

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
I'm starting this thread so we have a place to post the destruction that liberalism causes...and to expose the carnage to the earth that should over ride any concern over carbon output....look at this 3rd world filth....we as a people can do better and should demand our leaders do their duty.....

I'm starting this thread so we have a place to post the destruction that liberalism causes...and to expose the carnage to the earth that should over ride any concern over carbon output....look at this 3rd world filth....we as a people can do better and should demand our leaders do their duty.....

It's not liberalism, dude.

These are stone Marxists, and it's time for real liberals to reclaim the term.
Liberalism is a political philosophy based upon egalitarianism, the desire to expand people's ability to determine their own destiny short of hurting others, seeks to do the most good for the most people, places ideals above identity, and places the individual above the preconceptions expected of that individual.

............... and almost every single leftist here despises it to the core of their being.
They call themselves liberal and they run for office under the democrat party....if liberals want to remove themselves from those who are really communist Marxist they first must begin to call them out and stop voting for them.....
I'm starting this thread so we have a place to post the destruction that liberalism causes...and to expose the carnage to the earth that should over ride any concern over carbon output....look at this 3rd world filth....we as a people can do better and should demand our leaders do their duty.....

So you’ve created a lying troll thread
The few real liberals were drummed out the Democratic Party decades ago. Which is why the Marxist cult is now known as The Democrat Party. Today Kennedy would be considered a neo-con and Truman a war criminal....oh, wait....he already is!
I'm starting this thread so we have a place to post the destruction that liberalism causes...and to expose the carnage to the earth that should over ride any concern over carbon output....look at this 3rd world filth....we as a people can do better and should demand our leaders do their duty.....

First off, as many others have mentioned, today's American Political Left are not liberals—in any sense of the historical definition of liberal. Some have defined modern democrats as communists, and while that's pretty much what they are in a nutshell, it is very important to note that they are also hardcore Sadists and Satanists as well.

The dusty, edgy, wholly vile writings of Le Marquis de Sade form the basis for much of modern democrat ideology, in particular justification for abortion as population control and pornography based on violent sex, as well as infidelity and atheism and transgenderism. De Sade believed women were little more than bags of living flesh to be sexually tortured and used sexually until there was nothing feminine left in them. He abhorred the female form and rejoiced in its violent desecration, which is exactly the same as what transgenderism does to women. He was also an advocate of bestiality and child pornography, both of which the modern Left seems to have little moral problem with.

Modern American Leftism is also completely Satanic. Satan cannot create new life so he twists beings already created by God into horrid, mutilated monsters. Transgenderism, anyone? The modern American Left also champions and defends with endless poisonous vitriol the mass murder of the unborn which reduces human numbers and despoils human flesh and form—something Satan must surely applaud. And the modern American Left is completely anti-nuclear family, atheist at heart, and celebrates the liberation of violent criminals.

Traditional, ancient liberalism was both boon and curse and always has been since time immemorial. Hard conservatism is a very slow moving, careful master—one which seeks to slow walk mankind into the future and is very much indelibly connected to the past. Hard conservatism does not want to let the past go—the safety of known and understood and long practiced social tradition—until it is certain new ideas will not destroy civilization. Where conservatism can go wrong and requires some degree of liberalism to keep mankind from stagnating, is in conservatism's tendency to be exploited by authoritarian traditionalists, such as the Old World medieval Church and the hereditary/God chosen monarchies of yesteryear.

The Enlightenment is a prime example of traditional, benevolent liberalism saving mankind from itself by suggesting alternatives to both rigid religion as the only answer to man's problems and in ushering in the new-old concept of government by the people, for the people. In the case of the Enlightenment liberalism advanced mankind out of the darkness of rigid religion and monarchical tyranny and into our current Age of voting democracies and republics, or the First World nations of the West.

But even traditional liberalism is also very dangerous. Where conservatives of the past might have stunted mankind's growth into such advancements as the Industrial Age, liberals at times tried to advance mankind forward too quickly, which resulted in the slaughter of millions.

The key difference between traditional liberals and those who call themselves "liberal" in our modern times is those liberals of old meant well, at least insofar as they wanted mankind to improve and SURVIVE as a whole species, whereas today's "liberals" despise mankind and blame him for all of the world's woes. Modern "liberalism" is a suicide cult whose end goal is at least the drastic reduction of the human race if not its ultimate extinction. Ancient, traditional liberals, the real deal, never would have sought the mass murder or extinction of the human race. It is really that bloody simple.
Let’s not forget liberals destroyed the Boy Scouts.

I'm starting this thread so we have a place to post the destruction that liberalism causes...and to expose the carnage to the earth that should over ride any concern over carbon output....look at this 3rd world filth....we as a people can do better and should demand our leaders do their duty.....

So you’ve created a lying troll thread

Explain how.
Maybe the dems should clean their own nest and let Trump leave office without all of this crap...liberalism is destroying American cities and the federal government is blind to it....
They call themselves liberal and they run for office under the democrat party....if liberals want to remove themselves from those who are really communist Marxist they first must begin to call them out and stop voting for them.....

Won't happen. Too many already indoctrinated once Marxism infiltrated our secondary educational system 50 years ago and then went on to metastasize in our public school primary education system for at the least, the last 30 years.

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