Liberalism vs America

What liberalism has done to America?

Without libs, there would be no America and I'm really sick of the whining from the RWs who hid in the root cellars while the traitor/spy libs did the heavy lifting.

Now, quitcher :blahblah:, :anj_stfu: and start carrying your fair share of the load. That means - stop siding with Pootin against your own country and fight for equality for ALL Americans.

Got that?
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.

Another wag running around with no clue what the term means.
Here, let's keep it simple --- this is Wiki:
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.[2][3][4][5][6]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.<<
(hey, I like the way the new board carries the links )

Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on. Get your head out of the collective ass of Lush Rimjob and Fox Noise and into a history book. It'll do you no good to follow revisionist demagogues around like a puppy.​

That definition does not fit the real world liberals. Liberty is something they loathe and believe that is for the elite leaders.

Equality is not what they are going for. They don't believe in equal opportunity, they are trying to force equal outcomes, which is impossible.

The left was against equal rights for minorities so it's bullshit that they believe in equality. They were against freeing the slaves, so it's bullshit that they believe in freedom and liberty for all.

What's in a name these days? Self-identified liberals want socialism. They demand equal outcomes and laugh at equal opportunity. Obama and previous administrations have chipped away at our liberty, but that process has sped up in recent years.

You can call yourself whatever you want and post definitions all day, but actions are the real measure. The actions of liberals today is completely opposite of the actions by our Founders.

Liberals want big government, high taxes and government control over our lives. Hard workers are punished and the idle are rewarded. That is against the principles this country was founded upon.

And once again, you're making the same mistake that Arizona guy did last night -- conflating "LIberals", "the left" and "socialists" as if they're all one thing rather than three different things. As long as you're going to insist on running definitions together in some kind of verbal demolition derby, you'll make no point.
What liberalism has done to America?

Without libs, there would be no America and I'm really sick of the whining from the RWs who hid in the root cellars while the traitor/spy libs did the heavy lifting.

Now, quitcher :blahblah:, :anj_stfu: and start carrying your fair share of the load. That means - stop siding with Pootin against your own country and fight for equality for ALL Americans.

Got that?
Conservatives work and pay taxes. Liberals sponge off government .
In comparison with monarchies with no representation, LIBERAL american democratic government was HUGE, dumbass dupes.

Equal opportunity, with help for the unfortunate, not equal outcomes, brainwashed hater dupes...
-- conflating "LIberals", "the left" and "socialists" as if they're all one thing rather than three different things. As long as you're going to insist on running definitions together in some kind of verbal demolition derby, you'll make no point.

they are the same!! Obama is a liberal, had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Berie Sanders, and open socialist. Our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Joe Mccarthy asked the liberals if they were or ever had been commies. Got it now? The left progressives support single payer cap n trade etc.

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

Isn't learning your ABC's fun?
What liberalism has done to America?

Without libs, there would be no America and I'm really sick of the whining from the RWs who hid in the root cellars while the traitor/spy libs did the heavy lifting.

Now, quitcher :blahblah:, :anj_stfu: and start carrying your fair share of the load. That means - stop siding with Pootin against your own country and fight for equality for ALL Americans.

Got that?
Conservatives work and pay taxes. Liberals sponge off government .

thats true!! Conservatives stand for work while liberals stand for welfare leeching! Its as simple as that.
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP want to go back to the golden age of poorhouses, potters fields, poisonous food, useless medicine/care, racism and disunity. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible"- you live in a Pub dupe dream world...
Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP want to go back to the golden age of poorhouses, potters fields, poisonous food, useless medicine/care, racism and disunity. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible"- you live in a Pub dupe dream world...

dear, you clean forgot to say what makes you think we want to go back. Slow? Keep in mind that China just switched to capitlaism and eliminated 40% of world poverty. Republicans want to go back to capitalism so we too can have 10% growth rates !! Why not try college before you present yourself here?
What liberalism has done to America?

Without libs, there would be no America and I'm really sick of the whining from the RWs who hid in the root cellars while the traitor/spy libs did the heavy lifting.

Now, quitcher :blahblah:, :anj_stfu: and start carrying your fair share of the load. That means - stop siding with Pootin against your own country and fight for equality for ALL Americans.

Got that?
Conservatives work and pay taxes. Liberals sponge off government .

thats true!! Conservatives stand for work while liberals stand for welfare leeching! Its as simple as that.
Ifyou count only whites, there are just as many conservatives as liberals on welfare etc- Of course, blacks etc skew the tates as they are DISCRIMINATED AGAINST DUH. White Dems make more money than white Pubs- ie, you are a brainwashed fool of the greedy idiot rich, dumbass.
Ifyou count only whites, there are just as many conservatives as liberals on welfare etc- Of course, blacks etc skew the tates as they are DISCRIMINATED AGAINST DUH. White Dems make more money than white Pubs- ie, you are a brainwashed fool of the greedy idiot rich, dumbass.

dear, does that make welfare leeching good and work and individual responsibility bad? As I said try college before you present yourself here.
-- conflating "LIberals", "the left" and "socialists" as if they're all one thing rather than three different things. As long as you're going to insist on running definitions together in some kind of verbal demolition derby, you'll make no point.

they are the same!! Obama is a liberal, had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Berie Sanders, and open socialist. Our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Joe Mccarthy asked the liberals if they were or ever had been commies. Got it now? The left progressives support single payer cap n trade etc.

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

Isn't learning your ABC's fun?

See what I mean? Clueless about distinctions. Absolutely clueless.
Barack O'bama ain't no "liberal". But you are indeed a fucking idiot.

Yet somehow you quoted the root cause of your own dumfuckery -- a direct link to where this disingenuous revisionist definition began:
Joe Mccarthy asked the liberals if they were or ever had been commies.

--- and you don't even recognize it. You actually typed those words in whatever incoherent textual diarrhea dialect you type in, and it didn't even dawn on you. What a maroon.

Brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP want to go back to the golden age of poorhouses, potters fields, poisonous food, useless medicine/care, racism and disunity. Read "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible"- you live in a Pub dupe dream world...

dear, you clean forgot to say what makes you think we want to go back. Slow? Keep in mind that China just switched to capitlaism and eliminated 40% of world poverty. Republicans want to go back to capitalism so we too can have 10% growth rates !! Why not try college before you present yourself here?
The hell they do, fool- they want to go back to ripping you and the rest of the nonrich off AGAIN. All the gains under them, the few times it happens, go to the rich, screw the nonrich, and are based on corrupt bubbles that BUST. Same goes for China, where they are about to pop. Idiot. see sig.
See what I mean? Clueless about distinctions. Absolutely clueless.
Barack O'bama ain't no "liberal". But you are indeed a fucking idiot.

In 2005, he scored 82.5, meaning that his voting record on a select number of economic, foreign policy and social issue votes was more liberal than roughly four in five Senators. That made him the 16th most liberal Senator in the chamber; Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy -- 96.7 score -- was the most liberal. In 2006, Obama's composite liberal score moved up to 86, good for 10th highest in the chamber. In 2007, as he spent more and more time running for president, he scored 95.5 -- making him the single most liberal-voting Senator that year.

See why we are positive liberaism is based in pure ignorance?
Ifyou count only whites, there are just as many conservatives as liberals on welfare etc- Of course, blacks etc skew the tates as they are DISCRIMINATED AGAINST DUH. White Dems make more money than white Pubs- ie, you are a brainwashed fool of the greedy idiot rich, dumbass.

dear, does that make welfare leeching good and work and individual responsibility bad? As I said try college before you present yourself here.
Of course not- EVERYONE believes in hard work and responsibility, Pub dupe. But thanks for the corrupt world depression and the longest, stupidest wars ever.

I have a Masters in History, am a retired History/French teacher, and you are a brainwashed fool lol.
. Same goes for China, where they are about to pop. Idiot. see sig.

35 years of 10% growth the second China switched to capitalism and what lesson do the liberals learn: lets switch to socialism which has never produced any growth for any of the 132 nations that tried it!.

Here are your ABC's . Under capitalism everyone works and contributes to society, underl lliberalism everyone tries to leech off the other guy and not work or contribute. As I said try college beefore you present yourself here!
. Same goes for China, where they are about to pop. Idiot. see sig.

35 years of 10% growth, no pop silly, the second China switched to capitalism and what lesson do the liberals learn: lets switch to socialism which has never produced any growth for any of the 132 nations that tried it!.

Here are your ABC's . Under capitalism everyone works and contributes to society, underl lliberalism everyone tries to leech off the other guy and not work or contribute. As I said, try college before you present yourself here!
See what I mean? Clueless about distinctions. Absolutely clueless.
Barack O'bama ain't no "liberal". But you are indeed a fucking idiot.

In 2005, he scored 82.5, meaning that his voting record on a select number of economic, foreign policy and social issue votes was more liberal than roughly four in five Senators. That made him the 16th most liberal Senator in the chamber; Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy -- 96.7 score -- was the most liberal. In 2006, Obama's composite liberal score moved up to 86, good for 10th highest in the chamber. In 2007, as he spent more and more time running for president, he scored 95.5 -- making him the single most liberal-voting Senator that year.

See why we are positive liberaism is based in pure ignorance?

Ah, so he's "liberal" because you say so in a message board post.

Freakin' wacko. :cuckoo:
We know how expensive things were in the USSR, Red China, East Germany when they were socialist. People could not afford much of anything. The lesson our liberals earned was that we ought to switch to socialism while the lesson they learned was they ought to switch to socialism.

And yet socialist ideals help the middle class prosper.
You're not helping you liberal friends on these boards, Friend. Socialist principles were not America's founding principles.
See what I mean? Clueless about distinctions. Absolutely clueless.
Barack O'bama ain't no "liberal". But you are indeed a fucking idiot.

In 2005, he scored 82.5, meaning that his voting record on a select number of economic, foreign policy and social issue votes was more liberal than roughly four in five Senators. That made him the 16th most liberal Senator in the chamber; Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy -- 96.7 score -- was the most liberal. In 2006, Obama's composite liberal score moved up to 86, good for 10th highest in the chamber. In 2007, as he spent more and more time running for president, he scored 95.5 -- making him the single most liberal-voting Senator that year.

See why we are positive liberaism is based in pure ignorance?

Ah, so he's "liberal" because you say so in a message board post.

Freakin' wacko. :cuckoo:

actually its Washington Post based on decades of research. Slow?

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