Liberalism vs America

Thank you for proving that Leftists lack the intellectual means and any sense of soundly reasoned morality to understand that without correlating responsibilities, that there is NO POTENTIAL FOR A RIGHT TO EXIST.

Meaning that while you claim the right, you do not recognize the right in others, you have no sense of responsibility that you cannot exercise your right to the detriment of another's to exercise their own rights... which is the reason that there is a right to own and effectively use firearms. So that one possesses the power to destroy threats, when it finally becomes necessary, once the threat rises to the point that it threatens the very viability of the culture itself.

"... when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. ..."

Ironic coming from the irresponsible conservative right that has failed to uphold their Constitutional duties when it comes to running the nation. So much so that they have even tried to destroy the full faith and credit of the US Government. Wrapping yourself in the flag so tightly that it has constricted the blood flow to your brain isn't helping either.
Ironic coming from the irresponsible conservative right that has failed to uphold their Constitutional duties when it comes to running the nation. So much so that they have even tried to destroy the full faith and credit of the US Government. Wrapping yourself in the flag so tightly that it has constricted the blood flow to your brain isn't helping either.

I hereby challenge you to advance so much as ONE American policy which has ever failed... .

And I have no problem whatsoever telling you in advance that you will find not so much as a single example. This being so due to the fact that such principles are immutable laws of nature, thus are no more likely to fail than any other law of nature.

FTR: American policy is that policy which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America. With those principles being those declared in the charter of American principles.

Best of luck to ya... .
I hereby challenge you to advance so much as ONE American policy which has ever failed... .

And I have no problem whatsoever telling you in advance that you will find not so much as a single example. This being so due to the fact that such principles are immutable laws of nature, thus are no more likely to fail than any other law of nature.

FTR: American policy is that policy which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America. With those principles being those declared in the charter of American principles.

Best of luck to ya... .

So you also have a reading comprehension problem? I never said anything about "American Policies failing".

I was talking about the irresponsible attempts by extreme right conservatives to harm the credit of the US Government by failing to abide by their Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution.

Where do you find this imaginary "charter of American principles" of yours because it certainly isn't any part of the Law of the Land.
Yeah King George was quite a liberal huh?
It little matters that Britons raised suspicions of a ministry conspiring against the English constitution, of the Princess of Wales inspiring arbitrary principles into her son, of Lord Bute and other Tories deliberately imposing anti-libertarian designs against England and the colonies. What really matters - what we know - is that the Radical Whigs in America believed it, anticipating an establishment of despotism by the king, as attested to in the Declaration of Independence. Disregard for constitutional authority is a leftist enterprise, as expressly stated by progressive academics early in the 20th century.

Much like modern American leftists preferring arbitrary rule over constitutional restrictions, so behaved King George III. The Radical Whigs, on the other hand, like conservatives, insisted on written constitutions, having been aware of the tendency of government to rule by prerogative, particularly by executive prerogative.
Yeah King George was quite a liberal huh?
It little matters that Britons raised suspicions of a ministry conspiring against the English constitution, of the Princess of Wales inspiring arbitrary principles into her son, of Lord Bute and other Tories deliberately imposing anti-libertarian designs against England and the colonies. What really matters - what we know - is that the Radical Whigs in America believed it, anticipating an establishment of despotism by the king, as attested to in the Declaration of Independence. Disregard for constitutional authority is a leftist enterprise, as expressly stated by progressive academics early in the 20th century.

Much like modern American leftists preferring arbitrary rule over constitutional restrictions, so behaved King George III. The Radical Whigs, on the other hand, like conservatives, insisted on written constitutions, having been aware of the tendency of government to rule by prerogative, particularly by executive prerogative.

Give me a little advance warning before your revolution ... so I can get video.
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.
Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

yesterdays definition of liberal is not the same as today

Liberalism is Marxism/Socialism today, in the past it meant Conservatism, Freedom.

it would be really helpful if you actually understood the meaning of words. and you clearly have no idea about concepts either.
Yeah King George was quite a liberal huh?
It little matters that Britons raised suspicions of a ministry conspiring against the English constitution, of the Princess of Wales inspiring arbitrary principles into her son, of Lord Bute and other Tories deliberately imposing anti-libertarian designs against England and the colonies. What really matters - what we know - is that the Radical Whigs in America believed it, anticipating an establishment of despotism by the king, as attested to in the Declaration of Independence. Disregard for constitutional authority is a leftist enterprise, as expressly stated by progressive academics early in the 20th century.

Much like modern American leftists preferring arbitrary rule over constitutional restrictions, so behaved King George III. The Radical Whigs, on the other hand, like conservatives, insisted on written constitutions, having been aware of the tendency of government to rule by prerogative, particularly by executive prerogative.

Give me a little advance warning before your revolution ... so I can get video.
I hear the price of tea in China has gone up.
of course if true we'd have a capitalist health care system with 80% lower prices and 10-20 years added to our life expectancy rather than libcommie Obamacare!! See why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Please tell me what other conclusion is possible.

And of course you have some facts to back up that claim?

We know how expensive things were in the USSR, Red China, East Germany when they were socialist. People could not afford much of anything. The lesson our liberals earned was that we ought to switch to socialism while the lesson they learned was they ought to switch to socialism.
the perfect liberal illiterate has no idea that American was founded on the idea of freedom from big liberal govt or why our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb.

Yeah King George was quite a liberal huh?

Actually the Revolution was against all the big liberal govts in human history before and after the Revolution as well as against the big liberal govt of 18th Century England. Isn't learning fun?
Marxist ideology slowly starved 120 million to death in USSR and Red China. You could not have picked a greater evil to which to hook your wagon. Congrats!! you have all the intelligence of a Nazi.

Eliminating child labor and free education for children slowly starved 120 million to death in USSR and Red China?
actually 38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, only 18% as liberals. Conservatives stand for work, while liberals are leeches who stand for welfare and so the slow disintegration of our country to soviet levels.

Conservative ideology is centered on a strong military, tough law enforcement, resistance to immigration, widespread availability of guns is an underlying threat-oriented biology, or paranoia. Are you paranoid?
We know how expensive things were in the USSR, Red China, East Germany when they were socialist. People could not afford much of anything. The lesson our liberals earned was that we ought to switch to socialism while the lesson they learned was they ought to switch to socialism.

And yet socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.
actually 38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, only 18% as liberals. Conservatives stand for work, while liberals are leeches who stand for welfare and so the slow disintegration of our country to soviet levels.

Conservative ideology is centered on a strong military, tough law enforcement, resistance to immigration, widespread availability of guns is an underlying threat-oriented biology, or paranoia. Are you paranoid?
dear conservatism since Aristotle has been centered on freedom or limited govt.
We know how expensive things were in the USSR, Red China, East Germany when they were socialist. People could not afford much of anything. The lesson our liberals earned was that we ought to switch to socialism while the lesson they learned was they ought to switch to socialism.

And yet socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.

dear, socialist unions taxes schools drove 40 million middle class jobs off shore which is why they are not prospering.
actually 38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, only 18% as liberals. Conservatives stand for work, while liberals are leeches who stand for welfare and so the slow disintegration of our country to soviet levels.

Conservative ideology is centered on a strong military, tough law enforcement, resistance to immigration, widespread availability of guns is an underlying threat-oriented biology, or paranoia. Are you paranoid?
dear conservatism since Aristotle has been centered on freedom or limited govt.

Absolute unmitgated bullshit.
When this country was founded -- on Liberal principles -- "conservatism" meant the royal family, nobility and the Church were on top, and the commoners/working class were on the bottom. And that is what we threw away.

And good riddance.
actually 38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, only 18% as liberals. Conservatives stand for work, while liberals are leeches who stand for welfare and so the slow disintegration of our country to soviet levels.

Conservative ideology is centered on a strong military, tough law enforcement, resistance to immigration, widespread availability of guns is an underlying threat-oriented biology, or paranoia. Are you paranoid?
dear conservatism since Aristotle has been centered on freedom or limited govt.

Absolute unmitgated bullshit.
When this country was founded -- on Liberal principles -- "conservatism" meant the royal family, nobility and the Church were on top, and the commoners/working class were on the bottom. And that is what we threw away.

And good riddance.

yes and replaced with a different liberal tyranny with welfare programs that amounted to a near genocide against blacks.
Liberalism vs America

Liberalism is America, they're one in the same; liberals uphold the tenets of defending individual liberty and safeguarding citizens' civil rights from government overreach.

From seeking to end segregation and discrimination in the 50s (Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Hernandez v. Texas (1954)) to defending the civil rights of gay Americans today (Romer v. Evans (1996), Lawrence v. Texas (2003)), liberals have been at the forefront of ensuring every American realizes his comprehensive civil liberties at the expense of the authority of the state.

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