Liberalism vs America

What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.

Another wag running around with no clue what the term means.
Here, let's keep it simple --- this is Wiki:
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.[2][3][4][5][6]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.<<
(hey, I like the way the new board carries the links :thup: )

Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on. Get your head out of the collective ass of Lush Rimjob and Fox Noise and into a history book. It'll do you no good to follow revisionist demagogues around like a puppy.​

ROFLMNAO! You just posted a position which irrefutably proves that "Left-think"; which is to say the 'feelings' that animate the ideological left, which claims the term: 'liberal' is the pure antithesis of what your would-be source defines as liberalism.

No modern 'liberal' is an advocate of individual liberty. As individual liberty can only exist where the individual assumes the responsibilities which assure his liberty.

Such responsibilities most assuredly reject the accepting of subsistence from their neighbors, OKA: taxes which were confiscated from the labor product of others. Such responsibilities require that one not burden one's neighbors with their personal problems, such as one's inability to control their urges to engage in sexual relations with others of their own gender. Such responsibilities include making sound choices in terms of sexual relationships; for instance where one willfully CHOOSES to engage in sexual intercourse, one does not shirk the intrinsic responsibilities to the lives of the humans conceived through the CHOICE to engage in coitus.

These 'feelings' are the very antithesis of American principle... .

There is absolutely NO KINSHIP between the principles that define America and the ideological left, OKA: "Moderate, Centrist, Independent, Liberal, Progressive, Crony-capitalist, No-name, Socialists..." .
ROFLMNAO! What color is the sky in your world?

That is HYSTERICAL! In every sense of the word.

Like the poster said, where is this charter of American Principles?

I've posted this before, but I'll offer you the courtesy ... as well. I present you: The charter of American principle:

ROFLMNAO! What color is the sky in your world?

That is HYSTERICAL! In every sense of the word.

Like the poster said, where is this charter of American Principles?

I've already posted this, but I'll provide you the courtesy as well:

Well let me help ya with that.

The charter of American principles were declared as the basis of authority on which the founders of the United States, kicked the only government they had ever known, to the curb.

Here's a taste of it:

The Unanimous Declaration of the
Thirteen United States of America

In Congress, July 4, 1776

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. ... .

There is absolutely NO KINSHIP between the principles that define America and the ideological left, OKA: "Moderate, Centrist, Independent, Liberal, Progressive, Crony-capitalist, No-name, Socialists..." .

true enough; that is why the liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. If we erase them from the founding as enemies of the founding ideas they are really exposed as traitors not belonging here. They should race to Cuba before it too turns capitalist!!.
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.

Another wag running around with no clue what the term means.
Here, let's keep it simple --- this is Wiki:
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.[2][3][4][5][6]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.<<
(hey, I like the way the new board carries the links :thup: )

Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on. Get your head out of the collective ass of Lush Rimjob and Fox Noise and into a history book. It'll do you no good to follow revisionist demagogues around like a puppy.​

ROFLMNAO! You just posted a position which irrefutably proves that "Left-think"; which is to say the 'feelings' that animate the ideological left, which claims the term: 'liberal' is the pure antithesis of what your would-be source defines as liberalism.

No modern 'liberal' is an advocate of individual liberty. As individual liberty can only exist where the individual assumes the responsibilities which assure his liberty.

Such responsibilities most assuredly reject the accepting of subsistence from their neighbors, OKA: taxes which were confiscated from the labor product of others. Such responsibilities require that one not burden one's neighbors with their personal problems, such as one's inability to control their urges to engage in sexual relations with others of their own gender. Such responsibilities include making sound choices in terms of sexual relationships; for instance where one willfully CHOOSES to engage in sexual intercourse, one does not shirk the intrinsic responsibilities to the lives of the humans conceived through the CHOICE to engage in coitus.

These 'feelings' are the very antithesis of American principle... .

There is absolutely NO KINSHIP between the principles that define America and the ideological left, OKA: "Moderate, Centrist, Independent, Liberal, Progressive, Crony-capitalist, No-name, Socialists..." .

Aw, that's so cute. A thread about political philosophies and he wants to talk about his feewings. ::snif:: :rofl:

Long as you can't find the flaw in your own premise, Sparky, you ain't moving from that spot.

I have a Masters in History, am a retired History/French teacher, and you are a brainwashed fool lol.

right, I'm guessing a junior in lib commie inner city HS based on your fact free machine gun style of writing.
Prep school, stupid. LOL Serves me right for trying to teach an ignorant Beckbot. or whatever mindless RW hate/drivel.
Obama has confused his sheeple. He was no doubt proud to be rated the most liberal senator in 2007 and one of the most liberal the two previous years.

And then in 2013, he said he'd been governing from the right as president. Hrrmmpphh?!? Do liberals know what liberalism is?

I think not.
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Liberalism founded America. Liberals threw the Revolution. Every time you see the word Liberty, or Freedom, or Right, or Public, or Vote, or Civil, or Citizen, that's Liberalism. You live in a Liberal nation founded by Liberals on the basis of Liberalism. Now learn why that's true and wonder why this is news to you, because it shouldn't be...

You are wrong. Liberals did not found this country. They were the reason it was created, but that was only because our Founders wanted a place better than the countries they left. Liberals hate everything about America and always have. They favor the European governments, which are what our founders ran from. Obama is a liberal who doesn't love this country and that is why he and his ilk want to fundamentally change it. He has disdain for our constitution, which restricts him. He also seems to think our founders got it wrong and seeks to correct that.

There were no income taxes when this country was founded. It was a liberal president that made them permanent. And they've gotten more unfair since then. It's not true that taxes are collected for valid reasons. Congress has given itself too many perks. Should be an honor, and even a sacrifice, to serve our country. It's just another lucrative career now, which means they focus more on their own interests than on the people. Too many social programs allow people to waste tax payer money. And the pork spending is ridiculous.

Government was supposed to be in charge of making our money. It was a liberal who created the Federal Reserve.

There are things our Founders created and there are liberals who changed them.

Liberals found ways to relieve us of our hard-earned money and they waste it.

Our founders never intended for politicians to rule over us and rob us blind. They never intended for serving the country to be a way to get rich and live under special rules that are separate from the rules the people live under.

The best change was from Republicans that freed the slaves and ensured equal rights. Liberals were against all that.

Quit trying to re-write history. Maybe that shit will fly with the dumbed-down liberals, but not with those who know history.

If liberals had founded this country, there would have been socialism from day one.

Another wag running around with no clue what the term means.
Here, let's keep it simple --- this is Wiki:
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas such as free and fair elections, civil rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free trade, and private property.[2][3][4][5][6]

Liberalism first became a distinct political movement during the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among philosophers and economists in the Western world. Liberalism rejected the notions, common at the time, of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The 17th-century philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition. Locke argued that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property[7] and according to the social contract, governments must not violate these rights. Liberals opposed traditional conservatism and sought to replace absolutism in government with representative democracy and the rule of law.<<
(hey, I like the way the new board carries the links :thup: )

Once again ----- Liberalism is what this country is based on. Get your head out of the collective ass of Lush Rimjob and Fox Noise and into a history book. It'll do you no good to follow revisionist demagogues around like a puppy.​

ROFLMNAO! You just posted a position which irrefutably proves that "Left-think"; which is to say the 'feelings' that animate the ideological left, which claims the term: 'liberal' is the pure antithesis of what your would-be source defines as liberalism.

No modern 'liberal' is an advocate of individual liberty. As individual liberty can only exist where the individual assumes the responsibilities which assure his liberty.

Such responsibilities most assuredly reject the accepting of subsistence from their neighbors, OKA: taxes which were confiscated from the labor product of others. Such responsibilities require that one not burden one's neighbors with their personal problems, such as one's inability to control their urges to engage in sexual relations with others of their own gender. Such responsibilities include making sound choices in terms of sexual relationships; for instance where one willfully CHOOSES to engage in sexual intercourse, one does not shirk the intrinsic responsibilities to the lives of the humans conceived through the CHOICE to engage in coitus.

These 'feelings' are the very antithesis of American principle... .

There is absolutely NO KINSHIP between the principles that define America and the ideological left, OKA: "Moderate, Centrist, Independent, Liberal, Progressive, Crony-capitalist, No-name, Socialists..." .

Aw, that's so cute. A thread about political philosophies and he wants to talk about his feewings. ::snif:: :rofl:

Long as you can't find the flaw in your own premise, Sparky, you ain't moving from that spot.


Your above response is wholly detached from any potential relationship with anything in the post to which you cited as that to which you were responding.

Which was your desire, to prove yourself a fool, or a child?
Pub dupe. But thanks for the corrupt world depression.

dear, world depression is caused by massive liberal interference in economy!
So, W. Booosh and his crony regulators who let financial institutions run wild were big liberals, like Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan? Read something, Beckbot. Or who put this idiocy in you?

So Bush was the President of the US from 1975-2008? Fascinatin'...

It appears that we have discovered yet another MSNBC "Hard Baller".

Absolutely no kinship with reality. (For the intellectually less fortunate, Bush made no less than three attempts to slow down the Ideological Left's demand to set coerce sound, actuarial lending principle from the financial markets and Americans in the Legislature held numerous investigations, which the Ideological Left and in particular the Congressional Caucus which just happens to be black, join in unanimity to declare that 'we find these investigations to be direct attacks on people of color... driven by greed.' Maxine Waters, standing with John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee and the usual suspects, 2006 on the steps of the Capitol.

There is absolutely NO KINSHIP between the principles that define America and the ideological left, OKA: "Moderate, Centrist, Independent, Liberal, Progressive, Crony-capitalist, No-name, Socialists..." .

true enough; that is why the liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. If we erase them from the founding as enemies of the founding ideas they are really exposed as traitors not belonging here. They should race to Cuba before it too turns capitalist!!.
ACTUALLY, they were communists or ACTUAL far left socialists. Some Liberals might have had some sympathy for our allies the Russians who lost 25 MILLION defeating Hitler, and some fear of our militarists, but never gave away atomic secrets...

There is absolutely NO KINSHIP between the principles that define America and the ideological left, OKA: "Moderate, Centrist, Independent, Liberal, Progressive, Crony-capitalist, No-name, Socialists..." .

true enough; that is why the liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. If we erase them from the founding as enemies of the founding ideas they are really exposed as traitors not belonging here. They should race to Cuba before it too turns capitalist!!.
ACTUALLY, they were communists or ACTUAL far left socialists. Some Liberals might have had some sympathy for our allies the Russians who lost 25 MILLION defeating Hitler, and some fear of our militarists, but never gave away atomic secrets...


Watch this kids:

Please define the word 'liberal' as you intended its use, wherein some of those defining themselves as such 'might have had some sympathies for the Soviets'?

Edit: The contributor has clearly figured out that my query was a 'trick'. You see, to define the term is to refute the Left's position, entirely.

The failure to respond is a concession by default. (Ya did the best ya could scamp.)
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What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Actually the neoliberal agenda instituted by Reagan/Thatcher in the 80s was more damaging to American families than the supposed moral turpitude of the Left.

During the heyday of American Liberalism - 1945-80 but especially the 50s & 60s - we had the largest middle class in world history. More Americans families had access to high wages, slid benefits and affordable college.

But there was a problem. The American corporate sector got sick of paying the world's highest wages and benefits, which were backed by powerful labor laws. American businesses were also sick of supporting a tax structure which funded public universities so that hard working middle class families could send their children to college, which itself is the very definition of upward mobility.

Reagan's rise to power was funded corporations who had one goal: to unburden capital from high taxes, unnecessary regulations and high operating costs (including what Reagan claimed were artificially high labor costs because of unions and 30 years of Liberal rule under the New Deal structure).

Reagan successfully undermined the high wages that American corporations were paying. He did this by crushing unions and deregulating every possible aspect of business, including all the labor and trade regulations that prevented American corporations from shipping production to cheaper labor markets.

For the last 30 years we have been following Reagan's model by lowering wages and shipping jobs to places where our capitalists could realize higher returns. This was done to incentivize investment, and it has some logic to it, that is, if capitalists earn a higher return than they will be more likely to invest and grow the economy.

The problem with driving down the labor costs of the capitalists is that you are also driving down the wages of American families, who, starting with Reagan, took on unprecedented debt in order to make up for lost wage, jobs and benefits. Don't take my word for it. Please research what happened to family debt in the 80s when we all started receiving 3 credit card offers a week. Basically, the Reagan/Thatcher model lorded over the transition from wage to credit based consumption. So the middle class has spent 30 years going deeper and deeper into debt as their jobs/wages/benefits have evaporated so as to ensure a higher return to capital.

The effect of this has been devastating on the American Family. Take Walmart, the epitome of the new American wage structure. It does not pay its workers enough to survive. This would be one thing if it was a small business, but it's largest retailer in the country. How can you tell people to just get another job when the largest retailer in the world pays wages that do not support even a small family. The Walmart wage structure has decimated American families. The Waltons don't care about American families, which is why they get most of there goods made in Asia. (The story of the loss of the middle class is very much a story of how the American corporation, with the help of the government, partnered with foreign nations to divest in American labor, and basically destroy the wages/benefits that supported American families. That is why it's funny when the corporations that fund movement conservatism talk about patriotism. They are selling poor Americans flags made in China, and the average republican voter does not see it).

Reaganomics, in its drive to lower wages and unwind programs that helped middle class families, created two things. 1) Concentrated wealth that supported a narrow group of families who have more money than they can ever spend. 2) Poor people, i.e.., cheap labor.

The New Deal and the high wage structure created more solvent American families than anything in history. Reagan destroyed it. He even undermined the programs that provided struggling American families with affordable education. This has had a tragic affect on the American family.
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My goodness... look at all the impotence demonstrated by the "Disagree" marks. This is what comes where one 'feels' they disagree, but lack the strength of character and the intellectual means to offer a valid opposing opinion.

LOL! Leftists... .
What liberalism has done to America?

1) Ruined the family structure for many.

2) Put the country on the road to bankruptcy

3) Made it acceptable for far to many to waste their lives drunk, drugged and freeloading.

Actually the neoliberal agenda instituted by Reagan/Thatcher in the 80s was more damaging to American families than the supposed moral turpitude of the Left.

During the heyday of American Liberalism - 1945-80 but especially the 50s & 60s - we had the largest middle class in world history. More Americans families had access to high wages, slid benefits and affordable college.

But there was a problem. The American corporate sector got sick of paying the world's highest wages and benefits, which were backed by powerful labor laws. When Reagan took over he had one goal, to unburden capital from taxes, regulations and high operating costs (including what he claimed were artificially high labor costs because of unions and 30 years of Liberal rule under the New Deal structure put in place by FDR, but enlarged by each subsequent president including Eisenhower and Nixon who were both Big Government Conservatives).

But here is the point. Reagan successfully undermined the high wages that American corporations were paying. He did this by crushing unions and deregulating everything, including all the labor and trade regulations that prevented American corporations from shipping production to cheaper labor markets.

For the last 30 years we have been following Reagan's model by lowering wages and shipping jobs to the cheapest possible labor markets. This was done to incentivize investment, and it has some logic to it, that is, if capitalists earn a higher return than they will be more likely to invest and grow the economy.

The problem with driving down the labor costs of the capitalists is that you are also driving down the wages of American families, who, starting with Reagan, took on unprecedented debt. Don't take my word for it. Please research what happened to family debt in the 80s when we all started receiving 3 credit card offers a week. Basically, the Reagan/Thatcher model lead the transition from wage to credit based consumption. So the middle class has spent 30 years going deeper and deeper into debt as their jobs/wages/benefits have evaporated to ensure a higher return to capital.

The effect of this has been devastating on the American Family. Take Walmart, who has shifted to a 3rd world wage structure where it does not pay its workers enough to survive. This has decimated American families. The Waltons don't care about American families, which is why they get most of there goods made in Asia, mostly China.

Reaganomics, in its drive to lower wages and unwind programs that helped middle class families, created two things. 1) Concentrated wealth punctuated by a narrow group of families who have more money than they can ever spend. 2) Poor people, i.e.., cheap labor.

The New Deal and the high wage structure created more solvent American families than anything in history. Reagan destroyed it. He even undermined the programs that provided struggling American families with affordable education. This has had a tragic affect on the American family.


Now isn't that precious? Delusion on Parade!

High wages on low production is inflationary. The costs to the consumer undermine the value of the currency.

What this contributor is offering is a fractional variation on the insipid notion that 'if the government gave everyone a million dollars, everyone would be equal and have no financial problems."

In truth, all that such would do is make a million dollars equal to NO DOLLARS. As everyone would have it, thus to get anyone to do ANYTHING would cost at least: (guess how much).
Pub dupe. But thanks for the corrupt world depression.

dear, world depression is caused by massive liberal interference in economy!
So, W. Booosh and his crony regulators who let financial institutions run wild were big liberals, like Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan? Read something, Beckbot. Or who put this idiocy in you?

So Bush was the President of the US from 1975-2008? Fascinatin'...

It appears that we have discovered yet another MSNBC "Hard Baller".

Absolutely no kinship with reality. (For the intellectually less fortunate, Bush made no less than three attempts to slow down the Ideological Left's demand to set coerce sound, actuarial lending principle from the financial markets and Americans in the Legislature held numerous investigations, which the Ideological Left and in particular the Congressional Caucus which just happens to be black, join in unanimity to declare that 'we find these investigations to be direct attacks on people of color... driven by greed.' Maxine Waters, standing with John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee and the usual suspects, 2006 on the steps of the Capitol.
Funny how the real estate market went from 75-80% Fanny and Freddie to 25% in 2003 and Booosh regulators approved junk assets as A+, to insured and sold around the world. Great job!

Your post- total bs. A whole other subject...
My goodness... look at all the impotence demonstrated by the "Disagree" marks. This is what comes where one 'feels' they disagree, but lack the strength of character and the intellectual means to offer a valid opposing opinion.

LOL! Leftists... .
I'll let them have their little disagree marks. I think they've run out of names to call us.
Pub dupe. But thanks for the corrupt world depression.

dear, world depression is caused by massive liberal interference in economy!
So, W. Booosh and his crony regulators who let financial institutions run wild were big liberals, like Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan? Read something, Beckbot. Or who put this idiocy in you?

So Bush was the President of the US from 1975-2008? Fascinatin'...

It appears that we have discovered yet another MSNBC "Hard Baller".

Absolutely no kinship with reality. (For the intellectually less fortunate, Bush made no less than three attempts to slow down the Ideological Left's demand to set coerce sound, actuarial lending principle from the financial markets and Americans in the Legislature held numerous investigations, which the Ideological Left and in particular the Congressional Caucus which just happens to be black, join in unanimity to declare that 'we find these investigations to be direct attacks on people of color... driven by greed.' Maxine Waters, standing with John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee and the usual suspects, 2006 on the steps of the Capitol.

Funny how the real estate market went from 75-80% Fanny and Freddie to 25% in 2003 and Booosh regulators approved junk assets as A+, to insured and sold around the world. Great job!

Your post- total bs. A whole other subject...

LOL! Total nonsense.

The financial markets crashed, as they had to crash.

The Ideological Left had spent three decades coercing the financial markets to set aside sound, actuarial lending principle for their patented and wholly irrational notion of 'fairness'.

In the late 90s, they finally managed to get the market to do it, by guaranteeing that where the banks would loan to unqualified mortgage applicants that the federal government would insure their liabilities.

Inevitably, the reduction in lending standards caused a run on the highly coveted mortgage and the intrinsic real property which secures those long term debt instruments. It was a natural certainty that as long as the standard permitted any applicant access to a mortgage, that the value of real estate would continue to increase until it reached the point where the market could not sustain the values. And when that happened the US Federal Government would be on the hook for trillions in bad loans.

By setting the bad loans into securities, the markets offset the government liabilities.

In truth, had they not securitized those duds, the US Federal government would have been irretreivably bankrupt in 2007.

There is no principle which provides that lowering standards ever results in higher performance, and there is no example in human history, wherein the Ideological Left has ever advocated raising a standard.

Since Americans (Conservatives) are those who seek to conserve the recognition of natural principle and have, as a result never advocated for lowering a soundly reasoned standard, we can be know to an absolute certainty that no American was found advocating for the lowering of the soundly reasoned standards common to actuarial lending principle, thus the crash of 2007, was wholly the result of a catastrophic failure of socialist policy.

To suggest otherwise demonstrates that the advocate of such is a braying fool.

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