mean?

Liberalism is a political philosophy. Ironically it's what America is made of,.

Dear, America is conservative, i.e., it is about freedom from big liberal govt. Ever heard of the Revolution and Constitution? Welcome to your first lesson in American History.
Here are some quotes from Jefferson to get you started on the basics:

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.
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Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

liberalism is naturally treasonous
A liberal must lie to take the oath of office. On that grounds alone liberalism should be made illegal in the USA

And there it is again -- you want a monopoly. As we already established back here.

Why don't you just move to North Fucking Korea? You'll get your monopoly there. All politics, all media, all the populace, under the control of one single iron fist. Exactly what you want. Hell you can prolly even claim that Thomas Jefferson invented North Korea too, 130 years after his own death. Wouldn't even be a stretch for you.
You have it turned backwards. The Constitution -- that document we started the country with, the one with the Bill of Rights, the guarantees of free speech, freedom of religion, right to carry firearms, etc -- is the essence of Liberalism, which means power derives from the People and government stays out of the way except where needed for things only a national institution can do. That's the definition, and it's always been the definition. This latter-day revisionism trying to redefine the term in order to score political points in some kind of demagoguery football game is bullshit.

That's what Billc is trying to do above by defining Liberalism as "classic" liberalism, which tries to put a foot in the door to suggest there's some other version. There isn't.
Hey, that's conservatism, too. We're, like, all akin or something.

So, if liberals are conservatives, why are they always in such opposition to them? Or themselves? Or whatever.

Is it their mental disorder?
And there it is again -- you want a monopoly. As we already established.

dear, I didn't say I wanted a monopoly but rather intelligent debate and democracy among conservative libertarian types. Liberalism is treasonous and based in pure ignorance which is why our Founders in effect made it illegal in their Constitution. It has no place in intelligent debate. Do you understand now?
but that is only because the cons have never had completel control of the 3 brances of govt, the press, and the electorate.
but that is only because the cons have never had completel control of the 3 brances of govt, the press, and the electorate.
Hey, that's conservatism, too. We're, like, all akin or something.

So, if liberals are conservatives, why are they always in such opposition to them? Or themselves? Or whatever.

Is it their mental disorder?

The "mental disorder", if there be one, is in looking at an apple and calling it an orange.

You are correct we aren't as far apart as the demagogues who dabble in disingenuous dipshittery would have us believe with such baiting redefinitions. That's what they're trying to do -- divide and conquer. Why enable them?
government stays out of the way except where needed for things only a national institution can do. That's the definition, and it's always been the definition. .

of course if true we'd have a capitalist health care system with 80% lower prices and 10-20 years added to our life expectancy rather than libcommie Obamacare!! See why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Please tell me what other conclusion is possible.
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